Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Obtaining Favor

Proverbs 18:22, "He who finds a [true] wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." (Amp. Bible)

One of the things I have discovered in life is that it is very easy for a man to get a woman who will mother his children and call her your wife. But it takes more than just getting to not just get a wife, but to get a true wife. For many have wives, but very few have a true wife.
A wife is a builder, a man is a supplier of the building materials. Whereas a man is a visionary, the woman is the action that will make the man reach the vision. A woman is wisdom, the man is knowledge; the combination of a husband and wife is a combination of knowledge and Wisdom. And as I have said, in the past, knowledge comes before wisdom. Because it is from knowledge that wisdom is born. This is why Eve was created from Adam, because Adam was the existing knowledge, from which God created the wisdom.
Many marriages and relationships do not fail because love no longer exists, because true love never dies. Just like God is immortal, and God is love, hence love is immortal, it never dies... as long as it is true. I tell you the truth, if two people who truly loved each other but separated meet, they will still click and can even end up under the same bedding. What breaks most marriages and relationships is something called UNDERSTANDING... the lack of it of course, or having it in very minimal quantities.

Remember the Bible says, Wisdom is the principle thing, but in all thy getting, get understanding. Woman is an embodiment of wisdom, she is the principle thing, but just getting a woman is not enough, hence in all thy getting, get understanding. Get a woman that can understand you and get enough understanding to understand the woman. You need to know that every woman is wise, but not every woman can understand you in her wisdom.
The wisdom of a woman is set to understand only a certain kind of man. One of the easiest ways for a woman to know her man or the man meant to be her husband is the ease of understanding that she has of him. If you hear a woman who keeps saying, "I don't understand this man!" and she still wants to go ahead and be married by him, she is setting herself up for a disastrous destiny. If every time you meet, much of your quarrels start with, "I don't understand... " or something that suggests massive lack of understanding, that is the best signal of two people who are not meant for each other.
Can you understand how come he/she doesn't call you?
Can you understand why he/she is silent?
Can you understand why he said what he/she said? Etc., etc.
Understanding is the mortar that joins knowledge and wisdom to build a strong house or structure.

Mortar is made up of three things; water, sand and cement,  so also is understanding made of three things; endurance, perseverance and humility. Endurance is the ability to handle pressure, stress and strain, it is brought up by a quality called toughness and its opposite is either softness or brittleness. They say when the going gets tough, only the tougher gets going.
Perseverance is the ability withstand and stay on and keep on keeping on. It is brought up by the material something or someone is made of. In a human being we would call this *the character.

Humility is the ability to perform all you were created to perform, regardless of the position you are put in. It is the ability to do the work of a company manager, while you are still the company sweeper, without looking like you are undermining the company's authority or overstepping your borders.
Now, it is when God sees three things in a man, that He will put in his way a woman who has the same three things in the right quantity, and then wake the man from his slumber to behold the beauty of a true wife.
I always tell my peers, no matter how long you date, it will never guarantee a strong marriage.

But if these three things be cultivated in you, then, you are bound to grow old together With the person you're coupled up with. I always remind my African brothers, and mostly those from my tribe, that our grandmothers were usually physically captured on their way to fetch water, and up to date, they are still married to our grandfathers ... no dating was involved, but their marriage stood all the tests of time.
Favor means being given preferential treatment. It means that you are receiving something more than your equals are receiving.

And the Bible is telling us that IF you get a true wife, you obtain favor from God.
By extension it means that, the wife you get, determines how much God would prefer you over his other children. Every parent has his favorite child, every teacher has his or her favorite student, every preacher has his favorite member and so also has God His favorite children. And one way to become his favorite child is by finding a true wife.
Please remember that God will never find you a wife, Even Adam had to find his own wife. The Bible tells us of how he had to name all animals and look if any of them would fill his void. He was in a finding mission. And remember that Eve had been created in Genesis one alongside Adam, for the Bible says, "God created both male and female". But it was not until God saw the desperate searches of Adam that He put Eve in his way. And it is only we, through the revelation of Prophet Moses, that know that it was God that put Adam to sleep and made Eve. But to Adam, one day he slept, and he was to wake up and continue looking for which animal he had not named, and when he woke up, he found one "animal" that made him forget all the other animals that needed names. And that was the end of the naming season!

Favor means that you will not struggle to get from God what others would have to do an extra thing to get. One of the reasons that made Isaac bless Jacob easily than he was willing to bless Esau, was that Esau had married a wrong wife. He married a girl called Judith which was the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and the Bible says that it brought grief into the mind of Isaac and the heart of his mother Rebecca. Isaac had his doubt that Jacob sounded like Jacob but had the body of Esau and still went ahead to give him the blessing of the firstborn. I think (and this is my thought) that Isaac must have been wishing that Jacob was the firstborn or if something could happen and Jacob be blessed instead of Esau. And he must have shared this with his TRUE wife Rebecca and Rebecca must have vowed to move heaven and earth to make Isaac's dream and vision a reality.
This is one of the things that TRUE wives do, they move heaven and earth to actualize what you share with then in the confines of your bedroom.

When you get yourself the wrong woman, you grief God and it may cost you the blessing of the firstborn. Jacob on the other hand got himself a wife from where his father got his wife and he obtained favor from Isaac... he was the favorite of the twins.
A true wife will endure, persevere and humble herself. This is her true show of love, this actually, is THE TRUE show of love. As I have taught you in the past, love is not a feeling. Love is a combination of Decision, commitment, and Responsibility.
We will pick up part two of this from here tomorrow.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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