Wednesday, 21 March 2018
Who Told You, You Were Naked?
*Hebrews 11:4, "[Prompted, actuated] by faith Abel brought God a better and more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, because of which it was testified of him that he was righteous [that he was upright and in right standing with God], and God bore witness by accepting and acknowledging his gifts. And though he died, yet [through the incident] he is still speaking."* (Amp. Bible)
When God came to visit Adam after he had eaten of the forbidden fruit, He found him hiding and He asked Him a question that I believe the Holy Spirit of God would want us to look keenly at today. Adam said, "We heard you coming and I became afraid, because I was naked, hence I hid myself." Then God asked him, "Who told you, you were naked?"
The opposite of faith is fear, Faith comes by hearing, fear comes by seeing.
This is why we are supposed to walk by faith and not by sight. When Adam had eaten the fruit, the Bible says, that, both their eyes were opened. Adam all along was walking and working by faith, his eyes were closed and all he needed to do was to hear. Because faith comes by Hearing and hearing by the word of God. But the moment you start seeing, fear sets in and you start hiding.
I have heard a lot of stories about Cain and Abel, and today when the Spirit of God woke me up, He asked me, "Who told Cain that his sacrifice was not accepted by God?"
One of my teachers told me that there could have been a sign they looked at, he suggested that if the smoke of your sacrifice went in a straight line to heaven, then your sacrifice had been accepted, but if the smoke just went sideways and in spirals , and just spread all over, then your sacrifice was rejected. But all these are just but mere speculations.
The Bible in Hebrew eleven verse four tells us clearly where the information of acceptance and rejection came from, it says, "By faith, Abel offered a better sacrifice than Cain..." I love the way the amplified version puts it. It says, "Prompted and actuated by faith, Abel offered a better sacrifice than Cain... "
This tells me that Cain looked at his sacrifice and saw he was naked!! But on the other hand, Abel looked at his sacrifice and heard God's acceptance.
There are two things that will always happen when the word of God is spoken, you can either choose to see or to hear it. The hearing of it brings faith, but the seeing of it brings fear. Whenever you look at your sacrifice, you will always see of how unworthy it is before God, and it is truly unworthy. Even David once asked, "What exactly could be enough to tell God "thank you" ?" and he concluded there is nothing, absolutely nothing. Job looked at himself and said, "I am just but a worthless worm!" But something different, happens when you listen to your sacrifice!!
When you hear it crying for mercy upon the alter. When you hear your money telling you all it could have done in your pocket yet you decided to give it to God. Faith descends in and you offer a more acceptable sacrifice.
Let me draw your attention to something more awesome, God did not actually reject Cain's sacrifice, the Bible says that Abel's was *better and more acceptable*, it means that Cain's was also accepted, but by compared, God would prefer Abel's to Cain's. It is equivalent to if two people gave me each a shirt, one blue and another green, I love color blue, but I will accept both of them, but you may only see me donning the green one once in a while but more the blue one. But remember, I accepted both!
So, who told Cain that his sacrifice had been rejected?
The answer is that, it was the opposite of what told Abel that his sacrifice was accepted. And the Bible tells us that it is faith that informed Abel that his sacrifice was accepted, and I started by saying that the opposite of faith is fear. Hence, it is fear that informed Cain that his sacrifice was rejected.
Paul tells us that *whatever is done without faith is sin*. In other words, whatever is done out of fear is sin.
Let me tell you how, how many people are sinning nowadays.
A photo is posted on facebook, and you are told, "If you love Jesus, type "amen"" And out of fear, not faith, you go ahead and type "amen". This is just something created by a person that wants his or her creation to go viral or to gain traffic, but because of your fear you put your "amen" there and by so doing you sin, because you did it without faith. Or a text is sent, some threaten you, by telling you how some people who ignored it faced the music and box you into believing that if you ignore it you are doomed. Others just give you an ultimatum and a time limit, telling you to drop everything you are doing and send to a certain number of people. Because of fear, not faith, you frantically jump into a sending spree.
Other texts are blatantly blasphemous, but because of fear, even the so called Christians cannot discover the blasphemy! It goes like, "Hello, I am God... " blah, blah, blah! You are God? When did you become God? How dare you call yourself God? I would not mind someone telling me, "I am the voice of God", or His mouthpiece, or His servant, or even His arm, palm or leg, but when you send me a text telling me that you are God... you become equivalent or worse than the devil who wanted to unseat God from His throne in heaven!
*I am not a fear vendor, I am a faith vendor.* And today I came to speak to my generation, a generation that wants everything to be chewed on their behalf and some are even too lazy to swallow, they want you to chew and even swallow for them. I came to tell all who care to hear, that we must make a deliberate choice and decision to be faith vendors. Resist to spread fear and instead spread faith.
I don't deny the existence of Illuminati, but you don't need as a Christian to keep spreading messages of how powerful it has become, of how it has taken over, of how everybody that is famous must be Illuminati. That is not yours business. If you have to study, study to show yourself approved, a worthy workman with Christ. But don't study occultism until you yourself becomes worse than them. Has God become so powerless that He cannot make some of us famous and influential?
Some people think that by spreading these chain messages they are preaching God, but if you look at it closely, you will discover they have become preachers of darkness more than they claim to be preachers of light.
The mind of a human being does not and cannot decode negatives. If you paint a wall and then stick a notice saying, "don't touch, wet paint" that is the place you will find the largest number of finger prints. Why? Because, what you tell people not to do is what actually tempts them more to do it.
This is why the ten commandments got a challenge of their lifetime. Because they were written telling people what they should not do. And by so doing, people only felt an urge to do more of what they were told not to do.
Even Paul says, "It is the law that gives life and power to sin"!
Those who have been with me long enough heard me preach about the *THOU SHALT GENERATION*, where I told you that now Jesus has changed the code. When He blotted out the handwritten ordinances, that declared "thou shall not", now we are in a dispensation of "Thou shalt"!
We don't concentrate much on what we should not do, we invest all our energy on what we should do! Hallelujah! We are not ignorant of what we should not do, but we only pay attention to what we should do.
Be more God conscious and you will experience God, be more sin conscious and sin will always be at your door steps. The more you think of how to avoid sin and sinning, the more you will find yourself falling into sin and sinning, but the more you think of how to please God and be holy, the more you will find yourself in the liberty given by Christ.
So, who told you, you were naked?
Adam could not pause and think, all this while, hasn't God always seen me naked? Did I become naked today? No, it is just that my eyes were opened, but all the while, I have been naked.
Like Abel, the truth of the matter is that there is nothing you will ever offer to God that will be an enough sacrifice, but even if you offer a button in faith, it shall be acceptable to God. Don't give offering in fear, give in love. Some people give tithes out of fear, I came to tell you that anything done without faith is sin. Don't give tithes and offerings because you fear if you don't it won't be well with you, give by faith that is driven by love.
Shalom and keep the faith.
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