Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Spiritual Poverty (Part 9)

*Matthew 5:3, "Blessed  are the poor in  spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."* (KJV)

We started on this series about 12 days ago and our aim was to really understand what Jesus really meant when He said that *a spiritually poor person is to be preferred over others for the kingdom of God.* And just to recapture, we started by defining poverty as an inability to access the four basic needs with ease. Where we said that, just like we have four physical basic needs, we also have four spiritual basic needs.
The clothes which we called righteousness,  the food which we called the word of God, the shelter which we called the house of God and now we are right about wrapping it up with spiritual education.
Amongst the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit there is one which is called *the gift of wisdom*. It is a God given ability to speak what you are needed to say, when you are needed to say it and where you are needed to say it. It is not to be confused with *the gift of knowledge*, which is a God given access to privy information concerning a matter or a person or a situation. But these two should be used hand in hand.
For instance, if you really are sailing in the gift of knowledge, which many confuse with the gift of prophesy, just because you know privy information about someone, doesn't necessarily mean you go exposing them.
If for example, the Holy Spirit reveals to you that there is a woman in the congregation who has an issue with or in her private parts. That is not prophesy, it is a gift of knowledge and wisdom will tell you that you do not need to embarrass her to the rest of the congregation.
When Jesus healed the woman with an issue of blood, it is the writers of the story that tell us what was going on in her life. But all Jesus said was, "Someone touched me" and demanded to know who it was. But He did not go exposing everything to everybody.
But demons of showbiz have invaded those with the gift of knowledge. And so as to prove and show the world the power they possess, they find themselves exposing the most embarrassing things about people, and while the bearer of the problem may be healed physically, emotionally and socially they are left crushed.
We need therefore, to agree to sit down and be educated. We need to keep learning and to understand that there is no end to learning. *Poverty is all about insufficiency*, and we need to know that there is no one particular moment that you will have sufficient education. After elementary level certificate, there is ordinary level certificate, after that there is still advanced level certificate, after that there are diplomas, which are also graded in degrees, masters and PhDs. And no one is so learned that they need education no more.
A person was asking me yesterday why I am teaching about poverty, when I am supposed to be teaching about prosperity. He told me he doesn't believe in poverty and doesn't want to hear about it. So *he kindly requested* me to exempt him from my poverty lectures. But I told him that if he had not dismissed the series bases on the title, he would have understood what I am really discussing. I tried to reason but he adamantly said, "As long as I am talking about poverty, he doesn't care what else I am talking about". My point is, *I am not teaching you to be poor*, at least not physically and at most not spiritually.
We said, *Poverty is a mentality*, I want you to be rich, both physically and spiritually, but still be able to remain as humble as a poor person spiritually.
In that even if you have the wisdom of King Solomon, you can still humble yourself to be taught by a child like Nesh here. Even if you are the best at keeping law, you can still accept the grace of our LORD Jesus Christ to cover you. Even if you are the greatest philanthropist in the world, you can still accept the free gift of God which is eternal life.
When Jesus says, "Blessed are the poor" He knew we will come to define poverty. It is about a mind set, a mind system, a way of thinking that humbles you even though you might be the greatest.
Naaman even though he was the greatest in Syria had to humble himself and take a bath in the dirty waters of river Jordan. And through that, he was healed of leprosy. This is why we need education and to be educated on spiritual matters, to understand that *it is not by power, nor by might, but by the Spirit of God that we prevail.* Some trust in chariots and still fail, others trust in horses and still fail, but when you trust in God you never fail.
Spiritual education will teach you that, saying you trust in the LORD does not mean that you do not have chariots and horses, it only means that you don't draw your confidence of winning the fight from them horses and chariots.
Spiritual education will teach you to get the diplomas, but when you go for interviews, your confidence will be anchored more on God than on the diplomas!
Spiritual education will teach you to get yourself a car, but it will also teach you to always trust in God not in your car, to reach your destination.
Spiritual education will teach you to build a good, magnificent house, but to trust in God to make it a home.
Spiritual education will give you the charm to lure girls right, left and centre, but also teach you that a good wife comes from the LORD.
There is no end to education, no one is the best in it, even the highest in it can be taught by the lowest in it. I have been quoted as saying, *"Even a mad man speaks sense once in a while, it is what they speak after the sense that tells you their senses may be corrupted."*
Even the Bible has proven to us that a donkey can see what a prophet could not see. Balaam could not see the Angel of the LORD, but his donkey saw Him. And you know, and or if you don't I am telling you now, whenever and wherever you see *"the Angel of the LORD"* written in the bible, that phrase represents Jesus Christ. In the old testament, Jesus appeared to people, but to distinguish Him from other angels, the writers recorded His appearances by calling Him "the angel of the LORD", instead of just saying "an angel" or "the angel". That was a side-dish, my point is, even stones can praise God if and when humans refuse to do so.
In Kenya we have a few artist that call themselves gospel artists to the dismay of even non-believers. But I am not dismayed, because if the right people who are supposed to worship are not worshipping, God will raise for Himself stones to praise Him. Do not dismiss a stone after God has risen it to praise Him! Stop hitting a donkey that can see what you as a prophet cannot see! Instead, humble yourself and be educated.
Tomorrow we wind up this sweet topic, as usual, not because I am out of materials to write, but mainly because the spirit of a prophet is always under the control of the prophet, hence I decide where I start and where I end. Hahahaha.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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