Saturday, 3 March 2018
Obtaining Favor (Part 2)
Proverbs 18:22, "He who finds a [true] wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." (Amp. Bible)
Many people think that it is any wife you get that will make you obtain favor from God, but the Bible is very specific, it says, "He who finds a true wife..."
This is like telling people to search for a specific ball amongst other similar looking balls and saying, whoever gets the real ball, will get a prize.
And as we finished on our part one yesterday, we said that women are an embodiment of wisdom, while man is an embodiment of knowledge. Yet, wisdom does not exist without knowledge, because wisdom is the application of knowledge. This is why one of the worst mistakes a man can do is to unequally yoke himself.
When God was creating Eve, He said, "I will make Adam a helper meet for him", this is to say, "I will make Adam a helper who has what it takes to handle Adam's load". If you yoke an experienced bull with a bull that is training, the experienced bull will be slowed down in its work and the other will be dragged to its death. This is the danger if being unequally yoked.
Therefore, the woman that becomes a true wife to a man, must be either stronger than the man in applying knowledge, not in muscles and strength, or be equal to him. Any woman that is enjoined with the man who is stronger than her in the processing of knowledge into wisdom reduces the productivity of the union.
The woman is "a value addition system", the man is supposed to provide the knowledge and the woman is supposed to manufacture it into a sellable product. How well a family is packaged is not the effort of the man but of a woman.
This is why the Bible says that "a wise woman builds her house, while a foolish one tears it down with her own hands". It also says that, "A wise son gives joy to his father, while a foolish one brings grief to his mother".
The man is the head of the family, it is the head that houses the brain from where ideas emanate, but however big the idea from the head may be, if the body fails to apply it the head cannot do anything but just sit on the top. It is therefore the work of man to tell the woman the vision he has, it is then the work of the woman to move heaven and earth to make sure they reach that destiny. It is their work to ask, "how are we going to reach there?" "How far are we from there?" And to keep challenging the head to bring out new ideas for application.
The union between a husband and a wife is also a combination of strength and power. The man brings in the strength, the woman is power. When each in the union learns and knows where they play, everything moves smoothly. And as I said yesterday, this can only happen if everything is done with understanding.
What makes a true wife?
How would you know a true wife?
A true wife is made up of love, and from where we stopped yesterday, I said, love is a commitment, love is a decision and love is a responsibility. The reason why many unions break is because, nowadays love has been reduced into a feeling. A girl goes into a marriage dependant on how she feels about a boy. Without knowing that feelings are seasonal. And after you get used to a person, feelings are bound to change.
That is the truth, yes, the bitter truth, it doesn't matter how you feel about someone today, if only you get a chance to be seeing him daily, living with him, sleeping with him, eating with him, seeing him Naked... the longest you can continually feel the same way you feel about him is three years. After three years, the feelings change, you start feeling other things.
This is why, even in marriage, the first three years are very different from the next seven years and the years after the ten years mark. A marriage is divided in three segments, the first three years are like the honeymoon period, after those three years there are seven years of post honeymoon period. In this period of seven years, the feelings are very different from how they were in courtship and what holds people together is commitment, decisions and responsibility... and this is the real definition of love.
After the first ten years, now the life of a couple begins, it is after these ten years that you know whether you got yourself a true wife or a false one. Because after these years, there is nothing left to hide, and the fruits of her tree are all ready to harvest. Which brings me to the second question I asked, "how do you know a true wife?"
Well, that's tricky because you will have to wait for ten years in marriage to know. As Jesus said, "You shall know them by their fruits". It is after these ten years that the fruits of a marriage are ready for picking. And as I said, it is the woman that builds a house, therefore, after ten years, you can look back and see how you were when you met and the changes she has brought into your life in those ten years. You can now know the difference between one that has transformed knowledge into wisdom and one that thinks that man should do everything.
Nowadays, marriages are breaking even before they go beyond the three years mark or right after the three years mark. This is so because most are based on feelings.
Becoming a true wife is a decision, you commit yourself to and make it your responsibility. It is never about how you feel it is about what you believe. A true wife doesn't think that she can only transform the life of a man she feels attracted to, instead, she believes that she has the ability to change the knowledge of any man God puts in her hands into wisdom, not just for their benefit but even for his generations. Therefore, feelings just play a role of identifying the blessed man to be her lord, but not the role of limiting her incubation abilities.
This is why a wise woman can see a man's potential even before it has been turned into motion and tie herself unto him and help it to metamorphose into kinetic energy which she will change into power.
Let's do yet another part of this series tomorrow.
Shalom and God bless you...keep the faith.
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