Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Spiritual Poverty

*Matthew 5:3, "Blessed  are the poor in  spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."*

I have been asked a few times what it means to be spiritually poor and I think I answered it sometime back, but I don't see any problem in answering it yet again.
What is poverty? Or what does it mean to be poor?
Pastor Nesh's definition of Poverty, is an inability to access basic needs with ease or in the right proportion. It is a realisation that you are always falling short of the basic needs.
According to how we were taught in school, the basic needs are *food, shelter, clothing and education*. Education was added later, at first it was all about food, shelter and clothing.
I have told you many times that whatever happens in the physical realm, happens because it has already happened in the spiritual realm.
Therefore, you are spiritually poor, if you discover that you always are falling short of *spiritual food, spiritual shelter, spiritual clothing and spiritual education.*
*SPIRITUAL FOOD* is the word of God. One of the indications of spiritual poverty or being poor in the spirit is having an inner discovery that *no matter how much effort you put*, you can never get enough of the word of God on your table. The opposite is true, people who dismiss the word of God are the spiritually rich. I am not intimidating anybody into reading my long texts, but, a spiritually poor person doesn't mind the length as long as it is the word of God, because if it is the word of God, then it is their food.
It is like asking a person in the slums, "should I bring you a sack of rice, or just a packet of rice?" That person will take it as an insult.
The moment you start feeling that what I heard from the pulpit is enough to take me until the next service, just remember that you have started losing your spiritual poverty.
Men of God ought to know that they do not hold a monopoly of the word of God. Every man of God ought to live like they are living on below a spiritual dollar every day. Being poor in the world definition is stated as "people who live below a dollar", meaning if you can spend more than a dollar a day, you are above the poverty line.
Men of God, may fall into the temptation of being spiritually rich, more so when it comes to the word of God. I remember one that wrote to me, a few years ago, he told me that my bible knowledge is very shallow, and my revelation is still in the elementary level. He then told me not to send him my texts because they help him with nothing, instead, he told me that he could be sending me write ups EVERY WEEK to boost my knowledge. No, no, no, this guy has no problem, he is just but spiritually rich. I don't need to judge him because Jesus already told us that such are disqualified from getting into the kingdom.
I can tell you the spiritually poor, some will read this and call it intimidation, but I must say the truth, while some say I write very long texts, while some tell me I am filling up their phone memories, while some say I should make them shorter .... there are the spiritually poor who tell me, "you didn't finish that story", or "we need more of this", or "can you write a book on this?", etc., etc.
Spiritually poor people are always amazed in a banquet, the Spiritually rich, to them it is a normal thing. I was invited by one of my spiritual fathers to his house for lunch, after the house help had arranged the table, I asked my spiritual father, "Are we expecting more guests?" He told me, "No, it's just me and you." I was disturbed, I asked him again, "Did you go through all this trouble just for me?" He told me, "Relax, this is how our table is always arranged at every meal".
Spiritually rich people will never see a big revelation when you speak, they may not even see any revelation. But a Spiritually poor guy, sees something that God wants to teach them even from the speech of babes.
I am not saying you go reading and listening from and to every Tom, Dick and Harry. One thing that poverty has taught me is that I can sense food from miles away.
Poor people have a great sense of smell, you can be trying to hide food under the bed until they go, but they can smell it and won't leave until it is out. Reminds me of me and my sister, we were young, I was about 12 years and my sister about 10 years. We were living on our own and so, poverty taught us to smell good food from very far. Chapati was rare in those days and it was considered as food for the rich. The good thing with Chapati is that it shouts of its presence whenever bring cooked.
So, me and my sister would smell it from far and go and knock at the house. Some times the owners of the house would chase us away, others would welcome us, but delay their eating session until we were gone. But there is one that blew my mind. She welcomed us, finished cooking but packed everything neatly. Then we sat in the kitchen like nothing had happened. It was in the evening and me and my sister still had a distance to cover in that night on our way home, so, I was wondering when "we will start eating". Her own children started dozing off, almost falling into the fire place. And that is when the drama of life started. Any of her children; she had four of them, that dozed off, was first hit hard with a wood and asked to bring a plate so that they may be served, eat and go to bed.
By the time the third child was being served, I had gotten the cue, and though I wasn't sleepy, I feigned a doze. My sister was already sound asleep by me.
When I started "dozing off", I heard the woman tell her eldest son, "bring me my plate, and yours too so that we may eat, I see like these (she said referring to us), are going to sleep in my kitchen today."
That is when I discovered that we had placed a bet on the wrong team... it's pitiful, we even cried on our way home, it was around midnight when we left that kitchen when the woman asked us if we preferred to sleep in there or if we still wanted to go away. By the way, while she was talking about us earlier, I had already pretended to be asleep, so, she did not know or think that I heard what she told her son. I slept, albeit pretending, through their eating session, they only "woke me up" to give me the option of either sleeping in or leaving at midnight. My sister on the other hand was sleeping, yes, real sleep. She woke up thinking it was finally meal time, only to find it was just but departure time. She couldn't stop asking me what had happened and this is what brought tears to my eyes. May be I wouldn't have cried if she didn't keep asking me and telling me she was still hungry. But I told her it was almost morning and in the morning we would look for something to eat and eat. Luckily, she fell asleep immediately we got to our house, but mine didn't come until the first cock crowed.
Let's continue tomorrow.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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