Wednesday, 21 March 2018

That Which Is Born Of God

*1 John 5:4, "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith."*

One of the things that I have learnt in matters of faith, is that God does not like dealing with desperate people. God loves working with people that trust His ability to save and to sustain fully without faltering.
Whenever you believe God for something, you need to keep in mind that He is well able to deliver it at the exact time when it is needed. It doesn't matter the deadlines at hand or how bad the situation looks.
One of the things that have delayed the blessings of many is desperation. People that go before God with deadlines that He must meet and fit Himself in, most often end up thinking He disappointed them or He almost disappointed them.
But it is not so.
The confidence we should have is that, if it is  God that promised, then, He is well able to deliver. Because whatever is born of God overcomes the world.
Faith is not just about believing that God is able, faith is also believing that Nothing shall stop what He promised from coming home.
And this kind of faith is the victory that overcomes.
Every time God tells you something, or promises you something, the devil will always come and try to play games with His words to see if you can move.
When John the Baptist finished baptising Jesus,  the bible says, a voice was heard from heaven saying, "This is my son..." Forty days later, the devil was still telling Jesus, "if you are the son of God..."
You need to know that the devil will never ask you to prove that you are what you are already not. And proving to the devil you are is not an act of faith, it is a waste of time and resources. Jesus knew that the power He had was not for turning stones into bread, the power he had was not for proving something to the devil. He had been sent to save the world.
You need to know that it doesn't matter what you prove to the devil, you cannot change him, he will still remain the devil. Therefore, do not go around wasting time and energy trying to prove something to the devil. Instead I say, *"live like the devil doesn't exist"*.
People are always challenging us who preach faith, telling us, "if God really uses you, why don't you go to the hospitals and command everybody to go home?" And many ministers feel discouraged by this question, others spend a lot of time trying to justify why they won't do that. This is the same play scripted by the devil, asking you to prove that you are really the son of God, by turning stones into bread. You need to look at them in the face and tell them, "my job is not to prove anything to anybody, my job is to do what I was sent on earth to do."
We are born of God so that we may be like God. God does not live to prove anything to anybody. God does what He wants, when He wants, and through it all, many eyes are opened to see that He is God.
Jesus had the power to avoid the cross ordeal. Yes, He would have called angels and they would have rescued Him. But He was not on earth to prove anything, He was on earth to save mankind.
When you don't know the purpose of a thing, misuse of it is inevitable. A worker is paid for performing his duty, I once was employed in an office. And for the longest time I was doing the work of my senior. And my senior would take my presentation to the company owner and pass them as their own creation. They would receive praises even in general meetings for a job well done, their salaries would be increased, but mine would remain the same. In my seat, I knew that that was the work of my hand, but I was doing what I was not employed to do. Therefore, I had no right to expect returns from what was not my post.
You need to know that in heaven, you will not be paid for what you did, you will be paid for doing what you were sent to do.
I see everybody picking up titles, "Apostle", "prophet" as their preferred "titles". But as I have often said, these are not titles, these are callings. And God is not a man that He should lie, or a son of Man that He should change His mind. Some "apostles" will reach heaven and receive nothing, because what was born of God in them was suppressed by what they themselves had begotten. What was born of God in them was maybe evangelism, but they loved the prophets "title" so much that they neglected what was born of God in them. They expect to be paid for the services of a prophet, yet they were employed as pastors. Sorry, but this will not work.
The Holy Spirit of God keeps bringing me back to when Jesus said, "some will say, we even cast out demons in your name. But I will tell them I did not know you then and neither do I now."
And the million dollar question is, how can this be? How can you do miracles in the Name of Jesus and still be unknown to Him here on earth and later in heaven.  But if you look at my episode in that office where I was employed, you will understand it is possible. I was doing great things for the company and in the name of the company, But my boss never called me to congratulate me, instead, my seniors who I worked on their behalf received the praises. Our boss never knew me, not because I was not an employee, but because I was working in the wrong office!!
Paul tells Timothy,  "do not lose the gift you FIRST RECEIVED, when elders laid their hands on you". Many have lost what they first received and are pursuing other things that seem more profitable. These things are not what will overcome the world, *it is only that which is born of God in you that will overcome the world.*
the Bible says in Revelation, "To him that overcomes..." seven times, John was told that what we expect in heaven is not for everybody,  but only for he that overcomes.
I came this morning to tell you that overcoming is not as hard work as many of us think. All you need is to identify what is born of God in you, because whatever is born of God, shall overcome the world. Stop chasing after the wind, concentrate and overcome.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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