Sunday, 4 March 2018

Obtaining Favor (Part 4)

Proverbs 18:22, "He who finds a [true] wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." (Amp. Bible)

Strength without power becomes dictatorship. Power without strength brings oppression. But strength combined with power brings forth dominion. And this is what God talked about in Genesis chapter one, verse 26 And God  said, "Let us make man in our image, after our  likeness: and let them have dominion over the  fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and  over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over  every creeping thing that creepeth upon the  earth."
He said "let them", He did not say "let him" or "let her". This is so because knowledge is not power, instead, *knowledge gives power. I went to a primary school and our motto was that "knowledge is power", but I have learnt in life that unless knowledge is metamorphosed into wisdom, it is nothing but strength.

Strength is the ability to move things around. If you want to move a table from one point or position to another what you need is strength. But power is the ability to transform, you don't need strength to transform water into vapour, what you need is a power called heat. However strong you may be, you cannot turn water into ice, unless you have a power called cold. But with strength, you can move buckets of water from one ground to the other.
The combination of a man and a woman is a combination of strength and power. It is a combination of the ability to move and the ability to transform. A woman cannot do what a man can do, neither can a man do what a woman can do. A man's work is to carry generations from one point to another in his loins, but it is not until he deposits his generations into a woman's womb that the woman can transform them into real visible generations.
A man has the strength to build a house, but it is the woman that has the power to make it a home.

A man has the strength to have a vision, but it is the woman that has the power to determine their destination.
This is why I told you yesterday, unless a woman understands the vision of a man, then whatever they build will not avail much and sooner than later, they may end up either breaking up or that union will be like a prison to one of them or to both of them.
But when a woman knows the vision of a man, she immediately engages her power to transform it into a mission, and makes everything in her life a SUBMISSION.
Many women define submission as "saying "yes" to everything a man says". But true submission is when a woman makes sure that she will still achieve what she was meant to achieve on earth, but this time, it will be on their way to her man's destiny. In other words, her mission in life becomes a SUB-MISSION that will be achieved in the process of achieving the main MISSION which is the man's VISION.

I said this some time back, but it doesn't hurt to repeat, submission is like when you are going for something at point D, from point A, but you know you must refuel, eat and or buy something else at points B and C. The things you do at points B and C are called submissions, while what you do at D is the mission for the vision. Points B and C are called destinations, terminus or stop overs, while point D is called destiny.
Whenever a woman decides to offer a vision for the family, in the place of her man,  physically it may look like she has given the family a destiny, but spiritually and in the real sense, she has only created a destination for the family.
Because as I said, in the hierachy of God, man answers directly to God, while a woman answers to man and children answer to their mother.

This is why the Bible says that "A man shall leave his mother and father and be enjoined to his wife". The Bible does not say a woman shall leave her mother and father. Why because, when a man is old enough, he is supposed to stop answering to a woman (his mother), and go up the ladder to answer directly to God, like his father does. Jesus said, "I only do what I see my Father do". And so should the boys do, when they have become of age, they should graduate from answering to their mothers and answer directly to God as they see their father do! And in the process they should get a woman that will answer to them as they see their mother do. When Marry came to tell Jesus to turn water into wine at the wedding in Canada of Galilee, Jesus answered her, "Woman, what do I have to do with you?" It sounded quite rude to me at first, to here a child call its mother "Woman". But there is a spiritual indication to this, that this son was already grown up, and was leaving his father and mother, to answer to God directly.
Two visions in one place bring something called DIVISION. The word division is made up of two words "Di" which means two parts and "vision", which we have discussed and still are discussing.

The Bible does not say, "where there are no visions", No,  it says, "where there is no vision (one, singular)".
This is why, the maturity of a man is not measured by his age, but by his ability and desire to leave his father's house to build his own vision. One of the quickest ways to know if a man is mature is to look at how tightly or loosely he is still connected to his father and mother. If your man still keeps on complaining how his parent cannot help him yet they are rich, he is still yet to mature because he is yet to capture his own vision.
It is a man's vision that attracts provision.
If you are still begging so as to finance "a vision" then that is not a vision. The Bible says, write your vision in bold letters so that whoever sees it may run. You are not supposed to beg or fundraise to finance a vision. You are supposed to write it down so that whoever sees it will run, either towards you or away from you or with you.

A man should leave his father and mother, cleave to his wife and then his vision, should attract provision. It should be financiers telling you, "We want to chip in", not you begging them to chip in and getting angry and grudgy if they don't.
This brings us back to our theme scripture, "whoever finds a true wife... obtains favor" favor means you will not need to beg to get your vision going. Things will just come as others go... because of favor!

Why does a true wife bring favor, because she is able to transform your vision into a mission and when people hear from her mouth the wisdom which we said she will always attribute to your knowledge, of where you are going, everybody will want to chip in and be part of the story that will become of your destiny. Let me finish this part four of this series by saying that, *when a woman understands a man's vision, her submissions are a refueling stations to the main Mission*. Because it is in submission which we called destinations that she will attract provisions to the vision for the mission. Let's pick up part five from here, tomorrow or when God next allows us.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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