Saturday, 17 February 2018

The Power Of Your Sense Of Smell

Job 14:7-9, "For there is hope of a tree, if it  be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the  tender branch thereof will not cease. Though  the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the  stock thereof die in the ground; Yet through the  scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs  like a plant." (KJV) 

I have mentioned this in the past, but because my audience keeps growing, sometimes I have to repeat something I said, because when I said it, they may be were not there or they were not listening. Yeah, some people don't listen, almost every day I receive a message that says, "Wow! I have just thought of reading what you send, and I can't believe I have been ignoring this!"
So, We discussed what "Backsliding" really is and what being "born again" is and lastly what "falling away" is. 

These are three terms that I think Christians should be taught and be made to understand. 
Being born again as the name suggests is equivalent to birth. There is conception, gestation, labour and birth. Many people think that all this did not happen because they just went and before they knew it they were saying, "Lord Jesus, forgive me of my sins... "
But for you to get saved, you will always have to be conceived, carried in the womb, there must be the pain of labour and birth. Conception is the conviction; you must be convinced that you are a sinner and be aware that you are bound for judgement and he'll if you don't do something. The gestation period is the moment between realization of this and deciding what ought to be done. The labour is in deciding how to do it;  some churches demand you come to the front, raise your hand if you want to be saved, or just silently say the prayer after the preacher wherever you are. This is one of the most difficult times and everybody who ever got saved will tell you so. The birth is finally accepting Jesus, by believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth. 

What is "backsliding"? Many people confuse backsliding with falling away from faith. Backsliding is laxing in issues of faith. For instance, if you were praying three times a day, you start doing it once a day, you have backslidden. If you used to go to church everyday, but then you start going once a week, you have backslidden.  Note that, you are not stopping because of circumstances, you are not doing this because you are forced to, you just stop feeling enthusiastic about it. The zeal that consumed you once died, you don't feel the need anymore, that is backsliding. 

"Falling away" from faith is very different from backsliding. This is a complete REVERSAL of what went on when you were being born again. 
Being born again is dying from sin, falling away is dying from righteousness. Just like being born again is believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and confessing it with your mouth and you are baptised into salvation, So it is also with falling away, in that you believe that Jesus IS NOT is neither Christ nor the son of God, confess it with your mouth and you are "baptized" into a sinful life. 

This is why Paul says to the Hebrews, "For  it is  impossible for those who were once enlightened,  and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were  made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have  tasted the good word of God, and the powers of  the world to come, If they shall fall away, to  renew them again unto repentance; seeing they  crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and  put him to an open shame." (Heb 6:4-6)
Now, people confuse backsliding and falling away, and think that if you have backslidden, then, "it is impossible for you to be born again, again". This also bring confusion, because you can never be born again, again.
Just like when you are born to the world, you are born once, so it is also in matters of faith. You can only be born again once! 
If you have backslidden and you would want to come back to Christ, that is not called being born again, it is called "Renewing your faith", just like people renew their marriage vows after some time. 

And you can renew your vows even without necessarily having backslidden. 
But if you fall away from faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to come back, because it will be like crucifying Jesus a second time. 
The devil has killed so many with guilt. Just because they erred once, the devil tells them that they cannot come back because they will be crucifying Jesus a second time. Which is not true, it is a misquote of the scripture. He is making you carry a burden that is not yours. The burden of the impossibility to come back is not for a backslider, but for one that that was
1. Once enlightened
2. Tasted the heavenly gifts
3. Made partakers of the Holy Ghost
4. Tasted the good word of the LORD
5. Tasted of the powers of the world to come
but still decided to FORFEIT this and go back to serving the devil. 
In a few words, this is a burden for a person that had been given all by God, but still disdained Him. 

Some people get saved for three days and after falling prey to the first temptation the devil slaps them with this scripture, telling them it is impossible for them to come back. 
Job is the oldest book in the bible. 
Telling us that from the beginning God had arranged that there is hope as long as your sense of smell can still mark the place where the water is, even if you are cut you can still sprout and bud again. 

Listen to this, Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Faith is kept by tasting; in this kingdom, when you taste instead of feeling you see. David says, "Taste and see that the LORD  is good". Tasting the word of God, enlightens your eyes to see! But some times, you may feel like you are cut off, like you don't belong with God anymore, and that is the time to use your sense of smell to resuscitate yourself back to life!!!  Hallelujah! 
When God formed Adam, the bible says he did not become a living being until God breathed INTO HIS NOSTRILS!! Remember Adam was created in Genesis one, He was formed in Genesis 2, but he had to activate his sense of smell to become a living being! 
Most people have been convinced that they have fallen away, because they don't hivyo church anymore, because they slept with the choir girl once, because they fell into temptation the other day, but the million dollar question is, "Can you smell Jesus Christ who is the living water?"

Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 4:9, that as long as you are alive, there is hope, because a living dog is better than a dead lion.
If you can still smell the scent of water, then you can bud again. Do not allow the devil to keep you away from God because you backslid. Yes, you cannot be born again, again, but you can renew your faith and your vows to God anytime you want, whether you have backslidden or not. For His mercies are new every morning! Why do you think God renews His mercies every morning?? It is for the sake of those who are renewing their faith and vows to Him every morning!
This morning I came to tell someone, You haven't fallen away, you just backslid, come back home, your Father is waiting for you. CAN YOU FEEL THE SCENT? IS YOUR SENSE IF SMELL OK? Then don't jail yourself together with those whose sense of smell died! 
Shalom and keep the faith. 

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