Thursday, 22 February 2018


2 Peter 3:8, "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." (KJV)

There is a difference between "waiting on" and "waiting for". And so there is a difference between "waiting on God/upon God" and "waiting for God".
Waiting on/upon is serving God, you can understand it better in our age if you look at the service of waiters in a hotel. It is availing yourself to ensure another is satisfied and comfortable. It speaks of being ready to be called, to be sent, to be asked questions and to serve.

Waiting for on the other hand is stopping everything else, and remain almost stagnant until an expectation arrives. It is in other words called "tarrying".
Many people confuse waiting on God, with tarrying for God. And this is one of the things that have really frustrated many in their lives, making even some think that God does not exist. Because they tarried for Him, but He did not come.
Why did He not come?

Because God does not move. God never moves either away or closer, it is we that move in either direction. In Isaiah 1:8, He calls and says "Come, let us reason together". Therefore, while some are waiting for God, which we are actually calling tarrying for God, God on the other hand is waiting for them or tarrying for them to come.
Yesterday as I was walking through our capital, I saw a poster that was advertising the works and the solutions a certain witchdoctor does and can offer. And I said to myself, "If there is anything anybody is not getting from God, then the problem is not with God, the problem is with their belief system." Seriously, if someone can go to a wizard or a witch or a traditionalist and get all what I saw in that list, yet these have very limited power, and you cannot get a pin from God, then you need to check on HOW YOU BELIEVE. Because, He who you believe in is greater than any other force of power in operation anywhere in the world.
And one of the reasons why we are not receiving from God, and which has corrupted our belief system is that we wait for God instead of waiting on God.
Verily, verily, I assure you, those who wait for God, might die before they see Him, but those who wait on God, will see Him sooner than they expected.

I was telling some people somewhere yesterday, that I preach what I preach, well aware that it may never attract many, and well aware that those who receive it will fear sharing it. They would rather share a silly joke than share something as serious as this. But I was telling them I speak it any ways, because I am under obligation to do so, I am a slave to its source and this is the purpose of my being.
The truth is this, you cannot wait for a person unless what they are bringing is way more important than what you'd rather do elsewhere. If the president is going to drop all he is doing to tarry for you, then, you must be bringing an information or a substance that is worthy more than the country he is ruling.
I mean to say this, you wait for /tarry for someone, only because you have NOTHING BETTER to do.

But you wait on someone because you belief THEY HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN YOU. That is the main difference of the two.
Hoteliers do not open their hotel because there are no other hotels in the area, no! They open their hotels because they believe they are the best of all hotels there may be, and therefore, you have no better option of being waited on, than to come into their hotel.
Waiting on God is like opening a hotel, and believing in yourself that if God was to choose of all the hotels, He would choose mine. Why so? Because I offer the best waiting service!
Waiting on God, draws God to you.
I have taught about waiting on God in the past and I gave an analogy of the waiters in a hotel. They wake up very early, wash the premises, wash and dry the cutlery, wipe the tables and dress them, cook their best meal and then wait for customers.
Please remember, they did not plan with anybody, that anybody would come to eat their food, they did it by faith.
The problem with many of us is that we want God to commit Himself to coming first, before we can open our hotel. We say, "I will not open, because I don't know for sure if God is coming".

Waiting for God is tiring, it is one of the hardest thing to engage in, in life. And I see many of my brethren tired and weary, because they are waiting for God. And just like Jesus had warned us, there has come some in His name, who are taking advantage of those who are waiting for God. And they have made brethren even more tired because they make them run all over. Their work is to announce, "Jesus is in the East!", and people will run to the east or "Jesus is the north!" and the people will run to the north.
But those who wait on God, as Isaiah told us in the fortieth chapter of his book and verses thirty one, *shall renew their strength.*
One of the indications that you are waiting on God and not waiting for God, is by the renewal of strength. When you wake up every morning, and feel a new zeal to continue serving God even if things look the same to the physical eye. But when you start feeling fatigued, and the pangs of giving up start tormenting you, it is the high time to know that you might have abandoned waiting on God and started waiting for God.
Isaiah continues to say that, "they shall mount on wings like eagles, run and not fail, walk and not faint". Another indication of whether you are waiting on God or waiting for God, is in not being like everybody else. The eagle is incomparable with any other bird. The moment you start wanting to be like everybody else and start comparing yourself with your peers then you should know right away that you are not waiting on God, instead you are waiting for God.

Stop comparing yourself with others, their ways are not your ways, their visions are not your visions, their anointing is not your anointing and their grace is not your grace. Be happy when others prosper before you celebrate with them even help them prosper, because you are not ignorant that God will soon need you to wait on Him.
And when He comes for you to wait on on Him, what others achieved in a thousand years, you will achieve in one day, and what you will have in one day, will take you through a thousand years to consume.

All you need is one visit by God to your hotel, and He will do for you in that one day, what it has taken others a thousand years to achieve. And the achievements of that one day, will need you a thousand years to erase.
I feel like ending here today, but I still feel there is some more in my spirit. But the Bible tells me that the Spirit of a prophet is under the control of the prophet. Hence, I will choose to end here and pray that God will allow us to continue with this tomorrow, but if He decides we tackle another thing, then I pray that the Holy Spirit of God inside of you will multiply these few loaves of bread and fish I have put in your hands, so that what I could not speak, will be revealed to you.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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