Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Understanding The Trinity

Matthew 27:46, "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (KJV)

Many people find it hard to explain the trinity; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy. Many even some preachers cannot explain how we claim to have *one God*, yet, we mention three.
I was asked a question a few years ago, "Who is Jesus?"
I told him, "If you are asking about Jesus Christ, the He is God."
He asked me, "Really? Then, one, did God die on the cross? Why did He, who was God, cry 'My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?', Does God (Jesus) have another God, he prays to?"

At first I laughed, because I understood that I am dealing with a person that doesn't understand the Bible and doesn't understand the trinity.
What kills many of us is a need for a quick-fix, people want quick answers, they want shorter sermons, yes, many have confessed to me telling, "I don't read what you write, it is too long". Why, because people want something that they will not pay the price of! If any person generates a message of few words that says they will give free things if you send it to ten people, the message goes viral within a minute.
No wonder even preachers who want their preaching to go viral have resulted to blackmail! They tell you, "send this to ten people and you will be blessed, fail and you are doomed", and out of fear (not out of love) you will send the message while shaking and checking the watch because some even give you a time limit!

So, this man wanted me to explain to him in a fast way, why I say Jesus is God and prove to him that I don't pray to three gods.
So, I asked him, "Who are you?"
He said, "My name is Mohammed"
I asked him, "Really? Then, Who was the first president of Kenya?"
He said, "Mzee Jomo Kenyatta"
I asked him, "Really? So, where is Kenyatta now?"
He told me, "He is dead"
I asked him, "Really? Is Kenyatta dead?"
He said, "He is not dead, he passed on from his body"
He was now getting angry... and I wanted to make him even more angry. So, I asked him, "ah! So, there were two Kenyattas? One died and another passed on?"
He first called me a fool, then told me that, he is speaking about a spirit and a body. He even explained to me how a spirit and body works, even told me that the spirit is actually the real person inside the body! "When he leaves", he told me, "the body is just a shell, and people say, 'so and so has left'".
I asked Him, "Can a person be born without a head and survive?"
You know, when a person posses as the wise, yet they are fools, the only way for them to learn is to make yourself a fool and teach them from a fool's level.
"Of course not!" he said.
I told him, "Now see? You have answered yourself!" He asked, "How?" now surprised.
I told him, God created man in His image. Just like man exists in three, body, mind and soul, so also, does God who is one exist in God the son, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.

God the Son is the visible God, because, He is God in a body. He is called the Son because He is God's idea. Just like Adam was God's idea and he became a son of God when he was created.
And idea was conceived and brought forth, in other words it was born, and hence it becomes a child... because it is born.
From Genesis to Malachi, we just see God the Father and God the Holy Spirit at play. God is a Spirit, and for a spirit to operate on earth, it needs to inhabit a body. And therefore, an idea of having a body for God was conceived and brought forth through Mary!
*Any idea you conceive and bring forth is your child*, I have brought forth the idea of this ministry, it is my child and my son.
When the body of man ceases to function, two things don't die with it; the mind and the spirit.

Man is a spirit, his ability to function is in his mind, but for Him to function on earth he is put in a body.
God is a Spirit, His ability to function is in His mind, the component we call the FATHER. The name "father", means the source. The Father is the mind function of the Spirit of God, from where all things emanate.
Just like it is your mind that says, "I need to do this", So it is, with the Godhead, it is the Father that decides what ought to be done and the spirit executes through Christ who is the body that carries them.
This is why Jesus said, "Pray to the Father, in my name and you shall receive". People confuse these three, some pray to Jesus, in the name of the Father. Hence, they don't receive.

You are supposed to ask (pray) from the source (the Father), in the name of Jesus (The visible) and you will receive (from the Spirit of God), into your spirit (the invisible you), who will give an idea to your mind (the source) and your body will translate the spiritual gift into a physical tangible things! That is the sequence.
The Bible says in Deuteronomy 8:18, "It is He that teaches you HOW to make wealth."
When you pray right, things don't fall from heaven on to your table, they fall from heaven to your spirit, from your spirit to your mind, from your mind to your table. God the Spirit will teach your spirit, what the mind of God (God the Father) has in-store for you through Jesus. Your spirit will teach your mind what to command your body to do, to make wealth.
Back to the cross as I finish.
Who died on the Cross?

It was Jesus, the body that carried the mind of God (God the Father) and the Spirit of God (if you can remember Jesus saying, "The Spirit of the LORD is upon me...").
Jesus cried, "My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?"
Two things happen here but people don't notice it.
"The Father" (the source/the resourceful) part of the Godhead was the first to vacate the body. Because had He not done so it was just a matter of time and things might have turned. The Father had the ability to command the Spirit to turn things around.
So, when Jesus is saying so, He is actually asking, the source of all ideas of creation, why and if He has really decided to go silent on this one.
It is like when people know for sure you can give a great idea, but you decide you will not do it. I did electrical engineering, and sometimes, an electrical fault occurs near where I am and I just sit in the dark. I would be right if someone asks me, "Nesh, Nesh, why have you left us?"

The second thing that happened is that the Bible says, "He gave up His Ghost". In other words, the Spirit of God on seeing that the Father was not about to issue a command, He too exited. And thence, the body, the shell, was left on the cross.
Paul says, "That I may know Christ and the power that raised Him from the dead". Raising Jesus from the dead was "simple". All that needed to happen was, The Spirit of God to come back to the body.

Who moved the stone from the tomb? Who rolled the big stone away?
Some people say it was the angels, but I believe that the Mind of God came back to the body, and the creation ideas started flowing again through the body of Jesus. Ideas that moved mountains and trees, oceans and dry land... must have seen moving the stone away as a small fete.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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