Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Spiritual Poverty (Part 2)

 *Matthew 5: 3, "Blessed  are the poor in  spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."*

Yesterday we looked at spiritual food as well continue to demystify spiritual poverty. And we stopped at a point where we said that you must be sensitive enough to know  the kind of food you should eat and shouldn't eat. You should be able to smell your kind of food from very far. Else, you will fall into the trouble of getting food poisoned.
I am not bragging, but I must say that there are a lot of chain messages that fly all over social media, but as for me, I only need to read the first three paragraphs at most to know if a message contains information I should consume or not.
Paul said that everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. Information is available and good, but not every information is for you to consume.
I have had friends who were very good at first, but then they consumed wrong information and I am sorry to say that spiritually they died from spiritual food poisoning.
One was a very good preacher, we went from one high school to another with him preaching and shaping destinies of young high schoolers. But then he found himself studying another doctrine, a doctrine that emphasised on less reading of the bible but more of meditation. It taught him that there is no place called heaven, telling him that he was already in heaven. He started teaching that Jesus is never coming back, and saying that Jesus came back a long time ago. Nowadays, non of us want to be associated with him, schools barred him from speaking to the children in the long run, he opened a congregation somewhere where he teaches this "new" knowledge that he calls revelation after deep meditation.
Another one was a good brother. And he started to study occultism with emphasis on illuminati. At first he told us that he was studying this so that he may know how best to fight the devil. After a while he started telling us that after you have left occultism, you should not join Christianity. He said Christianity cannot protect you from what the devil does to those who leave his breed. And he started telling us that the best religion to join after leaving the devil's camp is Islam. Remember he was a Christian, but he got poisoned by what he consumed, to the point of believing that Jesus is powerless to protect those who come running to Him. He forgot even his favorite memory verse, "The name of the LORD is a strong tower, unto which the righteous run and they are safe".
These and many others were once great preachers, but they did not have self control at the table. Like Shadrach, Meshack,  Abednego and Daniel we need to master the art of saying "no!" to what we are not supposed to consume.
I tell people who send me illuminati information, that, I am not ignorant but *I believe the devil needs to know about me more than I need to know about him*. Therefore, whether every famous person is illuminati or not, that is their business, my business is to make the devil know about me, not me to know about him.
The sons of Sceva in bible learnt this the hard way. They went to cast out a demon in the name of Jesus that Paul preached. The demons told them, "We know Jesus and Paul too, but who are you?" These guys knew about the devil, but the devil had no idea they existed.
One of the best way to avoid food poisoning is by knowing your shepherd. You need to identify your shepherd. And you identify your shepherd by learning the voice of God.
Jesus said, "My sheep know my voice".
When you know the voice of Jesus, you will be able to mark out the right food from afar. Like David said, "The LORD is my shepherd...He makes me lay in green pastures... and leads me beside still waters."
It doesn't mean that because a certain man doesn't minister to you, that they are not preaching God. No! It just means that they are not your shepherd.
Sometimes I surf through my tv, and I pass over channels that have preachers on them, and you will see their congregation jumping up and down in excitement. But I will just go to the next channel. I am not doing so because they are preaching the devil, I am doing so because I know the kind of food I eat. When I go to a restaurant, I ask for the menu, not so that I may see what they have cooked, but so that I may see if they have the kind of food I eat.
I have a friend that takes me to all kinds of restaurants. And sometimes he will take me to a Chinese restaurant, and you will see Chinese enjoying all these kinds of weird  (albeit to me) delicacies. But as for me, I will take the menu, jump over the snakes, the snails and the rest and rest my finger on what I can eat. Have you ever eaten a crocodile? I am told it has one of the sweetest meats. I have had numerous opportunities to eat its meat but haven't, because it is not my kind of food!
You need to know the voice of God. When you know the voice of God, you will hear Him everywhere and anywhere where He is. You will enter a church and even before everything, all you see will tell you whether God is there or not. There are churches I enter and all I can do is check my WhatsApp conversations, what's trending online, etc. There are other houses (not churches) that I  enter and know, God is here.
The first time I audibly heard the voice of God,  I thought I was speaking to myself. He sounded exactly like me. But now I have learnt to hear Him even from stones and donkeys when they speak.
But I emphasise,  just because you don't hear God,  through me doesn't mean that I don't preach God. It only means that God does not speak to you through me.
We are like letters, preachers are like letters, letters addressed to a specific person. Sometimes you may have a letter addressed to the president, but you want the deputy president to react on it. The deputy president will tell you, "but this letter is not addressed to me". Same with preachers, a preacher may be having a great message, but it is not addressed to you, he or she is not addressed to you.
God told Elijah, "I have COMMANDED a widow to feed you", the widow did not hear any command from God, but her heart was moved to obey Elijah. You do not need to hear the audible voice of God, all you need is to move as your heart is being moved.
And if you do so, while others suffer and long for the rains, you will be wondering what the fuss is all about.
Some people hear God from me, they feel their hearts moved to cook for me the first bread, but then something tells them, "No, your shepherd is so and so", yet if you ask them what that person taught them today in church they will not remember, but they can remember a message I posted three years ago almost word for word. Some have even preached messages I sent to them, but they still deny I am their shepherd, Why? Because we don't meet physically. The same way people treat God because they don't meet Him physically. With such a behavior, food poisoning is inevitable.
We continue tomorrow...
Shalom and keep the faith.

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