Saturday, 17 February 2018

The Hunger And The Thirst

Matthew 6:6, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." (KJV)

What is righteousness?
Righteousness is a state of justification, it is proving to have passed all the processes of being right with God. It is only one step away from glorification.
There is predestination, the calling, justification and glorification.
Everybody thatched born is predestined to do something and in them they have "a calling" to do it.

A calling is a divine backing or reinforcement. Every time you decide to do what you were called to do, there is an anointing to perform it that cannot be denied.
Predestination as I talked of it some time back, is the fact that God has already decided what you ought to do. For instance, whoever makes a TV expects it to have audio and visual abilities, that is the predestination of a TV. Whoever makes a radio, only expects it to carry the audio functions of the waves, that is the predestination of a radio. Your predestination is your functionability. Your predestination is hidden in your specifications.

The predestination of Samson was in his strength. The predestination of Jesus was in His mercy. The predestination of Moses was in his anger. The predestination of David was in his worship. The predestination of Daniel was in his prayer life, and so on and so forth.
After predestination, we have the calling. The calling is a divine reinforcement. This is why, if anybodyvtries to do what they were not predestined to do, they struggle a lot, because they are doing something that they do not have a divine backing in. This is not to say that it will not prevail, but it is to say that they will use a little more energy to achieve it.
It is possible to marry a person that was not meant for you and still be happy, but it will cost you a little bit more than if you had married the person meant for you.
People ask me, "Can a saved person work in a bar?" Yes they can, but they will be doing what they were not destined to do, therefore they will struggle more than if they were working outside a liquor bar.

After the calling there is justification. Justification is based on righteousness. It is one thing to work in your calling, it is yet another very different thing to work in it righteously.
Jesus said, "Some will come and say, 'we did miracles in your name, we even cast out demons in your name', but I will tell them get thee away from me, ye sons of iniquity. God to the devil your father!"
The thing that will disqualify these guys from being told "Come by my side oh yeah faithful servants", is justification.

They were predestined, and they operated in the calling BUT they did not do it righteously, hence, they were not justified. They did not do it right with God.
And so they will not reach the next stage which is glorification. Glorification is only for those who are justified.
Glorification is in two phases, here on earth - which we call vindication, and beyond the grave which I call the induction.
Vindication is where everybody all along thought you were wrong, only to find out later that you were right. Vindication is when your fruits come out and everybody say, "Wow! I thought this guy was a lemon, never knew he was an orange!" Vindication is when things, in this your life, not in heaven, here on earth, finally start to fall in place. Vindication is when your struggles, finally start to be history and people start using you as an example of "those whom the LORD has favoured".

Induction is what we all await beyond the grave. The welcoming if the sons into their Father's kingdom. Where we shall join Jesus in reigning. Where all we had and should have had on earth shall be nothing compared to what we shall have then. Things that no ear has heard and no eye has seen are what that are in store for those who believe.
Let us step back to justification, it is our main focus for today.
Many people want glorification before justification, it cannot happen.
Many people are in their calling and they may even be doing quite well in it but they will fail in the justification and hence not qualify for the glorification.
In the kingdom of God, it is not just a matter of being, but being in Him. You have to have the ability to say, "In Him I live, move and have my being (Acts 17:28)"
I was reading about David yesternight and how he brought in the ark of of the covenant into Jerusalem. The Bible says that after every six steps, he would stop, create an altar and make a sacrifice unto God and worship.
Imagine that!!

After every six steps!
We want to hurry up and do "what we were called to do", but we forget that we must do it not as we want but as God the author of it wants. This means that after every six steps, we need to stop and ask from Him if we are still on the right track. Number six is the number of human weaknesses, the number of the flesh.
This means that every time you do something and your flesh starts to congratulate you, you need to stop, offer a sacrifice and ask God if you are still moving as He wanted from the beginning.

Every time you preach over and over again, and the flesh; which by the way is a combination of your thoughts and the opinions of people start to tell you how good you have become at it, it is time to stop, build an altar, make a sacrifice, worship God and inquire more direction from God.
We have talked about prayer and Fasting... right? Well, when everything is praising you and your service, that could be the best time to decide to go into prayer and fasting. What for??? To stop, build an altar, sacrifice and worship.
In our lead scripture today, Jesus tells His audience that "blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled".

Have you ever noticed that except for the night when we are sleeping, we normally eat after every six hours? After breakfast, count six hours and you will be hungry again, after lunch, count six hours and you will be needing some supper.
Number six represents a time when human weakness kicks in. It is a cycle of sorts. This is why even after every six days, the seventh should be used to seek God and worship Him.
It is called the Hunger and thirst for righteousness! If hunger shall kick in every six hours, andcwhen you sit to eat, a balanced meal include some water, the same it is with righteousness.

You need to learn to count your six!
You need to be sensitive enough to know when your six is up!
Learn to know when your hunger and thirst kicks in. If you notice that you neither feel hungry nor thirsty ... I am sorry but, then, you must be dead. LET'S COUNT OUR SIX.
Shalom and keep the faith.

Disclaimer : All definition in this write up were written by me under the influence of the Holy Spirit, if therefore they fall short of what you might have learnt in school, I have no apologies to make. Cheers.

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