Wednesday, 28 March 2018

The Seed Misconception (Part 3)

*Matthew 7:20, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall  know them."* (KJV)

One of the greatest achievements for anybody that is following God is knowing the voice of God. You know the voice of God by understanding the character of God. One of the most outstanding characteristics of false prophets is *blackmail*.
Our God is a loving God, and even when He rebukes, He does so with a lot of love. But Jesus said, "a hired servant who merely serves for wages, is *neither a shepherd or the sheep owner...*"
These are the two major things you need to look at before you decide to drop your seed into any prophet's hand. The problem with many people is that they focus on miracles more than they focus on the character of the minister.
Someone told me that "a man of God" took her to Mombasa, they were not married and of course they did not go there site-seeing the hotel rooms. The same man took her money and will not pay it back. When she decided to expose him, the man went for a forty days fasting, for her to die. And the man rallied the congregation under him to pray for the lady to die. Now, the sad thing is that the lady (until we had talked) lived in fear, because the whole congregation under this man has been blackmailed to believe that no one gets out of his hands and lives. They have been told, and probably given examples that if you dare go against this man, you will die. Therefore, the man exploits them materially, sexually,  physically and emotionally and every other possible way because they are bound by fear.
Such a man as this is a hired servant that has no value for the sheep. Because he neither owns the sheep, nor is he a shepherd... he just works for the wages.
God does not blackmail you into doing what He wants, instead, God gives you information and educates you so that you may choose for yourself what exactly you want.
Beware of people that only tell you only one side of the story, these are not prophets, they are wolves in sheep skin. People who call themselves men of God, but you can almost predict what they will be saying next week. People who only tell you how the world is ending. Or their line of story is only how everybody is against you. People whose work is to always make you look like the helpless victim. They do not remind you that you have a Mighty God by your side, and thousands upon thousands of fiery chariots guarding you. They only tell you how you need to buy more protection by giving a certain sacrifice... beware of these people.
People that all they do is make you feel good about yourself. They don't illuminate your mind on how you can make it, but they keep telling you that you will make it. People that do not want you to work, but keep telling you that you will be rich soon. People that make you feel like saying "amen" is all you've got to do. Beware of these people.
Anybody that wants you to feel like you can buy things from God. People that make you feel like you got what you got from God because you earned it. People that make you give testimonies like, "Because of what I did, God did this..." Beware of these people.
Beware of any "man of God" that makes you feel that you cannot do without him. Any man that makes you feel that without his prayers you are doomed, any person that makes you feel you can never pray enough for yourself. Any person that makes you feel like they have a unique relationship with God that *you will never achieve*... beware of these wolves.
But these are the marks of people that should receive your seed.
A man that is always after your spiritual independence. A man of God that teaches you of how powerful you are. A man of God that strives to make sure that you become better than they are. Even Jesus, who was God in every sense, because He was such a man, could afford to tell us, "those who believe in me, the things I do they shall do, and more than these things I do, shall they do too." Imagine God telling you, that you can do greater things than He did!
A man that does not have the Spirit of Christ in themselves are very selfish. They turn themselves into demigods and their word becomes law. Masses are hoodwinked by a few miraculous signs, forgetting that even the devil can do miracles.
They lead people by instilling fear and not faith. If you fear of what will befall you physically if you left your congregation, you are most probably following a false prophet.
A true prophet empowers his followers preparing them to leave his nest one day ... and the sooner they leave the better.
But if you have a prophet that all they want is to keep you around and to keep you coming, you are most probably following a false prophet.
A true prophet is not happy about leading a congregation of thousands, but when the people he leads are getting out and creating schools of their own to teach what the prophet taught them.
*You shall know them by their fruits*, these are the fruits of a true follower of Jesus Christ.
They don't go around calling themselves the mightiest, they go around making people the mighty. When David was running away from king Saul, the bible says that everybody that was in debt, everybody that was in distress, everybody that was in trouble, came to him and they made him their captain. Towards the end of King David's life, these same men are recorded both in second Samuel and in Chronicles as "the mighty men of David". David did not go around calling himself the mightiest prophet of God, but he moved heaven and earth to make mighty men out of the rejects of the society.
I am still a young preacher, and I can tell you for sure that many people who have rallied around me and who are calling me their priest, are people that are in the state that was with the people that came around David. People with a desire to serve God but have no resources to do so. *My greatest joy* will be that when my end has come, I will look back and see all the millionaires I made out of beggars, all the employers I made out the jobless, all the marriages I made out of the broken hearts, *I hope that before I die, God will give me a chance to compile my book of my mighty men!* People that I once met distressed, but through this young boy, they received their Joy of life.
I already have a list of a few; three women so far who have children they couldn't have, two girls that had skin diseases, one in Kenya  (a neighbour) and another in South Africa.... And the list of my mighty men is building up.
My prayer is that you who is reading this will also find a spot in my book of my mighty men. I do not know what you are going through, but if you connect with this anointing, *Because connection is a preliquisite requirement*, then you will be one of the fruits through which I shall be know. *You shall know them by their fruits.* Let's continue this tomorrow.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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The Seed Misconception (Part 2)

*"Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall  know them."* (KJV)

Every fruit comes bearing in itself a seed. Galatians 5 verses 22, speaks of *the fruit* of the Holy Spirit or in other words, the *spiritual fruit*. And I always remind you to note that the bible does not call it, *the fruits of the Holy Spirit* as many think, instead it is called *the fruit (one/singular) fruit of the Holy Spirit.*
Therefore, Paul through the unfathomable wisdom of God says, " But the fruit of the Spirit is  love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness,  goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance:  against such there is no law."
Yesterday, we said that the man of God must first be able to give spiritual fruit to you, by so doing, and from the fruit he gives you you get a seed that produces physical fruit and from the physical fruit you can be able to get a physical seed which you can sow into the life of the man of God.
Paul says in 2 Corinthians 9:10, "Now he that *ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food,* and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;)"
He says that God, through the men of God is supposed to give you (spiritual) food to eat and a (spiritual) seed. And if you sow the spiritual seed He has given you through the man of God, He will multiply it and increase the fruits of your righteousness.
Righteousness is the ability to be right with God. When you are right with God, there are things that are evident and one of them is *prosperity*. Your ability to possess and position yourself is increased immensely.
My point is, you cannot give a physical seed and expect to prosper if the spiritual seed given to you in the first place was not sown and multiplied to increase your fruits of righteousness.
People have been frustrated because they give at every altar, and to every prophet that speaks with charisma. I am told that nowadays there is even "the preachers voice", where you have to strain your voice in a certain particular way to prove that God is talking through you.
*Any ways, what exactly is a seed?* How do we differentiate it from other forms of giving?
There are different forms of giving in the church and all of them are seeds in their own respect.
But sowing a seed *is giving from revelation and prophetically.* It is not giving to God so that He may do something, because this is where many people go wrong; and many preachers have "mispreached" this message; it is however thanking God in advance for the great things that He will do. It is not a trial and error, it is a prophetic confirmation of what you have already seen in the future prophetically.
The misconception is that people plant and wait to see, but you are supposed to see first prophetically and then sow a seed towards what you have seen.
Jesus said, "Blessed are those who believe, even before they see physically". Paul comes on and says, "Faith *is the substance* of things hoped for and an *evidence* of things not seen.
One way to interpret this is that, showing faith is the ability to produce a substance or a portion of what you hope for and to show the evidence of that what cannot be seen exists. In fewer words, faith is a seed or faith is more evidently embedded in a seed.
A seed is a unit of the harvest, it is the smallest building block of a building that is called harvest. Therefore, you do not give a seed to try and see what will happen, you sow a seed, because you have already seen what the future holds. Hence, you are now bringing a seed to show us the substance of what you hope for and to give us the evidence of what you have seen that we ourselves have not seen.
This is the main difference between a seed and other forms of giving in the church. Other forms of giving come after the harvest, but a seed prophesies of a bountiful harvest ahead.
Therefore brethren, do not go dropping money all over calling them seeds, unless you are first convinced by the Holy Spirit of the harvest to come.
Many Christians sow seeds, not because they believed in the harvest, but because the preacher man told them to do it and see. Therefore, theirs is a trial and error and not faith. *And anything done without faith, is sin.* They therefore sin, in the name of sowing a seed and expect returns.
But I want to raise a new generation of Christians,  who can listen to a sermon and sense a harvest from a far, they can prophetically see that God is about to do a great thing. And from that revelation, they raise up even without being told by anybody and plant a seed, as an evidence of what they have foreseen and as a substance of what they hope for.
This is what a wise Christian does. They conceive an idea, they foresee how great the idea will become when actualized, from that prophetic foresight, they pick a substance of that hope and convert it into evidence and plant it as as seed.
As I finish, let me say that, *the revelation behind a seed is that, "Whatever does not grow is inanimate".* Inanimate objects can only be added up, but live objects are multiplied. Two plus three is five, but two multiplied by three is six. If your two is inanimate,  you have to work harder for it to become great, but if you animate your two, then your job will be simply to multiply and forge a head.
Jesus said, "unless a seed agrees to fall on the ground and die, it remains alone. But if it falls down and is crushed, then it has power to produce more than itself."
Let us pick up from here tomorrow.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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The Seed Of Misconception

*Matthew 7:20, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."* (KJV)

Yesterday, I dealt with about four cases of four different people who are being told that they have to give a certain amount of money for God to change their state or status and situation. I dealt with three through my inbox and one through my WhatsApp group called *"Ask Pastor Nesh"*.
The revelation of sowing and harvesting also called sowing and reaping is real, true, authentic and inevitable in life. That point we must agree and come to terms with. Everything you are today is courtesy of a seed you planted yesterday. And what you will be tomorrow, is courtesy of the seed you will sow today. That is not debatable and it is unavoidable.
And as I always say, *whatever happens physically has its origin in the spiritual realm.*
This is why Paul says, that, the work of the men of God is to sow spiritual seeds unto your spirits, while those who receive these seeds, their work is to sow physical seeds into the lives of the men of God (1 Cor 9:11). This is so because, the spiritual seed I sow into you, is supposed to empower you and catapult you into producing physical fruits. It is these physical fruits that you are supposed to share with the man of God as a seed.
Because *every fruit comes bearing in itself a seed*. You therefore cannot be able to give a seed, unless you first had a fruit.
Jesus said, "Beware of the wolves who come in sheep's clothing; *you shall know them by their fruits*".
The relationship between a man of God and a congregation or the receiver of the word is supposed to be like that one of a man and his wife. This is why Paul says that if you can faithfully, without being forced, celibate to serve God, the better. Because, serving God and marriage have so much in common that being married and serving God is like having two wives. This is also one of the reasons why it is recommended that servants of God be husbands of *one wife*, because they already have another wife in the name of the church!
A husband can only get from his wife, what he himself gave her first. A woman was created to respond. She was made a little bit softer, with more emotions and feeling and also with a womb. Even in sex, the woman enjoys all through, or should enjoy all through, but a man enjoys at the tail end only after the woman has reached her climax. And the man's enjoyment is at most about between 5 and three minutes to even a few seconds of the whole ordeal. But the satisfaction of a man comes from seeing his woman receiving everything with joy. This is why many women have chased men from their beds without knowing because they don't respond back. They lay there like a log and wait for the man to finish. Hence, the man's Joy is cut off and he always comes in wondering when He will reach to the tail end. Then, women start saying that her man finishes fast or is cold. And then the man will go out looking for a woman that can respond back to what he does. And out there you will hear stories of how great this man is from other women, but in His house the woman wonders what could be wrong.
I am saying all this to tell you that a man of God cannot ask the church to give him what he himself has not given the church!
*I don't ask for an offering*, instead, I want my God to manifest to you so much so that you will feel obliged or obligated to offer on His altar. I therefore continually sow into you these spiritual seeds, until these seeds have given you the ability to bear physical fruits and because every fruit comes bearing a seed, from your physical fruits you will be able to get a physical seed which you can sow into my life.
Anybody that tells you to plant a seed, when you have not yet produced fruits is telling you to be a thief. Because, from where will you get the seed, whereas we all know that a seed comes from the fruit. *You shall know them by their fruits.*
True prophets are known by one, the fruits they give you to eat and two by the fruits they have caused you to produce.
So far, I have prayed with three women, who at first could not get children and now they will experience the joy of having a child. One of the boys is about three years old not. The other child will be born early or mid April this year and the third one will be born some time late this year. These three women, can say they have seen the produce of the spiritual seed I have sown in them. Which has caused them to produce physical fruits. From the physical fruits through God's guidance we can get a physical seed.
Paul says that let every man *decide in his heart* what they should give. God has never demanded a specific amount of offering from anybody. Anybody that gave to God, gave out of their own volition. *Even the tithe, the so called TEN PER CENT, when Abraham met Jesus, who was then going in the name of Melchizedeck, he decided by himself, to give God ten per cent.*
Even when God asked for Isaac, he never took him, He provided for Himself a lamb for sacrifice.
My people perish because they lack knowledge. And many people are losing money in church, because they lack knowledge of HOW GOD OPERATES! *God may tell you to sacrifice, but He will never determine the amount of what you are suppose to sacrifice.* All He specifies is that the sacrifice should be without blemish, but it is upon you to decide whether you will sacrifice a heifer or a lamb or a dove. Because one will give a million dollars and it will not be a sacrifice to them, another will give a cent and it will be a great sacrifice from them.
God does not bless you or hear you according to your giving. God hears you because of the condition of your heart. Many preachers I a sorry to say, have turned God into a corrupt judge, who decides cases according to how much you give. A preacher will stand and give classes of how people should give. Those who give thousands will be anointed with oil, those who give hundreds will have a couple of words spoken over them, those who give tens will just be told to drop it and go! *I am here to say that this is not Jehovah the great I AM.*
YAHWEH is not moved by sacrifices, but by a contrite broken spirit. No amount of sacrifices can move God to your favor, what you are giving to Him, already is His. It is like when my son takes a note from me and buys me a cake with it. He thinks it is him that has bought me the cake, but in the real sense, I have just bought myself a cake, only through him.
Therefore, seed time and harvest have been misconceived. I know many men of God will fight this message I am preaching today,  but you will be surprised that even the congregation will fight it even more fiercely.
Because we want a god we can buy!
We want a god who if we give Him a few coins will tilt the judgement to our favor. And we want preachers who tell us that this is actually possible. This is why this message is very popular in congregations. People want a god that can fit in  bottle of "holy oil" or "holy water", a god they can sprinkle in their houses to cast out demons. People want a god that can hang on a broom, they will buy the broom and sweep demons out of their houses. People want a god that can be framed and hang as a portrait on their walls and gates. Yes, and I also heard that the stones that killed goliath are on sale too. All you need is to buy one and throw it like David in the direction of your enemies... they will all die.
We have become so fascinated with the death of our so called enemies that we have forgotten to preach unto them that they can live and not just live but have life in abundance. Instead, we have joined the camp that steals, kills and destroys.
 Giving a seed, must be preceded by receiving a fruit or producing a fruit. *If you receive a fruit from me*, then you are obliged or obligated to give me a seed or to plant a seed into me. I mean this, there are obviously people that do not read this, or listen to the audios I send, they are excused, but if you are one of the people that believes that God speaks through me to you. That every time you read these broadcasts you hear God and feel energised,  then, when you rich heaven, you will be asked to give an account of the physical seeds you sowed into me. If the answer is "Nothing" then you will receive "nothing" as your harvest.
When you plant nothing, you harvest nothing, when you plant something, you reap something; whatever a man soweth, the same shall they reap.
Let us pick up from here tomorrow... tighten your seat belts... it's gonna be a bumpy ride. But in the end at least one person will be delivered from being manipulated by wolves in sheep skin.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Saturday, 24 March 2018

The Power Of Caring Less

*Isaiah 26:3, "Thou wilt  keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee."* (KJV)

*Worry* is not equal to lack of faith. Even people that have faith worry at times. But worry can lead to faithlessness. Sometimes when you tell people you are worried about a situation, some translate it to lacking faith, but it is not so. Worry are caused by human calculations and deadlines.
Sometimes, you believe God will provide, but you are worried if He will beat the deadline. Sometimes, you believe God will heal you, but you keep wondering when He will do it. Some ladies believe God will give them a perfect husband, but keep asking themselves when and where that guy will come from.
This should not be translated to as lacking faith, but rather as worry or anxiety in other words also known as *"cares"*.
We cannot completely do away with cares, but we can always suppress them to the minimum. When Jesus was sleeping in a boat that was in trouble, Peter asked Him, " *carest thou not* if we perish?" Jesus *did not say or reply *"I don't care"*, He asked them, "Where is your faith?"
In other words, He also cared, He also was worried, the only difference between Him and them was where His faith was.
He had already told them that we are going over to the other side. His faith was in those words, that it will not matter what opposition they meet along the way, the fact of the matter was that they will reach their destination. Jesus did not calm the storm because it would have hindered them from reaching their destination, He calmed the storm so that His disciples' minds can concentrate more on the mission.
If you can concentrate more on God than on the storm, God does not need to calm the storm for you.
The day Peter walked on water, the sequence of the events will amaze you.
First, Jesus tells them to go over before Him, He would meet them there. Please note that He assured them that He would meet them on the other side. But along the journey a storm ensues. Then Jesus decides to keep His promise of *meeting them there*.
The Bible says, "He was walking on water *and was almost passing them**. These guys were struggling to keep the boat afloat and *Jesus was almost passing them!* He was not considering helping them!
Why so?
Because the storms would not have stopped His promise of *meeting them there* from coming to pass. The only thing that made Him stop was that now, they were more worried about "a ghost" walking on water than they were worried about the storm that was almost capsizing their boat. Do you see how fast humans shift their cares? Just a few minutes ago they were worried that they will drown, now they were worried of what "a ghost" can do to them let alone drowning!
Check this out. Jesus did not stop to stop the storm, He stopped because He didn't like being called a ghost, hahaha. Yeah, He stopped to tell them to stop calling Him a ghost. And He would have gone on with His journey walking on water, *without calming the storm*, were it not that Peter stubbornly wanted to prove a point!
So, Jesus lingers a little bit more to help Peter prove his point. Please don't forget that the storm is still on, please don't lose that point, it is very important.
Peter steps out to prove his point, in the midst of proving it, he remembers the storm! The moment he remembered the storm and re-looked at it, he started sinking. He called on unto Jesus and was saved from drowning. *Still! Jesus did not calm the storm!*
Because the storm could not stop Peter from walking on water. Actually, I always tell people that, *Peter WAS NOT WALKING ON WATER, Peter was walking on the word of Jesus.*
Jesus said to the devil, *"one word from God can take you through your whole life"*. Jesus just said to Peter, "come". And on that word, Peter walked. His faith was on the word "come". When He started sinking, Jesus held his hand, his faith shifted from the word "come" to the Word Himself. Hallelujah! So, He came back to the board,  still walking on the the Word. He got out of the boat walking on *a word*, he came back to the boat walking *on the Word.*
Up till this time, the storm is still on. But by this time, the focus of the disciples was more on Jesus and Peter than it was on the stormy sea. Now that Jesus was no longer meeting them over there and had already met them here mid way, there was no need to let the storm keep bragging, so, He commanded the storm to either shape up or shape out; the storm decided to shape up instead.
The greatest question when you are going through a storm is, "Where is your faith?" The moment you locate your faith, you don't even need to calm the storm, you can just sleep.
You need to have faith that no amount of storm can stop the word of God from coming to pass. Paul when being transported to face judgement or trial, stood on the word that God had spoken through His prophet, that he will stand trial. Therefore, not even a ship wreck could stop the word of God from coming to pass, no amount of snake poison could kill him before the word had come to pass.
When  you know what God has said, *you don't become careless, but you just care less.*
See the word "care less". I said we cannot completely extinct cares, but we can suppress them, in other words, we can care less.
Nothing gives me more confidence than knowing what God has spoken. Because, I know, if He said I will witness it, nothing will stop me from witnessing it.
And He shall keep my mind in perfect peace, if I remain steadfast in Him.
We don't calm the storms because they might stop us from reaching our destination, we calm the storms because they are a nuisance.
This is something that faith has taught me: *the storm will only cease, when you start understanding that it has no power over your destiny.* In other words, storms cease, when you find your peace in them. Storms get bored and move away when you stop giving them attention. Storms calm down when you ignore them and care less about them. And you suppress your cares by locating your faith. *Where is your faith?*
Shalom and keep the faith.

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How To Keep It Flowing

*2 Kings 4:6, "And it came to pass, when  the vessels were full, that she said unto her son,  Bring me yet a vessel. And he said unto her,  There is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed."* (KJV)

As long as there is still an empty vessel, the oil will keep flowing. Many people have called me a genius and many think that I have a lot in me. But I have discovered that God has this amazing tendency to work with little things.
I would like you to note that the woman in the scripture we have read told the man of God that "all I have is a little oil". The little oil did not increase miraculously, the little oil still remained little, but, it's littleness did not hinder it from filling all the big vessels.
Many people wait until one day they will have a massive word, so that they can preach. If your pastor tells you, "you will preach in the next meeting", you either complain you don't have what to say or you go searching for a mega word.
But what God wants us to do is for us to hand Him our lunch box, and He will feed thousands from that lunch box.
People struggle with preaching and making sermons because they are busy looking for new ideas and new revelations and great wordings. But what actually God wants you to share is what you have been eating all along.
Jesus did not order for a new menu in the wilderness, He used that which the boy was eating . Remember they had been there for three days already. Everybody was hungry except the boy. He had eaten and even had some left overs. It is these left overs that Jesus multiplied to feed the over five thousand people.
*The way up to becoming the mouthpiece, is by first becoming the earpiece.* The *faith* to speak, *comes by hearing and the hearing* ability, comes *from the word of God.*
If you cannot hear what God is saying, then you can never have the faith to speak. The hearing ability does not come by default, it is cultivated through the word of God. This means that the more you are in the vicinity of the word, the more you will develop an ability to hear God, the more you hear God, the more you get faith to speak.
Many preachers use anointing to show off. But the main purpose of being anointed is for you to pass it on. As soon as you discover you are anointed, the next step should be to make disciples. It is unto these disciples that you will pass on what you have.
This is why kingdoms were hereditary. So that the Father can pass to the son what he got. We have been called into the family of kings. This is why Jesus is the King of kings and the LORD of lords.
Jesus at the start of His ministry said, "The Spirit of LORD is upon me, *He has anointed me..."* later on He says, "Everything I have received from the Father (the anointing), I have given also unto you..."
The relationship between Jesus and the church is likened to the relationship between Elijah and Elisha. This is why Jesus is called Christ whereas we are called Christians. This is also why Jesus rightly tells us, "The things I do shall you also do, but even more than I do shall you also do"; which reflects to how Elisha received a double portion anointing from Elijah and did twice as many miracles as Elijah had done. But the problem with Elisha is that he did not have a person to pass on the anointing to. Gehazi who was the heir apparent was a corrupt dude, but if the heir apparent is corrupt like Esau, then Isaac should have no problem blessing Jacob in his stead.
The reason why men of God fade out is because they have ran out of vessels to fill and they have closed the door that would bring in more vessels. Elisha told the woman whose hubby had died and left her in debt, go into the house, Bring on the vessels *and close the door.*
This closing of the door is what set the limit. I believe there were more vessels in the city, but as long as the door was closed, no other vessel would come in. I believe that had the door been opened, then the boys would run out with the filled vessel, empty it any how, either by selling or into a bigger basin and bring it back for refilling. But that would not happen now, because the door was closed.
Many men of God have brought in the vessels and they have closed the door. No vessel can come in and no vessel can go out. Hence, after every vessel is full, the flow will stop.
But this is not the desire of our God. God wants us to keep the door open and let the boys get busy. Every vessel that is filled should be emptied as fast as possible and brought back for a more refill!
Men of God are threatened when they see their protégés running about speaking what they have taught them. Some even shut them up and in the bid to do so, even congregations split. Then, the fathers start cursing the sons. This is not supposed to be so. After a son is filled to the brim, he is supposed to be let of to empty himself and then come back for a refill.
Do not just be happy to see yourself leading a congregation of thousands, be happy when even the few you have are walking off to start ministries.
A man who leads a fifty people congregation but which has given birth to ten ministries is better of than a person leading a 5,000 seater congregation that has born not even a single ministry.
I wish fathers would embrace this, that as soon as a son declares his will to move out, they will support them. So, far I have served under more than five men of God, faithfully, and at the start I even agreed with one that, I am just under him until I am fully filled. And he promised the heavens and the earth. But the moment I gave him my 9 months notice, every thing changed. I was no longer the favorite son. And the promise to support me was withdrawn. And the sermons that he started preaching were always how he himself struggled to make it, hence no one should expect his making it to be easy.
There is a saying in my tribe that says, "an old man can see further while seated, than an young boy standing on the top of a tree". But I want to encourage the old men, to let the boys stand on their shoulders instead of standing on trees and let the boys while at it, use the spectacles they are using to see further.
Because *the only way I will see a FATHER in you, is if you can help me see FURTHER through you.*
Do not hold your son's captives. Actually, encourage them to move out. Give deadlines to those who look like they are not thinking of jumping off the nest. Because their staying with you after they are already full, is a threat to your flow. It might soon stop ... God forbid.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Spiritual Poverty (Epilogue)

*Matthew 5:3, "Blessed  are the poor in  spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."* (KJV)

We need to understand that Jesus became poor so that we may be rich. And the desire of our God is that we may prosper and be in health, even as our soul (spirits) prosper. Therefore, being poor in the spirit, does not literally mean being poor, it means *taking up a mentality and a position of humility* and counting all things as nothing for the sake of Christ.
It is the ability *to untag material gains from the indications of the presence or the absence of God in your life.* Many people want to connote that if you lack, then it means you don't have God. Others believe that if you are rich, it must be not from God and it may hinder you from entering heaven. But we need to untag these two and look at the attitude of the heart towards losing and gaining.
Paul says, "To die is a gain and if I live in ought to bear fruits." And this is the attitude of a spiritually poor person. That no matter what happens, you must take up an attitude that says, *"I NEVER LOSE"*.
I have talked to many people who are in need and I have also approached many people myself being in need, I have also met hostile people here online and I have also met very nice people here online, but there is one thing that those who know me will tell you, that there are three words that never lack in my mouth or speech, *"IT IS WELL".*
And I don't just say it with my mouth to fill up the day, I have convinced every fibre of my being that no matter what happens, nothing will ever trip my balance. It doesn't matter who leaves my life or who comes in to my life, it is well. I am deeply convinced that *All things happen because they are working together for my good.* Even that person that abuses me online, they do so because they have been commanded to do so for my good.
Imagine if I was preaching and everybody is saying "Amen" and "well done". Pride would be inevitable and with pride I wouldn't see heaven. But I love it when some people tell me, "you are wasting your time", "I don't even read what you send", "Don't send this to my wife, she's falling for you". It shows me that I still have a long way to go, I am not yet even near the finish line. I know that one of those that reject this might share it with a friend in a bid to caution them against me, but instead their friends get interested and request me to be sending this to them instead.
Being poor in the spirit is not literally lacking but having a perpetually spacious spirit. Where there is always a space for one more thing from God. A spirit that is ready *spend and be spent for the sake of the gospel.*
Most people nowadays give so that they may be blessed. Even preachers are telling you that if you give, that will guarantee your having. *Of course I agree that God is a debtor to no one*, but I am praying that God may help me and others who have a similar Spirit to raise up a generation that gives not to indebt God but because they love God. People who when God says, "I will pay you back as soon as I can", can be able to tell him, "Ah! Don't mind. That was just for our friendship's sake".
Would you rather God calls you His lender or His friend?
All you need to look is how you view your lenders, and you will understand why many people give in church and they are not as Blessed as they wish to be blessed. They give as lenders, the only thing is that they do not specify their interest rates! But deep in their hearts they expect that God will pay them double or triple of what they gave him.
These are the kinds that are poor physically, and may be even poor spiritually, but they have taken up an attitude of the rich shaylock. They are the kind that Jesus took a whip and drove out of the church, they are the money changers in church. And the pastors have become the bell ringers who proclaim when the best season has come to exchange you dollar with God. They stand on the pulpit and tell you what the dollar is up against the heavenly currency. They tell you how much you might get back if you invest during the open window. And people flock these sanctuaries and those who have nothing to lend to God go home downcast!
But this is not the people I wanted to bring up with this series, I wanted to raise up a sleeping generation of people who feel inferior to lend to God. People who feel they don't have the audacity to demand that God pays back what they gave in church. Because if they calculate it against what God has done for them, it is a drop in the ocean.
I wanted to say this, there is a young rich man we mentioned when we were starting this series. He came to Jesus and told Him of how good he was at obeying the law. Then Jesus told him, "OK, now go and sell everything, give all you get to the poor, then come follow me." The bible says, that the young man went home very downcast because he was very rich. Spiritual poverty is the ability to loosely hold onto what you have already acquired so that you may hold on tightly onto God. It is the ability to differentiate between the goodness of having everything and the advantage of having the source of everything.
Some one told me that, if you take what the richest man in the world has, and give it to the poorest man in the world, then give them a space of five years, most probably, the richest man in the world will still be better off than the now materially rich poor man.
Many people keep asking me about betting and they ask me what is wrong with betting. Well, one of the wrong things with betting is this, that even if you win, you only get the flow but you don't get the source. You end up like the poorest man in the world who was given what the rich men of the world have. No wonder rich men don't win lotteries. Because *what makes you rich is not having, what makes you rich is having the source.*
And this is what Solomon pointed out when he said, "Some scatter, yet they wax rich; others withhold, yet they die in poverty." When you have the source, you don't fear giving, but if you are just but the owner of the stream, you are always scared that the stream may dry up.
Jesus said, "let your hearts not be troubled, you believe in God, believe in me also."
And this is the same message I will leave you with from this series, *Get God, and relax.* Because with God, you have all in all. Seek ye first the Kingdom and His righteousness, then everything else, will be added to you. But if you seek everything else first, they will not add God to you. Being spiritually poor is seeking God above all things, then letting all the other things be an addition. And one more advice, *don't get too attached*, hold everything loosely, but hold on to God tightly. Be ready to lose anything ... yeah, even everything, but be ready to die for God. *That is SPIRITUAL POVERTY.*
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Spiritual Poverty (Part 9)

*Matthew 5:3, "Blessed  are the poor in  spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."* (KJV)

We started on this series about 12 days ago and our aim was to really understand what Jesus really meant when He said that *a spiritually poor person is to be preferred over others for the kingdom of God.* And just to recapture, we started by defining poverty as an inability to access the four basic needs with ease. Where we said that, just like we have four physical basic needs, we also have four spiritual basic needs.
The clothes which we called righteousness,  the food which we called the word of God, the shelter which we called the house of God and now we are right about wrapping it up with spiritual education.
Amongst the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit there is one which is called *the gift of wisdom*. It is a God given ability to speak what you are needed to say, when you are needed to say it and where you are needed to say it. It is not to be confused with *the gift of knowledge*, which is a God given access to privy information concerning a matter or a person or a situation. But these two should be used hand in hand.
For instance, if you really are sailing in the gift of knowledge, which many confuse with the gift of prophesy, just because you know privy information about someone, doesn't necessarily mean you go exposing them.
If for example, the Holy Spirit reveals to you that there is a woman in the congregation who has an issue with or in her private parts. That is not prophesy, it is a gift of knowledge and wisdom will tell you that you do not need to embarrass her to the rest of the congregation.
When Jesus healed the woman with an issue of blood, it is the writers of the story that tell us what was going on in her life. But all Jesus said was, "Someone touched me" and demanded to know who it was. But He did not go exposing everything to everybody.
But demons of showbiz have invaded those with the gift of knowledge. And so as to prove and show the world the power they possess, they find themselves exposing the most embarrassing things about people, and while the bearer of the problem may be healed physically, emotionally and socially they are left crushed.
We need therefore, to agree to sit down and be educated. We need to keep learning and to understand that there is no end to learning. *Poverty is all about insufficiency*, and we need to know that there is no one particular moment that you will have sufficient education. After elementary level certificate, there is ordinary level certificate, after that there is still advanced level certificate, after that there are diplomas, which are also graded in degrees, masters and PhDs. And no one is so learned that they need education no more.
A person was asking me yesterday why I am teaching about poverty, when I am supposed to be teaching about prosperity. He told me he doesn't believe in poverty and doesn't want to hear about it. So *he kindly requested* me to exempt him from my poverty lectures. But I told him that if he had not dismissed the series bases on the title, he would have understood what I am really discussing. I tried to reason but he adamantly said, "As long as I am talking about poverty, he doesn't care what else I am talking about". My point is, *I am not teaching you to be poor*, at least not physically and at most not spiritually.
We said, *Poverty is a mentality*, I want you to be rich, both physically and spiritually, but still be able to remain as humble as a poor person spiritually.
In that even if you have the wisdom of King Solomon, you can still humble yourself to be taught by a child like Nesh here. Even if you are the best at keeping law, you can still accept the grace of our LORD Jesus Christ to cover you. Even if you are the greatest philanthropist in the world, you can still accept the free gift of God which is eternal life.
When Jesus says, "Blessed are the poor" He knew we will come to define poverty. It is about a mind set, a mind system, a way of thinking that humbles you even though you might be the greatest.
Naaman even though he was the greatest in Syria had to humble himself and take a bath in the dirty waters of river Jordan. And through that, he was healed of leprosy. This is why we need education and to be educated on spiritual matters, to understand that *it is not by power, nor by might, but by the Spirit of God that we prevail.* Some trust in chariots and still fail, others trust in horses and still fail, but when you trust in God you never fail.
Spiritual education will teach you that, saying you trust in the LORD does not mean that you do not have chariots and horses, it only means that you don't draw your confidence of winning the fight from them horses and chariots.
Spiritual education will teach you to get the diplomas, but when you go for interviews, your confidence will be anchored more on God than on the diplomas!
Spiritual education will teach you to get yourself a car, but it will also teach you to always trust in God not in your car, to reach your destination.
Spiritual education will teach you to build a good, magnificent house, but to trust in God to make it a home.
Spiritual education will give you the charm to lure girls right, left and centre, but also teach you that a good wife comes from the LORD.
There is no end to education, no one is the best in it, even the highest in it can be taught by the lowest in it. I have been quoted as saying, *"Even a mad man speaks sense once in a while, it is what they speak after the sense that tells you their senses may be corrupted."*
Even the Bible has proven to us that a donkey can see what a prophet could not see. Balaam could not see the Angel of the LORD, but his donkey saw Him. And you know, and or if you don't I am telling you now, whenever and wherever you see *"the Angel of the LORD"* written in the bible, that phrase represents Jesus Christ. In the old testament, Jesus appeared to people, but to distinguish Him from other angels, the writers recorded His appearances by calling Him "the angel of the LORD", instead of just saying "an angel" or "the angel". That was a side-dish, my point is, even stones can praise God if and when humans refuse to do so.
In Kenya we have a few artist that call themselves gospel artists to the dismay of even non-believers. But I am not dismayed, because if the right people who are supposed to worship are not worshipping, God will raise for Himself stones to praise Him. Do not dismiss a stone after God has risen it to praise Him! Stop hitting a donkey that can see what you as a prophet cannot see! Instead, humble yourself and be educated.
Tomorrow we wind up this sweet topic, as usual, not because I am out of materials to write, but mainly because the spirit of a prophet is always under the control of the prophet, hence I decide where I start and where I end. Hahahaha.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Spiritual Poverty (Part 8)

*Matthew 5: 3, "Blessed  are the poor in  spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."*

There are four basic needs in life, food, shelter, clothing and education. The ease or difficult of getting any of these, determines how poor or rich you are. We have in our seven past parts gone through food, clothing and shelter and in these last three parts I want us to tackle spiritual education need.
This last bit is very important because, it is not as set for us as the first three. It is a portion which you set for your own self.
I mean, you can come from a poor background, dress in clothes of the poor, eat the food of the poor, live in a poor habitat, *but there is no poor education*.
There could be schools for the poor and schools for the rich, but there is no education for the poor or education for the rich.
The man who made me desire to study Engineering is one of the richest men in our rural neighbourhood. He went to the same school I went to, which even at the time I was in it was still referred to as a school for the relatively poor people.
Spiritual education will teach you that *poverty is a mentality, it is neither a situation nor an occurrence.*
And the reason why people think that God has left them to be poor is because they lack knowledge. The Bible says that, "My people perish because they lack knowledge..." And lack is what we are talking about in this series.
Lacking something is not to say it is not in existence, it is to say, it is not available. You cannot say you lack, unless the thing exists in the first place.
Spiritual poverty therefore speaks of a dire need to understand the wisdom of God in occurrences, states and situations. Spiritually rich people are very conclusive. They are the kind that have "accepted" their portion in physical poverty.
I always say that *God does not take people to the wilderness, however, he passes you through the wilderness*. It is your pace that determines how fast you will stay in the wilderness.
It took Jesus only forty days to learn all that God wanted Him to learn in the wilderness, it took the Israelites forty years to learn what God wanted them to learn in the wilderness.
Whenever you find yourself in a wilderness, the first thing that should come to your mind is that *there is something that God wants to teach me.* After knowing that,  seek as fast as you can what it is that God wants to teach you. Then learn it very fast.
I loved a certain lady in college, I loved her so much I could forgive her anything and though she didn't need material things from me, all she wanted I would do out of love. Yes, I mean ALL she wanted, and I did all even when my faith would tell me that sometimes what I was doing was not right. She let me down over and over again, but I forgave her. Long story short, she still left me, even after showing her that I cared for nothing more than I cared for her.
After that break up, I went through a wilderness. It took me about three years to learn exactly what God wanted me to learn. And I learnt it when I read the verse that says, *"You shall worship God alone, for the LORD your God is a jealous God."*
I learnt that all this while God was looking at us and wishing I loved Him half as much as I loved this lady. And therefore, God was against our relationship not because of so many things, but because I loved her more than I loved Him.
And believe it or not, this could be one of the reasons why many relationships break up. When you love a man so much as a woman that you can do anything for them, even when it is totally against what you believe in, you can be sure that that relationship will not go far. But the moment you can find a person that you are not afraid to lose for God's sake, that relationship will stand the tests of time. Because you will be taking care of not losing God and God will be taking care of you not losing anything that is yours.
We are talking about spiritual education, these are things you will not find in any class *(unless of course you meet Pastor Nesh, hahaha)*.
Some people get sick, so that next time when they are praying for the sick, they may get a reference point. You will be able to say, "If the devil is oppressing this man the way he was oppressing me...!" And then a certain synergy comes upon you and a holy anger like the one that came upon king Saul before he backslid, hahaha, and you slay the demons right, left and centre!
Somebody asked me, "Why is it that many times PKs  (Pastors' kids) turn out badly?"
I told them, some times it is not for pastor's sake but for the sake of the church, that they may see a reflection of themselves when they look at those kids. Most likely, how those kids look in their eyes, is how they themselves look in God's eyes.
The problem with us is that when we are going through the wilderness, all we do is look on who to blame and the more we blame the less we learn and hence the more we stay in the wilderness.
No matter the situation, always strive harder to look at the bigger picture. Your husband might have left you, and you are always wondering where you went wrong. Have you ever paused and thought that may be it was not about where you went wrong, but all about where God wants you to go right?
We concentrate so much on where we went wrong until we lose focus of where we need to go right.
People concentrate so much on the devil until they lose sight of God. *People perish because they lack knowledge, not because knowledge does not exist.*
There are two kinds of poor people, one that has accepted poverty and another that is always seeking a way out of poverty. *The power to transform is not in the amount of knowledge you possess, but in your flexibility to conform to the force of the knowledge acquired.*
Many people are knowledgeable, but they are so brittle if you try to bend them according to the knowledge they have acquired, they will break. Do not be like them.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Spiritual Poverty (Part 7)

*Matthew 5:3, "Blessed  are the poor in  spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."* (KJV)

We are still in pursuit of spiritual poverty and we are at the point of homelessness or achieving homelessness. Because if you are not spiritually poor, you will not inherit the kingdom of God. Therefore, we have so far been discussing on how not to have any other food apart from the word of God and how to always hunger and thirst for the word of God. Because poverty encapsulates food insufficiency. Every poor person will always tell you how, how getting food is a problem. The next thing we discussed was clothes scarcity, and we discovered that in spiritual poverty we only have one piece of clothing called righteousness, which we will one day exchange for glory. And we said that this garment of righteousness is white in colour which means it has to be washed as often as possible in the mercies of God which are new every morning.
Yesterday we started on spiritual housing scarcity. Yeah, because another indication of Poverty is lack of housing or poor housing. Jesus told us that we need not worry for He went to the Father to prepare a place for us to live in. After you are born again, you secure your place in our Father's big house that has many mansions.
But we said that in this house, you should know that you are a co-heir. Therefore, you don't do things as you feel them. You do all things in consultation with Jesus who is your co-heir.
I have housed people and I have been housed by people and one problem we human beings have is that, when your host gives you freedom, soon we want to kick him or her out of his or her own house.
Just because I told you that you are at liberty to use anything in my house, doesn't mean you can take it without consultation. I can't wake up in the morning only to find that you drove off with the car I intended to use that day, you didn't ask me of my plans for the day and if they included driving that car. And when I ask you, you say, "But you said..." Yes I said so, but simple courtesy demands you consult first.
*Consultation is not begging.* This is why some firms charge a consultation fee. Consultation is a show of concern, respect and wisdom.
The same problem we see in the physical world, when we house a friend, or a relative for a long time is the same problem people are bringing into the spiritual realm after Jesus starts housing them in His Father's house.
Some people have asked me, "Why is it that when I got born again, the first few days I got almost everything I prayed for in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye. But nowadays, I can fast and pray for days and still the answer delays?"
Part of the problem is caused by familiarity. I have always told you that familiarity breeds contempt. One of the greatest shows of spiritual maturity is in the ability to make sure that no matter how close you get to God, you don't start taking things for granted.
You wake up one morning only to discover that your best suit was worn by your brother, who you are housing to an interview. You feel bad, not because you wouldn't have given him the suit had he asked, but because he is now taking you for granted. That is when you decide to be locking some rooms in your house, so that before anyone accesses them, they must ask you first and tell you what they want from in there.
This is the same thing Jesus is forced to do to some of us. It is not like He would deny us anything we asked, but the problem is that nowadays, we have become so familiar it has given birth to contempt.
Just because the bible says that your enemies shall see fire, doesn't mean you go calling fire on all of them!
Jesus said, "Some will say, 'we did miracles in your name', but I will say to them get thee away from me, you sons of iniquity. I never knew you, neither do I now". I know some of you already know that this is one of my favorite verses in the bible. And yes it is because, at first I never understood how this could be possible. But so far, God through His Spirit has shown me many ways it can be.
For instance, there are still some demons that will obey you just by hearing you mention you are related to Jesus or you live in His house. Without a need to confirm it.
A friend of mine was driving very fast in one of our highways, the police and highway control tried to stop him but he wouldn't stop. Until he came to a road block. He got out of his car and very angrily removed the road block himself all this time telling the officers to keep off if they want peace and to continue enjoying their job. He did not even give the officer a chance to talk. I know all this time, these officers were wondering, "who is this guy? Who does he know in the government? How can his arrest or apprehension affect our careers?" Do you know they just let the guy drive off. They didn't touch him! Let's say they thought he was a relative to our president. The truth is that, this guy just did a miracle in the name of the president. But does the president know him?
Hence, I think this is another way that, that favorite verse of mine will apply.
Because, as far as I am concerned, God is more happy when a sinner repents, than when a sinner dies. I have therefore always been against the message being preached nowadays of praying for the deaths of each and every person that against you. And bringing testimonies to congregations of how your neighbour or relative died after you prayed for them to die. What did God gain with their death? By their death, did the kingdom of God gain or did the kingdom of darkness gain? If you are happy about sending people to hell,  are you really a child of God or a child of the serpent?
The guy who robbed me of my phone, everybody felt like I should call fire from heaven over his head. But no, *I pray he doesn't die before he has preached to every soul that that phone would have preached to!* Because I use my phone to preach, may that phone act as the missing link between him and the gospel. May He preach God more than me. O! How happy I would be to meet him one day saying, "I was a robber and a thief, but I stole one phone that changed my life completely!" O! What a great day that will be for me my LORD!
Don't pray for witches to die, yes I know the bible says, "suffer not a witch to live", but I have said, we need to seek more to fulfill the desire of our king than we need to see ourselves avenged.
One day when David was running away from king Saul and the philistines had taken hold of the city. He said to himself, "O! How I wish I could drink water from the well in the city!" He was not asking anybody to get the water, he was just thinking to himself aloud. But two guys heard him and they risked their lives and got him a skin full of water from the city. They fought the philistines to fulfill their kings desire. They risked death to see their king happy. Letting a witch to live, waiting that one day they will get saved, is a risk, but a worthy risk if the King will be happy with his salvation!
I am done for today, let's continue tomorrow.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Spiritual Poverty (Part 6)

*Matthew 5:3, "Blessed  are the poor in  spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."*

So far, we have discussed spiritual food insufficiency, spiritual clothes insufficiency and now we are discussing spiritual abode or home insufficiency.
Yesterday, we discussed Adam as the younger son, who sold his part of inheritance, left his home, left his elder brother Jesus and his loving Father and has now spent everything he had and has no choice but to be employed by an uncaring employer called the devil, to take care of swines we called sin for a wage we called death.
We went on to say that Adam must *come to his senses* and remember that he has a Father, go to him, kneel down and accept to work as a servant or a slave. Because even if it is his Father's house, everything now by right is owned by his Elder brother Jesus. And this is why we are rightly called *"servants of God"*, and as Paul used to say, *"a slave to Christ"*.
We said, that Adam must realize that now he owns NOTHING. If he has to ask of anything from the Father, *he has to ask for it IN THE NAME OF JESUS his elder brother.* We finished at the point where I was explaining that *praying in the name of Jesus*, does not mean mentioning the name of Jesus at the end of your prayers, it means coming into a realisation that everything in this house you have come to after your prodigy episode belongs to Jesus, and you will not get anything unless He has first signed an authorization.
Praying in the name of Jesus is not a "names dropping", where you mention who you know to intimidate juniors. It only works after a sit down with Jesus, and him accepting your request, then you can go to the Father and tell Him, "Jesus has allowed me to use such and such a thing in this house." And such a prayer as Jesus said, will never go unanswered, in other words, God will never refuse to let you use what Jesus has already allowed you to use in His compound.
The problem is that people use the Name of Jesus to try and bully God into doing things and angels into serving them. They act like "spoilt brats", who squandered everything and just because the father forgave him and the brother has allowed them to be co-heir,  he now wants everybody to tremble as they obey their command.
This is one of the reasons why prayers go an answered. Prayer must be in consultation with Jesus Christ before it is presented before God. And the Father's work will only be to allow, but many times people pray, and then the Father has to ask Jesus, "Did you agree to so and so using that Mercedes?" And Jesus will say, "We haven't talked about it", then the Father will deny you the Mercedes, and you will think He still hates you for what you did with your part of inheritance. But nothing is further from the truth!
God forgave you and looks at you like you never sinned. Jesus has already agreed to make you a co-heir. *A co-heir is not a partnership!* It is an arrangement of owning everything together communally.
This is why, even if Jesus owns everything, He could still say, "foxes have holes, birds have nests, but I, the Son of Man has no place to lay my head". He was coming to terms with the state and the situation of His younger brother Adam, who now has nothing.
When we talk about shelter, we need to know that our bodies are temporary shelter to the real son of God within them. I was trying to explain yesterday to a brother that man is made up of three components. A body that is born of a Woman, a spirit that is born of God and a mind that is born of knowledge. And non of these belong to man. This is why Jesus is saying, "Blessed is the man that realises how poor he is spiritually, for it is only he that can access the kingdom of God".
*Bless* means divinely engineer and empower or set up to prosper. You will never achieve the apex of your greatness until you start first by acknowledging the greatness of your nothingness.
You have to humble yourself before the LORD,  for the lifting to be initiated.
Why do we have poor Christians?
Because very few understand how this kingdom works. Most believe that just because the Father welcomed them with a kiss, put a ring on their finger, donned them with a new gown, and slaughtered a fat bull for them, then now they can infringe on the *rights of their Elder brother*.
Many think that the reason God is not answering them is because of their sin. But the way to accessing the kingdom of heaven, is by humbling yourself and talking with Jesus first concerning everything you want and then presenting your unanimous concensus to the Father for approval.
But this *lastborn mentality* of "I am my Father's favorite" and names dropping will not help much.
Ask the sons of Sceva, they tried the "names dropping" business with a certain demon, their experience is lesson up to date.
In our part seven tomorrow, we shall look at how to consult with Jesus, for express approval of our pleas to the Father.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Spiritual Poverty (Part 5)

*Matthew 5:3, "Blessed  are the poor in  spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."* (KJV)

You know, the first statement a person makes when giving a lecture or a speech or a presentation is very important. Mostly, these statements lay the foundation and everything else that would be spoken is built around that first statement. Therefore, when, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven", is Jesus' first statement, it should also tell you that most likely, that, whatever else He spoke after that statement might as well have been an explanation of sorts of what being spiritually poor really is.
But as usual, we like taking scripture and isolating every piece to stand on its own and make it mean what we want it to mean. But I would challenge someone to again go to Matthew five and read from verse three to eleven, but this time round, do not read like every verse is its own boss, read it like every verse is trying to explain what verse number five means. And see how much more revelation you will capture from the script.
Ask yourself, Who mourns more than the poor? Who's more meek than the poor? Who hungers and thirsts more than the poor? Who claims to have mercy or need mercy application than the poor? If a poor man and a rich man were set before you and you were asked to vote for who you think has the purest heart, who would you vote for? A poor man knows that if he starts a fight he will lose, so, who would want to make peace with everybody more than a poor man? And lastly, who is more persecuted than the poor man?
That aside, yesterday we finished at a point where we agreed that spiritual poverty has nothing to do with physical poverty or material poverty. Material poverty is a choice and or is caused by poor choices. Some once told me that *POOR: means Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly*.
I gave a story some years back of two ladies I helped, each with a thousand Kenya Shillings. One went home and gave her family a meal of a lifetime from the thousand, the other cooked as usual, then woke up early the following morning with the over eight hundred remaining, she went and bought second hand clothes and started hawking them. Soon, from the one thousand that the other ate in one sitting, she was making income and needed not to beg anymore. She actually even started tithing back to me that had given her the thousand. Do you see the difference?
Solomon says this about poverty, "A little slumber, a little folding of hands and the poverty will fall on you like a thief and your being in want like an armed robber. (Prov 6:10&11, 24:33&34)."
Which means that the opposite is true, poverty is chased out by agreeing to sleep less and putting your hands into something more.
Today I wanted us to speak about shelter. We said that poverty is characterised by lack of or insufficiency of four things:food, clothes, shelter and education. We have talked about food, we have touched on clothing and today we talk of shelter.
The bible tells us that Jesus is the firstborn, we are daily conforming into His image so that He may be a firstborn amongst many brethren. Adam was also born of God, hence Adam is the younger son.
Jesus while on earth gave a story of Him and His brother Adam. He said that a father had two sons, then the younger son came to his father and said, "give me what belongs to me". The father divided his estate into two and gave his younger son his portion. Not many days later the younger son sold everything and left for a far away country where he extravagantly spent his fortune in careless living. Soon, he had nothing and had to seek a job as a swine caretaker. The employer neglected him so much so, that he started eating what the pigs were eating.
Then one day, the LORD said, *"the man came back to his senses"*. And he said, I will go back to my father and into his house and tell him I am ready to work even as a slave for I have sinned.
I wish I have time and space to explain this story piece by piece and how it reflects Jesus and Adam. But the Holy Spirit will guide you into all knowledge if you read it and in every place you see the older son, see Jesus,  where you see the younger son, see Adam and wherever you see the father, see God the Father.
My emphasis is on going back to the father and to his house. Because we are talking about shelter or lack of it for Adam.
Adam sold everything that was given to him as an inheritance, and left. After all that extravagance, he now has nothing. And his employer ... the devil, who has employed him to take care of his swines ... swines here represent sin ... for a wage .... the wage is death, has neglected him until he now eats what the swines eat. As Paul says, "The wages (salary after taking care) of sin (the pigs or swine) is death..."
Therefore, man has to come back to his senses and remember that he has a Father. And the Father did not give him everything. He only gave him half of the estate, there is still another estate that the Father is managing together with the Firstborn Son.
He must be ready to go and work as a servant or a slave in his Father's house. *This is why we are called servants of God* or as Paul says, *"Slaves to Christ"*.
Jesus said, "There is no other way (for Adam) to the Father except through me". This is so because, whatever the Father owns now is rightfully Jesus' possession. Adam already squandered his portion of inheritance. What remains belongs to Jesus to inherit.
Jesus also said, "Whatever you ask from the Father, you must ask *IN MY NAME* if you want to receive."
Praying in the Name of Jesus is not just about mentioning His Name at the end of your prayer. It is acknowledging that unless Jesus allows God to give you anything, you will get nothing.
Look at how the Firstborn son tells the father when he comes home only to find part of his inheritance was slaughtered without his knowledge. Even the father had to talk to him to calm him down, the father had to explain to the son why it was necessary to slaughter that bull. And the Firstborn Son has to agree to understand that it was necessary.
Remember the second born son has nothing, therefore, even this house he is living in is not his. And it is not his Father's. Everything now is owned by Jesus Christ.
This is why Jesus said, "Everything that the Father has, has been given to me".
Hence, when Jesus is telling Adam, "Blessed are the poor in the spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven", He is actually telling Adam, "The only way you will access what Father has now given to me is by accepting that YOU HAVE NOTHING".
Jesus is the King of kings, and after he takes the world from the current reigning king called Lucifer, everything that belonged both to Adam and to Him wi be His by right.
But He is good, in that He has agreed to make Adam a co-heir with Him.
Co-heir means everybody owns everything. It is not a 50/50 arrangement, it means that what Jesus owns you also own. But that is then, after Jesus has come back. So, relax and come back to now.
Now means, that if you need anything from the Father, you have to ask for it through the name of Jesus.
It is equivalent to two children. Each is given a glass of milk. They are told to take good care of it and drink at will. The younger son, spills his milk and is left with an empty glass.
Now, praying in the name of Jesus, is equivalent to that, even if the parent would want to give the younger son part of the older son's milk, the older son must agree first. Therefore, if the younger son wants it, he must tell the parent, that the older son has agreed to share his milk with him.
Praying in the name of Jesus is not just saying, "in Jesus' Name". Some people say it like it is some sort of code. There must be an agreement first between you and Jesus. Then you go to the Father and tell Him, Jesus has agreed that you give me that car. I stand before you Father to request you give me that house. The Father wi ask, "How can I give you, it belongs to Jesus?" And you will say, "Jesus has agreed to give it to me". God will have no option but to give it to you. That is the real meaning of *Praying in Jesus' Name.* If you go to my father asking to take my car, my father will ask you how and why he should give you. There, you must ask for it in my name, by showing prove that I allow you to take it... hope you got it.
Let's continue tomorrow.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Spiritual Poverty (Part 4)

*Matthew 5:3, "Blessed  are the poor in  spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."* (KJV)

We have been talking about spiritual poverty and trying to grasp a glimpse of what it really means to be spiritually poor. Some people think that lacking material things is equal to spiritual poverty, but nothing is further from the truth. You can have nothing to your name materially and still be what we call *spiritually rich*; you can also have all that a man desires and still be spiritually poor.
One rich young man came to Jesus and bragged of how he was good at obeying the laws, and wanted to know what else he needed to do to enter the kingdom of heaven. Then, Jesus gave him just one test, which he failed miserably,  Jesus told him to go and sell all he had, give everything to the poor then come and be his disciple. And the bible says that this young rich man went away a very troubled man, not because of anything else, *but because he was very rich*.
We are talking about clothing and we equated righteousness to a gown we are wearing after being washed by Jesus in His blood before He gives us a new cloth (of glory) in heaven. I told you that everything that happens physically has a spiritual bearing or connotation. We go to the bathroom, take a bath, wrap ourselves cum wipe ourselves with a towel as you apply your oils and body lotions and then go to wear our fresh clothes. It happens the same way spiritually, you are washed by the blood of Jesus, you are wrapped with righteousness and you dry up and are oiled (annointed) as you await glorification which is your fresh garment in heaven.
Them that He foreknew, He called, them that He called justified for them to be glorified (Romans 8:29).
*Hence, righteousness is a gown that you will one day exchange for glory.* In the beatitude, the same place where our lead scripture for this topic is, mentions righteousness twice. Verse six says that *Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.* Verse ten says that, *Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.*
The rich young man that came to Jesus was not ready to be persecuted for righteousness' sake, which means he was not hungry and thirsty for righteousness with extends to tell us that he was not poor in the spirit and conclusively points out why he was to miss the kingdom of heaven.
There are two phrases that should not confuse people, *the kingdom of God* and *the kingdom of heaven*. The kingdom of God appears 70 times in 68 verses of the new testament. While the kingdom of the heaven appears 33 times in 32 verses and ONLY in the book of Matthew. The Jews revered God so much that they termed it not right to keep mentioning His Name every where. And therefore, most of the times "heaven" would be used in the place of "God" to avoid familiarising the ear to the word. As familiarity breeds contempt.
I however do not entirely discard the revelation of some who have taught that these two phrases may mean two different things. That the kingdom of heaven represents the millenial kingdom, the 1000 years that Jesus will rule on earth with the devil locked up somewhere in hell. While the kingdom of God represents the universal kingdom, where God reigns supreme on angels, humans and spirits.
Any ways, that's besides my point. My point was on emphasising on righteousness. Yesterday we said that *righteousness is a white gown* that has to be washed in the mercies of God possibly every morning.
And as we are continuing in our pursuit of spiritual poverty, we said that one characteristic of Poverty is lack of many clothes.
And with righteousness as our cloth, we need to know that it is our one and only cloth.
I have never had just one cloth, but I have heard stories of people who came to the city or started life with just one set of clothes. And they would wash them at night and leave them to dry overnight, sleep naked, wake up and Wear the same clothes they had yesterday as if they were new. This is a true example of what a spiritually poor dude does with his or her righteousness.
They know it is the only clothe they have, to make the matters sweeter, it is white in color. Yet everyday they must look sharp and ready though they live in a dusty environment. They therefore must agree to be persecuted by cold overnight for righteousness' sake; as they wash their righteousness in the blood of Jesus.... naked ... can you picture that? Because they hunger and thirst for righteousness.... and they are poor, albeit spiritually, hence qualify to be heirs of the kingdom.
Let me end by saying this, one of my son's asked me, "Why does God let Christians to be poor?"
I told Him that God does not let any Christian to be poor. Any Christian that is poor is poor either by choice or is impoverished by poor choices. Paul says that Jesus became poor so that we may be rich! Any Christian that is poor needs to recheck which Jesus they are following, because the one I am following, became poor so that I may become rich.
But we are made rich physically only if we can prove that by so doing, we will become poor spiritually. And this is the test that the young rich man failed.
One of the reason that we have poor Christians is because they are yet to prove that their hunger for righteousness surpasses their hunger for wealth. Almost everybody is betting nowadays, right? Just ask one, "What would you do if you win the jackpot?" The closest to God will tell you they will give God a tithe and use the rest on themselves. And they will feel very proud to have said so, in other words, if God Blessed you immensely, *you are telling him ALL He can get from you is a mere TEN PERCENT?????*
I can assure you without thinking twice, things might remain the same for a very long time. The people that God pulls from poverty are people like the widow, who said that all that remained was just enough for her and her son, yet she cooked for Elijah first bread. I can bet that she didn't sacrifice her son's bread, she sacrificed her own, and by so doing she knew of hunger no more.
People like Colgate, who started tithing ten per cent but ended up giving more than fifty per cent. Today you use their toothpaste don't you?
If any Christian is poor physically, it is either by choice, or they are impoverished by poor choices.
Let's pick up from here tomorrow.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Spiritual Poverty (Part 3)

*Matthew 5:3, "Blessed  are the poor in  spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."* (KJV)

In the first two parts we looked at the food aspect in our journey to demystify spiritual poverty. And we have seen that as much poverty insinuates deficiency of sufficient food, it also serves to raise your sensitivity of determining what is food and what is not.
Let us pause on food there and jump in *CLOTHING* with emphasis on *SPIRITUAL CLOTHING*.
Prophet Isaiah at the beginning of his ministry made a very profound prophesy, he said that a time will come when seven women will grab hold on one man, these seven women will tell the man, "We will feed ourselves", remember we have already discussed about food. They will also tell the man, "We will cloth ourselves", which is what we are discussing now. All these women will want is to be called by the name of the man or in other words to claim him as their husband (Isaiah 4:1).
The bible refers to us as the church, and calls the church the bride of Christ.
What is the church? Is it the architecture or the people in it?
Many people will jump and tell me that it is the people in it. But then why do we call some building churches? Why do you say, "I am going to church" and head to a certain building?
Well, the truth is that the church is both *an organisation and an organism*. An organisation is a system governed by structures, constitutions, rules and regulations. This is why you can say, "our church doesn't do that". When you are saying, "our church doesn't do that", you are not talking about an organism, you are talking about an organisation. It is the organisation that builds structures and architectures for worship and this is why we call such structures churches, because they are part of the organisation called church.
The church is also an organism. Those who did biology know what an organism is. In biology, an organism is any individual entity that exhibits the properties of life. It is a synonym for "life form".
And when we are talking about the church being the bride of Christ, we are not talking about an organisation governed by a constitution and that has to register with the government registrar to function, we are talking about an organism which is given life by the blood of Jesus Christ.
While there are many ways to interpret the prophesy of my friend and brother, prophet Isaiah, one way, which fits our discussion today is having people that cling to Jesus and want to claim Him as their groom. *But they are rich*, hence they don't want Jesus to feed them and they don't want Jesus to cloth them, they can do that with their own money. All they want is Jesus to allow them to be called His bride.
Before the fall of Man,  man (which in this case represents male and female) was clothed in glory. This is why it was impossible for man to discover the other was naked.
But as Paul tells us, *man fell short of glory*, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Remember we said poverty depicts *falling short* of the basic needs in life, and clothing is a basic need in life. Therefore, when man fell short of glory, he fell short of a covering.
Then Jesus came to restore man to his former glory actually to an even greater glory than he had when in Eden.
But before man is clothed with a greater glory, he has to first manage with a makeshift clothing called *RIGHTEOUSNESS*. Righteousness is like wrapping yourself in a towel from shower, just before you put on some dry clean, ironed clothes.
I have heard this questions severally, "If really we go to the bathroom to clean up, why do we still have to wash the towel?"
It is one of the funny questions asked to make fun of the towel. But you have to keep your towel clean if you want it to wipe you clean. What would be the use of taking a bath, only to dry yourself with a dirty towel.
This is the same thing with righteousness. The bible says that, *"we are the righteousness of God "*. I have therefore heard some preachers saying that because of that and a few other statements in the bible, we do not need to repent.  This is like saying, "I only use the towel when I am cleaned up, why should I wash the towel?"
Repentance is not necessary because you are not clean, it is necessary to ensure that what is covering you after you are clean is itself clean!
John the revelator, tells us in the book of revelation, that Jesus will only welcome home, those who washed clean their garments with the blood of the Lamb and those who kept their garment clean.
There are two things involved here, the washing clean and the KEEPING clean. The keeping clean is a continual process.
I once told you that, the bible calls our garments *"a white garment"*. And I said that one of the disadvantages of a white garment is how much cleaning they need and how often they take you back to the laundry process.
The darker a cloth is, the more you can were it without people noticing you have "recycled" it. But those who have white garments can only wear them at most once, before it shows it has been previously worn.
This tells you how often you should be repenting. Or why do you think the bible says that *God's mercies are new every morning?* It is because, every morning you need to wear righteousness that has been washed in His mercies all over again.
Capture this as I pen off and we continue tomorrow, *poor people don't have many clothes*.
And we are talking about spiritual poverty. Spiritually poor people only have one clothe, which they wash and dry overnight and re-wear it the following day. Selah.
Righteousness is white in color, and it is the only clothe you have, but if you wear it more than once without cleaning it in mercy, it will start to show of what a dirty girl you are... yes remember we are the bride?
This is why David says, "Night after night, I call your on name". Overnight vigils are awesome, they are great times to clean your garment. Some churches  (Organisation) tell the church (organism) that praying at midnight is good because you fight demons, but I say praying at night is BETTER if you spend your time washing your white garment. When your garment is clean, you don't need to fight the devil, the word of the LORD, "Touch not my anointed, do my servant no harm", is already speaking against him. Because your one and only white garment of righteousness is sparkling white clean.
Let's pick up from here tomorrow.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Spiritual Poverty (Part 2)

 *Matthew 5: 3, "Blessed  are the poor in  spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."*

Yesterday we looked at spiritual food as well continue to demystify spiritual poverty. And we stopped at a point where we said that you must be sensitive enough to know  the kind of food you should eat and shouldn't eat. You should be able to smell your kind of food from very far. Else, you will fall into the trouble of getting food poisoned.
I am not bragging, but I must say that there are a lot of chain messages that fly all over social media, but as for me, I only need to read the first three paragraphs at most to know if a message contains information I should consume or not.
Paul said that everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. Information is available and good, but not every information is for you to consume.
I have had friends who were very good at first, but then they consumed wrong information and I am sorry to say that spiritually they died from spiritual food poisoning.
One was a very good preacher, we went from one high school to another with him preaching and shaping destinies of young high schoolers. But then he found himself studying another doctrine, a doctrine that emphasised on less reading of the bible but more of meditation. It taught him that there is no place called heaven, telling him that he was already in heaven. He started teaching that Jesus is never coming back, and saying that Jesus came back a long time ago. Nowadays, non of us want to be associated with him, schools barred him from speaking to the children in the long run, he opened a congregation somewhere where he teaches this "new" knowledge that he calls revelation after deep meditation.
Another one was a good brother. And he started to study occultism with emphasis on illuminati. At first he told us that he was studying this so that he may know how best to fight the devil. After a while he started telling us that after you have left occultism, you should not join Christianity. He said Christianity cannot protect you from what the devil does to those who leave his breed. And he started telling us that the best religion to join after leaving the devil's camp is Islam. Remember he was a Christian, but he got poisoned by what he consumed, to the point of believing that Jesus is powerless to protect those who come running to Him. He forgot even his favorite memory verse, "The name of the LORD is a strong tower, unto which the righteous run and they are safe".
These and many others were once great preachers, but they did not have self control at the table. Like Shadrach, Meshack,  Abednego and Daniel we need to master the art of saying "no!" to what we are not supposed to consume.
I tell people who send me illuminati information, that, I am not ignorant but *I believe the devil needs to know about me more than I need to know about him*. Therefore, whether every famous person is illuminati or not, that is their business, my business is to make the devil know about me, not me to know about him.
The sons of Sceva in bible learnt this the hard way. They went to cast out a demon in the name of Jesus that Paul preached. The demons told them, "We know Jesus and Paul too, but who are you?" These guys knew about the devil, but the devil had no idea they existed.
One of the best way to avoid food poisoning is by knowing your shepherd. You need to identify your shepherd. And you identify your shepherd by learning the voice of God.
Jesus said, "My sheep know my voice".
When you know the voice of Jesus, you will be able to mark out the right food from afar. Like David said, "The LORD is my shepherd...He makes me lay in green pastures... and leads me beside still waters."
It doesn't mean that because a certain man doesn't minister to you, that they are not preaching God. No! It just means that they are not your shepherd.
Sometimes I surf through my tv, and I pass over channels that have preachers on them, and you will see their congregation jumping up and down in excitement. But I will just go to the next channel. I am not doing so because they are preaching the devil, I am doing so because I know the kind of food I eat. When I go to a restaurant, I ask for the menu, not so that I may see what they have cooked, but so that I may see if they have the kind of food I eat.
I have a friend that takes me to all kinds of restaurants. And sometimes he will take me to a Chinese restaurant, and you will see Chinese enjoying all these kinds of weird  (albeit to me) delicacies. But as for me, I will take the menu, jump over the snakes, the snails and the rest and rest my finger on what I can eat. Have you ever eaten a crocodile? I am told it has one of the sweetest meats. I have had numerous opportunities to eat its meat but haven't, because it is not my kind of food!
You need to know the voice of God. When you know the voice of God, you will hear Him everywhere and anywhere where He is. You will enter a church and even before everything, all you see will tell you whether God is there or not. There are churches I enter and all I can do is check my WhatsApp conversations, what's trending online, etc. There are other houses (not churches) that I  enter and know, God is here.
The first time I audibly heard the voice of God,  I thought I was speaking to myself. He sounded exactly like me. But now I have learnt to hear Him even from stones and donkeys when they speak.
But I emphasise,  just because you don't hear God,  through me doesn't mean that I don't preach God. It only means that God does not speak to you through me.
We are like letters, preachers are like letters, letters addressed to a specific person. Sometimes you may have a letter addressed to the president, but you want the deputy president to react on it. The deputy president will tell you, "but this letter is not addressed to me". Same with preachers, a preacher may be having a great message, but it is not addressed to you, he or she is not addressed to you.
God told Elijah, "I have COMMANDED a widow to feed you", the widow did not hear any command from God, but her heart was moved to obey Elijah. You do not need to hear the audible voice of God, all you need is to move as your heart is being moved.
And if you do so, while others suffer and long for the rains, you will be wondering what the fuss is all about.
Some people hear God from me, they feel their hearts moved to cook for me the first bread, but then something tells them, "No, your shepherd is so and so", yet if you ask them what that person taught them today in church they will not remember, but they can remember a message I posted three years ago almost word for word. Some have even preached messages I sent to them, but they still deny I am their shepherd, Why? Because we don't meet physically. The same way people treat God because they don't meet Him physically. With such a behavior, food poisoning is inevitable.
We continue tomorrow...
Shalom and keep the faith.

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