Sunday, 4 February 2018

Believe In Me

2 Chronicles 20:20, "...Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established; believe and remain steadfast to His prophets and you shall prosper."

As a musician and a music producer, and in my movement from one school, college and university to another speaking to young people, I have had an opportunity to meet to many people who believe they have at least one thing that is so outstanding that if it was brought out, it would change the world and more so their lives.
Yes, this is something I have to deal with almost everyday. A person with come and sing to you or for you a song, you as a producer can tell it doesn't have what it takes, but they will tell you, "if only someone can believe in me and help me produce this song! It would be a hit, bring in money, I will pay them back, pay my bills, buy myself stuff, etc, etc". Sometimes, I look at them and tell myself, "O Lord, this is where I was in 1998. When I first went to my dad with my first 12 songs, wishing, praying and hoping he could believe in me"
The hope of every person that has a vision but no RESOURCES is this: that they will meet a person that believes in them.

And believe you me, God also needs HUMAN RESOURCE to execute what He wants in earth. God is a Spirit and spirits cannot work on earth in anything unless they inhabit a body of a human. This is why even the devil has to get a host for him to make any progress as pertains to his kingdom.
And what we see Jehoshaphat telling the people of Judah in the valley of Tekoah, the way He ends that statement is God's need for someone *to believe in Him*, just like these people I meet with talent but no resources.
This is the same need Jesus cited when He said, "The harvest is plenty and ripe, but the labourers are few. This is God telling us, "Believe in me."
Believing in God, *brings establishment*, affirmation and confirmation, Ordination and coronation.

Believing in the prophet, brings prosperity into what God has established you in, affirmed you in and confirmed you in, ordained you in and coronated you in.
How do you show that you believe in a person?
Simple!  By investing in their dream.
If I meet a promising artist, the first thing I do is draft a contract with them. In the contract, I promise to invest in them and in return I get my percent cut from the profits we make and also RECOVER my investment.

This is the same thing God wants you to do with Him. Many people claim to believe in God, but they are not willing to invest anything in God, and there is no existing contract between them and God. They do not have a plan to RECOVER what they invested (of course they invested Nothing) and so they do things for God like volunteers.
Peter asked a question that we should all ask God, "We have left all and followed you, what shall we get in return?" Many people fear asking God that question. And because of that, they live a poor, shaky, dilapidated (not established) life. They have nothing to challenge God with!

When I got saved, death to me was as real as the air I am breathing. No, I was not sick. But I had lived a reckless life, I had tasted all I needed to taste, but I reached a point and I felt without a shadow of doubt that my days on earth had come to an end. I had been raised in church, my father being a pastor, since I gained knowledge. Actually, I think he got saved around the year I was born, so, I practically was born to a born again man (I am not sure, I will confirm, hahahaha). So, I knew that if I died in my state, I was going directly to a place called hell, where suffering had no end neither escape, forever and ever.
And I had heard men of God my father being one ofvthem preach saying, "believe in God and you will no pain no more!"

So,  I chose to believe in God, I drafted my contract, in which I stated that I would invest my life in Him and get my percentage on our returns.
He told me, "you shall surely get your percentage from our profits, and in the end, you shall REVOVER your life, your investment, by receiving eternal life!"
This is what I say, believing in a man of God is not shown by shouting the loudest "Amen", believingvin a man of God is shown *BY PUTTING YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS!* Yes! And I can tell you for sure that I know those who believe in me, or I can tell you that they are daily revealed to me.

Jesus said, "If God will not punish this generation, then He owes an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah!" I tell you for sure, you are at a better place to believe in a man of God than generations passed. Part generations could say, there in no man in my country for me to believe in, if I knew another and got a way to support them even if they are abroad I would. Nowadays, the world is has been made a small village. You can send things and funds from anywhere, you can support men of God from one end of the world to another.
The BEST question you can ask a man of God is, "How can I invest in your ministry?" Because the best way to invest in God is by investing in His men.
This is why Jehoshaphat in the wisdom of God, could not separate believing in God from believing His prophet.

You believe in God by believing His prophet!
You show your believe in God, by investing in His prophet! Believing in God makes you steadfast and unshakeable, believing in His prophet makes you prosper!
God does not work with volunteers, and this is what is causing people a lot of pain. The Bible says that Those who come to God, MUST BELIEVE THAT HE US A REWARDER OF THEM THAT SEEK HIM DILLIGENTLY. Don't come to God like you are coming to help Him. When I meet a promising artist, and they cry to me, "Please help me", I look them in the face and tell them, "I AM NOT HELPING YOU, I am here to make money from you". There is a spirit of a lion of Judah in us and also a spirit of the lamb of God in us, we must be both as wise as a serpent and as calm as a dove! If God did not promise you anything when you got born again, then He owes you nothing! God is a keeper of promises. He is not a man to lie or a son of man to change His mind! The Best way to deal with God, is always living IN HIS PROMISES. I make God make a new promise every day, because He will keep it. His promises are yeah, and in Him amen.

Those who have tried this know it works. Recently I needed some money, I approached a brother for a soft loan. He told me man of God, "I can't give you a loan, instead, I will give the money to you, don't pay me back". That same evening, he called me very exited to tell me that the same amount he gave me was given to him by a friend who called just to tell him, "Thank you for being a good friend!"
I have to pause this here... not because I am done, but because sweet thing are eaten in small bit lest you suffer from cavity and bitter medicine is also in the smallest of droplets and tablets, lest you fail to finish the dose. This message shall be sweetcto some and very bitter to others, whichever side of the divide you are in...
Shalom and keep the faith.

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