Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Consumption And Consummation

Proverbs 24:14, "So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off."

Digestion is a process of consumption, but gestation is a process of incubation. Most of the times, the reason why a miracle will or will not happen, is dependant on whether it was digestion of the word of God that occurred, or it was a conception that initiated a gestation period that occured.
Many people do not receive what they pray because they do not conceive it, and hence they are not expectant. I always tell people that there is a big difference between a pot-belly and a pregnancy.  A pot-belly comes as a result of consumption, a pregnancy comes as a result of consummation. These are two words that almost sound the same but they mean very different. Consummation is the action of making a marriage or relationship complete by having sexual intercourse. While consumption is the act of depleting by a process of ingestion and digestion.

Whenever consummation occurs, there is a high probability that someone is going to be pregnant. Pregnancy is called in another word expectancy, it depicts an expectation, and the Bible says in Proverbs 23:18, "For surely there is an end; and the expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off."
As I have just said, therefore, there is a difference between a pot-belly and a pregnancy and the difference is in the expectation. However big a pot belly becomes, you don't expect that one day you will deliver from it, but it doesn't matter how small a baby bump is, soon you will be delivering from it.
The reason why miracles don't happen, is that most people only want miracles, but they actually don't become expectant with the miracle itself.
There is a difference between wanting to have a baby and actually carrying a baby in your womb. Many people just want to have a miracle but they avoid by all means the process of consummation, which is the only guarantee that you will be expectanct with an expectancy that will lead to delivery.

Jesus talking about consumption and consummation said, "Whatever goes in through the mouth, goes into the belly and soon comes out through the bowels. But whatever goes into the heart, will soon come out of the heart and make all the difference you want". Therefore he said, "It is not what that goes into your mouth that defiles you, it is actually that which comes from your mouth that defiles you". In other words, it is what you got from a consummation, which you incubated in your heart and after a gestation period, which you deliver through your mouth and effect the change you want.
Many people tell me, "I pray but nothing is happening", the problem is actually that all you have is a pot-belly! It is not an expectancy. Others are expectant, but they abort it by not knowing that a gestation period exists and so, they force themselves to have the baby prematurely, sometimes the miracle may survive, albeit in an incubator, or it may just die and be called a "still birth".

There are instant miracles and there are procedural miracles.
Even Jesus did both, on one occasion He met ten lepers, and they asked Him to have mercy on them. And He told them, "go and show yourself to the priest and do all that is required by the law after one is cleansed of leprosy". And the bibles says that, "AS THEY WENT they were cleansed". Yet another example of procedural miracle is that of a blind man that Jesus made mud with his saliva and dust, smeared the mud on his eyes and asked him to find the pool of Siloam and wash his eyes. AFTER HE DID AS COMMANDED, he regained his sight. O! You want an example from the Old Testament too? There are many but let me just pick Naaman, who was commanded by Elisha to completely submerge himself in river Jordan seven times for him to be cleansed of leprosy.

There are instant miracles and procedural miracles as I have said, but whether they be instant or procedural, there is a gestation period, yes! Even the instant once have a gestation period. It's just that it is so short, we thought it was not there.
For the Bible says that, "Those who approach the LORD much (first) believe that He exists and is a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him". Now, that is a gestation period right there.

If you come to test if God really exists, you may not get anything. God does not prove His existence by blessing you, but by blessing others. God proves His existence to others by blessing you. The Bible says that His eyes are roaming to and fro on earth, looking for a just man that He may prove Himself as God on their behalf.
So, if you are waiting for God to prove to you that He exists by doing something for you, then you are waiting on the wrong channel. You have to first believe that He exists, then, allow Him to use you to prove to others that He exists. James says that you pray and receive not because you pray amiss.

I preached unto you another time, and said, "lose that pot-belly", I am back again, to tell you yet again, to lose that pot-belly and get yourself a baby bump... this time a miracle bump.
Whatever you want, Jesus said, you must first believe and then you shall receive. Believing is the consummation. You cannot want to have a baby and still expect to remain a virgin. Many people want miracles, but they do not want to pay the price!
Yes, miracles are free, but that word free is dependant on what you are looking at. Even salvation is free, but someone had to die for you to get it for free. I always say that, the fact that you did not pay at a hotel, does not necessarily mean you ate for free. Someone paid for it, because food does not appear from thin air. Therefore, there is a price to pay for everything, only that sometimes, it is not upon you to foot the bill.
My message for today was, if you want a miracle, do not just consume the word, instead, consummate with the word. Our lead scripture has told us that, after knowledge of wisdom has come, and you have found it, (then you shall be expectant) and your expectation shall not be cut off. Hallelujah! Let's do this again tomorrow.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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