Sunday, 4 March 2018

Obtaining Favor (Part 5)

Proverbs 18:22, "He who finds a [true] wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." (Amp. Bible)

The family setup is like a building, where the husband is the foundation and the wife is the building on top of the foundation. I remember some time back I posted a message dubbed, "When God delays a spouse", and in it I was explaining that, while most of the times it is our own mistakes that keep us away from getting married, some other times it is God who takes a little bit of His time preparing the foundation on which a woman will be built on, because most probably, the woman is supposed to be a skyscraper. Therefore the foundation who is the man takes quite some time preparing.

It so happens that a man matures a little bit slower than a woman. Most of the times, by when a lady is twenty years old, she is all ready to become someone's wife, and the only thing she is doing is resisting it. But a man can go up to thirty five years before he has captured his own vision. Actually, many capture a vision while they are already living with someone's daughter. Yes, many have gotten married long before they get a glimpse of what they want their destiny to become.
Many people ask me when the right age for marriage is. My answer is and has always been that, the right age for marriage is marked by the day you understand where you are going in life.

A woman ought to understand her mission on earth, because it will become a submission to her man's mission. A man must understand his mission on earth because it is his mission that will attract the right submission.
Women do not submit to a man, women submit to a mission. If a man does not have a mission, it becomes very difficult for him to make a woman submit.
If you discover that your woman is not submissive, what you need to check on is the mission you have displayed, because may be her missions; which should be submissions, do not fit in your mission.

The Bible says that a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. This tells you that the man is the one that is supposed to desperately hold on to his wife. But roles have changed nowadays, the women are the ones playing the desperadoes card, while men care less they just use and go.
This is because the women have taken up the role of loving men and in return they want the men to submit. Whereas, it should be the opposite. The man should love a woman and the woman is supposed to submit.
What does it mean to submit?

"Submit" carries two meanings depending on where you put the word "to"; it can either be "to submit" or "submit to". Many women run "submit to" before they finish "to submit".
"To submit" is to give something considerations, give your own views present your side of story or account, etc. "Submit to" is agreeing to become subject to a mission.
You should not "submit to" any thing, before you are able "to submit". I mean, a woman must know where she is going first, so that the moment she hears a man's mission, she can know if her submissions will be met while on the man's mission.

Many women nowadays are looking for stable men, because they want someone that can finance their missions. But instead, a woman should look at a man who is going in the direction she is headed, because, even if he might not be able to finance her mission, he will still take her to her destination.
For Joseph's dream to become a reality, he needed to be in Egypt. And not just be in Egypt, but be in Egypt and be near Pharaoh enough to be given the ring of authority. One option to achieve this would have been, to become filthy rich in Canaan until Egypt got a wind of it, but Pharaoh would still have not given him the ring of authority, unless he came to colonize Egypt.

This is the mistake many women are doing they want to colonize their dream, they want to take their dream into captivity and it ends up backfiring on them.
But the right way is to do what Joseph did. God arranged for him a party that was headed where his dream was. The ride was not very smooth, but in the end, he ended up with the ring of authority on his finger.
Many people delay before they get married, is because they refuse to be sold by their brethren to the party headed to where their dream is. Instead, they want to have a ready made hop, step and jump situation that will land them where they want to go.
They don't want to be sold by their brethren they don't want to be slaves to portiphar, they don't want to be in jail, they just want the glory beside Pharaoh.
I told you that marriage life is divided into three segments. The first Three years are awesome, because still, some deceptions that were used during courtship are still struggling to stay alive. Yes, deceptions...

Deception is not a lie, it is a twisted truth, and nobody's daughter will agree to become your wife unless you are able to twist truths in a very convincing way. But at the expiry of three years in marriage, Only the strongest of deceptions could be surviving and if they are, they are very weak because they are not regularly fed.
From here, you enter into seven years of reality. In this stage, all guards are now down, all cards are on the table and it is either a "deal or no deal" situation. There are so many issues to deal with, women give birth and much of their love is shifted from the man to the child or children. Man has bills to pay and much of his attention is shifted from everything else to these other things.
By the end of these seven years, the fruits of the marriage are now visible. Either there is a di-vision or a vision. If there is a di-vision, division and separation or call it divorce is inevitable. But if the man still has a vision or if he regains his vision, then the next stop is glorification.

I pointed for you sometime back, that of all the miracles of the blind people healed in the bible NON WAS A WOMAN.
And I said, there are many things that happened that weren't recorded in the Bible but the Bible records everything with a certain spiritual significance. And the significance of this is that, vision for a man is of irrevocable importance.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Mostly it is incumbent upon a man to see the beauty of everything and point the direction they should head. If a man can no longer see the beauty in something then breakup is inevitable.
We will pick up from here tomorrow.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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