Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Obtaining Favor

Proverbs 18:22, "He who finds a [true] wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." (Amp. Bible)

One of the things I have discovered in life is that it is very easy for a man to get a woman who will mother his children and call her your wife. But it takes more than just getting to not just get a wife, but to get a true wife. For many have wives, but very few have a true wife.
A wife is a builder, a man is a supplier of the building materials. Whereas a man is a visionary, the woman is the action that will make the man reach the vision. A woman is wisdom, the man is knowledge; the combination of a husband and wife is a combination of knowledge and Wisdom. And as I have said, in the past, knowledge comes before wisdom. Because it is from knowledge that wisdom is born. This is why Eve was created from Adam, because Adam was the existing knowledge, from which God created the wisdom.
Many marriages and relationships do not fail because love no longer exists, because true love never dies. Just like God is immortal, and God is love, hence love is immortal, it never dies... as long as it is true. I tell you the truth, if two people who truly loved each other but separated meet, they will still click and can even end up under the same bedding. What breaks most marriages and relationships is something called UNDERSTANDING... the lack of it of course, or having it in very minimal quantities.

Remember the Bible says, Wisdom is the principle thing, but in all thy getting, get understanding. Woman is an embodiment of wisdom, she is the principle thing, but just getting a woman is not enough, hence in all thy getting, get understanding. Get a woman that can understand you and get enough understanding to understand the woman. You need to know that every woman is wise, but not every woman can understand you in her wisdom.
The wisdom of a woman is set to understand only a certain kind of man. One of the easiest ways for a woman to know her man or the man meant to be her husband is the ease of understanding that she has of him. If you hear a woman who keeps saying, "I don't understand this man!" and she still wants to go ahead and be married by him, she is setting herself up for a disastrous destiny. If every time you meet, much of your quarrels start with, "I don't understand... " or something that suggests massive lack of understanding, that is the best signal of two people who are not meant for each other.
Can you understand how come he/she doesn't call you?
Can you understand why he/she is silent?
Can you understand why he said what he/she said? Etc., etc.
Understanding is the mortar that joins knowledge and wisdom to build a strong house or structure.

Mortar is made up of three things; water, sand and cement,  so also is understanding made of three things; endurance, perseverance and humility. Endurance is the ability to handle pressure, stress and strain, it is brought up by a quality called toughness and its opposite is either softness or brittleness. They say when the going gets tough, only the tougher gets going.
Perseverance is the ability withstand and stay on and keep on keeping on. It is brought up by the material something or someone is made of. In a human being we would call this *the character.

Humility is the ability to perform all you were created to perform, regardless of the position you are put in. It is the ability to do the work of a company manager, while you are still the company sweeper, without looking like you are undermining the company's authority or overstepping your borders.
Now, it is when God sees three things in a man, that He will put in his way a woman who has the same three things in the right quantity, and then wake the man from his slumber to behold the beauty of a true wife.
I always tell my peers, no matter how long you date, it will never guarantee a strong marriage.

But if these three things be cultivated in you, then, you are bound to grow old together With the person you're coupled up with. I always remind my African brothers, and mostly those from my tribe, that our grandmothers were usually physically captured on their way to fetch water, and up to date, they are still married to our grandfathers ... no dating was involved, but their marriage stood all the tests of time.
Favor means being given preferential treatment. It means that you are receiving something more than your equals are receiving.

And the Bible is telling us that IF you get a true wife, you obtain favor from God.
By extension it means that, the wife you get, determines how much God would prefer you over his other children. Every parent has his favorite child, every teacher has his or her favorite student, every preacher has his favorite member and so also has God His favorite children. And one way to become his favorite child is by finding a true wife.
Please remember that God will never find you a wife, Even Adam had to find his own wife. The Bible tells us of how he had to name all animals and look if any of them would fill his void. He was in a finding mission. And remember that Eve had been created in Genesis one alongside Adam, for the Bible says, "God created both male and female". But it was not until God saw the desperate searches of Adam that He put Eve in his way. And it is only we, through the revelation of Prophet Moses, that know that it was God that put Adam to sleep and made Eve. But to Adam, one day he slept, and he was to wake up and continue looking for which animal he had not named, and when he woke up, he found one "animal" that made him forget all the other animals that needed names. And that was the end of the naming season!

Favor means that you will not struggle to get from God what others would have to do an extra thing to get. One of the reasons that made Isaac bless Jacob easily than he was willing to bless Esau, was that Esau had married a wrong wife. He married a girl called Judith which was the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and the Bible says that it brought grief into the mind of Isaac and the heart of his mother Rebecca. Isaac had his doubt that Jacob sounded like Jacob but had the body of Esau and still went ahead to give him the blessing of the firstborn. I think (and this is my thought) that Isaac must have been wishing that Jacob was the firstborn or if something could happen and Jacob be blessed instead of Esau. And he must have shared this with his TRUE wife Rebecca and Rebecca must have vowed to move heaven and earth to make Isaac's dream and vision a reality.
This is one of the things that TRUE wives do, they move heaven and earth to actualize what you share with then in the confines of your bedroom.

When you get yourself the wrong woman, you grief God and it may cost you the blessing of the firstborn. Jacob on the other hand got himself a wife from where his father got his wife and he obtained favor from Isaac... he was the favorite of the twins.
A true wife will endure, persevere and humble herself. This is her true show of love, this actually, is THE TRUE show of love. As I have taught you in the past, love is not a feeling. Love is a combination of Decision, commitment, and Responsibility.
We will pick up part two of this from here tomorrow.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Consumption And Consummation

Proverbs 24:14, "So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off."

Digestion is a process of consumption, but gestation is a process of incubation. Most of the times, the reason why a miracle will or will not happen, is dependant on whether it was digestion of the word of God that occurred, or it was a conception that initiated a gestation period that occured.
Many people do not receive what they pray because they do not conceive it, and hence they are not expectant. I always tell people that there is a big difference between a pot-belly and a pregnancy.  A pot-belly comes as a result of consumption, a pregnancy comes as a result of consummation. These are two words that almost sound the same but they mean very different. Consummation is the action of making a marriage or relationship complete by having sexual intercourse. While consumption is the act of depleting by a process of ingestion and digestion.

Whenever consummation occurs, there is a high probability that someone is going to be pregnant. Pregnancy is called in another word expectancy, it depicts an expectation, and the Bible says in Proverbs 23:18, "For surely there is an end; and the expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off."
As I have just said, therefore, there is a difference between a pot-belly and a pregnancy and the difference is in the expectation. However big a pot belly becomes, you don't expect that one day you will deliver from it, but it doesn't matter how small a baby bump is, soon you will be delivering from it.
The reason why miracles don't happen, is that most people only want miracles, but they actually don't become expectant with the miracle itself.
There is a difference between wanting to have a baby and actually carrying a baby in your womb. Many people just want to have a miracle but they avoid by all means the process of consummation, which is the only guarantee that you will be expectanct with an expectancy that will lead to delivery.

Jesus talking about consumption and consummation said, "Whatever goes in through the mouth, goes into the belly and soon comes out through the bowels. But whatever goes into the heart, will soon come out of the heart and make all the difference you want". Therefore he said, "It is not what that goes into your mouth that defiles you, it is actually that which comes from your mouth that defiles you". In other words, it is what you got from a consummation, which you incubated in your heart and after a gestation period, which you deliver through your mouth and effect the change you want.
Many people tell me, "I pray but nothing is happening", the problem is actually that all you have is a pot-belly! It is not an expectancy. Others are expectant, but they abort it by not knowing that a gestation period exists and so, they force themselves to have the baby prematurely, sometimes the miracle may survive, albeit in an incubator, or it may just die and be called a "still birth".

There are instant miracles and there are procedural miracles.
Even Jesus did both, on one occasion He met ten lepers, and they asked Him to have mercy on them. And He told them, "go and show yourself to the priest and do all that is required by the law after one is cleansed of leprosy". And the bibles says that, "AS THEY WENT they were cleansed". Yet another example of procedural miracle is that of a blind man that Jesus made mud with his saliva and dust, smeared the mud on his eyes and asked him to find the pool of Siloam and wash his eyes. AFTER HE DID AS COMMANDED, he regained his sight. O! You want an example from the Old Testament too? There are many but let me just pick Naaman, who was commanded by Elisha to completely submerge himself in river Jordan seven times for him to be cleansed of leprosy.

There are instant miracles and procedural miracles as I have said, but whether they be instant or procedural, there is a gestation period, yes! Even the instant once have a gestation period. It's just that it is so short, we thought it was not there.
For the Bible says that, "Those who approach the LORD much (first) believe that He exists and is a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him". Now, that is a gestation period right there.

If you come to test if God really exists, you may not get anything. God does not prove His existence by blessing you, but by blessing others. God proves His existence to others by blessing you. The Bible says that His eyes are roaming to and fro on earth, looking for a just man that He may prove Himself as God on their behalf.
So, if you are waiting for God to prove to you that He exists by doing something for you, then you are waiting on the wrong channel. You have to first believe that He exists, then, allow Him to use you to prove to others that He exists. James says that you pray and receive not because you pray amiss.

I preached unto you another time, and said, "lose that pot-belly", I am back again, to tell you yet again, to lose that pot-belly and get yourself a baby bump... this time a miracle bump.
Whatever you want, Jesus said, you must first believe and then you shall receive. Believing is the consummation. You cannot want to have a baby and still expect to remain a virgin. Many people want miracles, but they do not want to pay the price!
Yes, miracles are free, but that word free is dependant on what you are looking at. Even salvation is free, but someone had to die for you to get it for free. I always say that, the fact that you did not pay at a hotel, does not necessarily mean you ate for free. Someone paid for it, because food does not appear from thin air. Therefore, there is a price to pay for everything, only that sometimes, it is not upon you to foot the bill.
My message for today was, if you want a miracle, do not just consume the word, instead, consummate with the word. Our lead scripture has told us that, after knowledge of wisdom has come, and you have found it, (then you shall be expectant) and your expectation shall not be cut off. Hallelujah! Let's do this again tomorrow.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Sunday, 25 February 2018

Man's Greatest Acquisition

Proverbs 4:7, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." (KJV)

One of the greatest challenges I have faced, is that everybody expects me to be perfect... which is good any ways, because it keeps me on my toes and constantly reminds me of the level I am supposed to maintain.
But as much as I am spiritually powerful; very powerful, I also am made of flesh and blood. I also need from time to time to get a company that will not undermine my spiritualism but which will also be keen to nurse my physical being.
And I can tell you for sure that this is the hardest thing to find on earth. This is because mostly, the closer you get to a person, the more they discover your weaknesses and the easier it becomes for them to start thinking they no longer need to revere your anointing anymore. It is very hard to find a person that will revere your anointing after they have discovered your weaknesses.
Familiarity breeds contempt.

Very few people know how to suppress contempt after familiarity has set in. You will find a woman if you are a man, that reveres your anointing, she calls you "lord", and when you look at her, you will see a Sarah to Abraham. But after you've married her, she will call you names and embarrassed you in every manner possible to her. The problem may not be in your anointing, it is with her familiarity the bore contempt in the process. She became so close to your flesh, that your spirituality in her sight disappeared.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

When people are separated from your flesh, all they see is your spirit. And your spirit is a beauty to behold. But the moment you start revealing your flesh to them, they start seeing that your flesh isn't actually as beautiful as your spirit.
The Bible says that Adam and Eve lived in Eden naked, and none felt shame seeing each other so. But the Bible tells us clearly that, when they ate the forbidden fruit, both their eyes were opened, and they discovered that they were naked. In other words, "they felt shame of beholding each other".

The fruit they ate, is called, the fruit of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil. One of the things that closeness brings, is knowledge. It is when you are close to someone that your eyes are opened, for you to see the good and the evil in them.
I have told you a few times that I have a very long line of people who want to meet me. Yes, they want to meet face to face with the person who writes this! What I can tell you for sure and for free is that these people, due to their distance from my flesh, have beheld the beauty of my spirit. And what they want to do is to try and compare, the beauty of my spirit, with the beauty of my flesh. And most of the times, because I have met a few, it is quite disappointing. One recently asked me, "Where did you park your car?" I laughed and said, "They are yet to manufacture the type of car I want, hence I am still amongst the walking nation."

Another asked me, over ten times, if really I was pastor Nesh. As if they thought I had sent a decoy. After telling them yes over and over again, they then asked me, "Are you really a pastor", my flesh was whispering to me, "Tell him 'no, "pastor" is just my surname'", but I suppressed my flesh and told him, "yes, I was ordained in 2015 as a pastor".
Where am I going with this?
Solomon tells us that wisdom is very important and must be gotten, but if ever you find understanding, then sell everything you have and buy it.
One of any man's greatest acquisitions is having that one person that can understand them. Having that one person that will not start sneering at their preaching because they discovered that their kid is a drug addict. That person who will not look at them differently as they preach, because they know that her husband is unfaithful, yet she is teaching about stable marriages.

I have told you in the past, most of the times, your weakness actually indicates your area of ministry. Judas was a thief, but Jesus set him to take care of the ministry's finances. And the Bible says that Jesus was well aware of his tendencies to help himself from the kitty.
Therefore, most of the times, the people who will give you the best advice about marriage, are actually those, whose marriage is almost breaking. The person who may teach you, how best to apply your faith is one whose faith is perpetually tested. The person who may give you the best advice of how to have a stable family, is one whose children are bringing them headaches day and night.

Many people look at challenges and ask themselves "Why me?"
But as I told you in a full message some years back, We are like billboards, whatever is written on you is mostly not for you to read, but for others to read from you.
Don't agree to shut up about marriage just because you are divorced. Don't agree to not advice young girls on how to get the best man just because you are not yet hooked up and you haven't gotten married.
Actually, I have discovered that the more I teach people about something, the better I become in it. I teach piano, once in a while, and I have discovered that every student I teach, makes me a better pianist. Some of you have not gotten a man to marry them just because, you have taken your status as a shame and covered it. You don't speak of it, or teach others from it, by so doing you deny yourself a chance to become better... the better-half-to someone.

The greatest acquisition a man can get, is to get a person that Understands. Understanding that my spirit is connected to God, intertwined with God, fused with God, in God and God in it, but my flesh is not. Therefore, there is something that my spirit can teach you which my flesh is yet to do or achieve.
I pray for people and God blesses them with cars, and they leave me amongst the walking nation. You can help people to have stable marriages, even if yours broke. The teacher who taught me in nursery school may not have had a degree, but that did not stop her from teaching me to get my degree! It is not a must that I be a master in something for you to humble yourself under my tutorship.
Even in this online ministry, one person whom by now I believe must have blocked me, kept telling me, "Go and get a certain degree in theology first, then come teach me". Every day I sent him a text, he would tell me so or something that told me I knew nothing, hence could teach him nothing. And I would reply, "Yeah, you told me so". I think he blocked me eventually.

But as I say, you can learn more from a divorcee on how to keep your marriage, more that you can learn from some of the so-called "successful couples". Because a divorcee will teach you from a level of HUMILITY, while the other will teach you from a level of PRIDE & INTIMIDATION. They make you feel like you are doing everything wrong if you are not doing it their way, but the former wants to make you not make the same mistake they made. I say, even a mad man speaks sense once in a while; it is what they say after the sensible talk that proves they are mad. Even a broken watch is right once every twelve hours.
The greatest acquisition a man can get is getting a person that can understand and successfully separate their spirit from their flesh. And be able to treat each without tagging one onto the other.

People ask me, why is God still using so and so even after how he failed recently, well, this could be one of the reasons. God treats these two components of a man together and separately as it seems fit to Him..... More is to come.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Friday, 23 February 2018

Wait (Part 2)

2 Peter 3:8, "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." (KJV)

Yesterday we discussed the difference between waiting on God and waiting for God. And we scratched the surface of having a one day encounter with God that is worth a thousand years experience.
To understand what I want you to capture today, I will want you to fix your eyes on the word "ignorant", in our lead scripture for this topic.

And I would like you to remember that a few past days we have mentioned it quite often and for those who have been following, we know that, ignorance indicates lack of knowledge. This is why in a court of law, it is a common practice to hear a judge telling you that, "ignorance of the law is no defense". In other words telling you that, you cannot ask the judge to let you go just because you claim you did not know that such a law existed.
Recently, I was told that it is against the laws of Nairobi city, to come into the city in slippers. I never knew, but I was told that you could be arrested and fined if found in them. Another time I was stopped by a police officer for carrying my son shoulder high in the city, and was let off with a warning on attempted murder. I didn't know it is wrong to carry a child on my shoulders in the city. But if the officer had just decided to make my day a bad one, I would have been in hot soup.
Now, Peter tells us that, "be not ignorant of this one thing", he is telling us to grasp the knowledge that there exists of a certain special information. Because without knowledge, people perish.

And the information is that One day with God, is able to bring forth fruits that would take you a thousand years to produce without Him.
The prophets of baal, at Mount Carmel, prayed from morning until 3 in the afternoon. And their god did not bring even a spark let alone a smoke. Elijah prayed a three seconds, two sentence prayer and a fire came from heaven and burned everything including the stones that made the altar. The same Elijah, praying to the same God, prayed for hours, seven times, with his knees on the ground and his head between his knees, for him to see a cloud as small as a man's fist in the sky. What happened? What was the difference?
When Elijah was declaring there would be no rain for three years, he did not break a sweat, when he was calling fire from heaven, he did not break a sweat, but when it was time to call back the rains, it took him sweat and blood to even see a cloud. What really happened?
It is the one day with God phenomenon at play. God is always with us, He is in us, we are in Him and we move and live in daily miracles. But there is always that one day with God accurrence that happens once in a while, and if you misplace your priorities, you will have to wait until the next one day with God.

Before I bring this out let me give a story. Whether is was a joke or a true story, it will still teach us any ways. One of our comedians said that one day the second president of Kenya was scheduled to visit his village and particularly his school. And because he was eloquent in speech, he was chosen to tell the president what was ailing the area and present their grievances to the government. But when he came face to face with the president and he was asked if there was any problem, he was so overwhelmed with the fact that he was so near the great man, that he forgot everything else and all he could say was, "Everything is OK, your government is great, reign forever your excellency!" Of course people were really disappointed with him.

But that is the same thing we all do. You have been waiting for that one day with God, and when that day comes, what you ask for is not what you always wanted to ask for.
God came to Elijah the first time, and gave Elijah what we will call "Elijah's first one day with God". Elijah shut the heavens that day and rain ceased. He did not break a sweat, why? Because, one day with God, you can do what would take others a thousand years to do.
The next Elijah's one day with God, came after the brook dried up. Without breaking a sweat, the flour and the oil serviced him and the family for many days.
His next one day with God, came over three years after what we called the first one day with God. Now, look at God's instructions.

God told Elijah very clearly, "Go and show yourself to Ahab, and I will bring rain"... period.
But what did Elijah do, instead, Elijah gathered the whole of Israel at Mount Carmel, and spent a whole day flexing his muscles against the prophets of baal. God wanted to give him rain, as easily as He had used him to take it away. But Elijah believed he needed to prove something first, not just to Ahab but to the whole of Israel and the baal community of worshipers. He became like us when we go before loyalty and are asked "What would you want me to do for you?" And instead of asking for something durable, we... you ask for something that will soon be over.

Therefore, Elijah had to wait for the next one day with God to do things as easily as the first, the second and the third time. Because his need to call down the fire from heaven, replaced the ease of calling down the rain.
Many people go through the same "Elijah moment". God gives you a chance and instead of doing what you were commanded to do, which would happen with ease, you instead choose to push your own agenda, this agenda will go through easily because you are still in your one day with God, but it will cost you to travail like a woman giving birth for what you were really meant to do with the moment.

As I finish, in Israel, when women were giving birth, they would kneel down and put their head between their knees and push. Elijah had to travail and give birth to what could have come through just easily if he had placed his priorities right. And after pushing seven times, for hours, his servant came and told him, "A cloud as small as a man's fist is coming out."
I don't know who I am speaking to today, may be there is something you would have done easily, if you had used your one day with God well, but you misplaced your priorities. Most of the people are travailing right now, not because God is not with them, but because they always misuse their ONE DAY WITH GOD!

I came to tell you that another of your ONE DAY WITH GOD is just around the corner. Set your priorities right, do not be over-excited, compose yourself, and you will do in that one day, what would have taken you a thousand years. But if you miss it you will have to take a thousand years to do what you would have done in that one day. If you miss it, you will have to kneel down, put your head between your knees and travail for the same thing that would have come out with a snap of a finger. My prayer is that your one day with God will always bring forth fruits of a thousand years toil, and not a thousand years toil to bring out the fruits of a one day with God.
Shalom and Keep the faith.

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Thursday, 22 February 2018


2 Peter 3:8, "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." (KJV)

There is a difference between "waiting on" and "waiting for". And so there is a difference between "waiting on God/upon God" and "waiting for God".
Waiting on/upon is serving God, you can understand it better in our age if you look at the service of waiters in a hotel. It is availing yourself to ensure another is satisfied and comfortable. It speaks of being ready to be called, to be sent, to be asked questions and to serve.

Waiting for on the other hand is stopping everything else, and remain almost stagnant until an expectation arrives. It is in other words called "tarrying".
Many people confuse waiting on God, with tarrying for God. And this is one of the things that have really frustrated many in their lives, making even some think that God does not exist. Because they tarried for Him, but He did not come.
Why did He not come?

Because God does not move. God never moves either away or closer, it is we that move in either direction. In Isaiah 1:8, He calls and says "Come, let us reason together". Therefore, while some are waiting for God, which we are actually calling tarrying for God, God on the other hand is waiting for them or tarrying for them to come.
Yesterday as I was walking through our capital, I saw a poster that was advertising the works and the solutions a certain witchdoctor does and can offer. And I said to myself, "If there is anything anybody is not getting from God, then the problem is not with God, the problem is with their belief system." Seriously, if someone can go to a wizard or a witch or a traditionalist and get all what I saw in that list, yet these have very limited power, and you cannot get a pin from God, then you need to check on HOW YOU BELIEVE. Because, He who you believe in is greater than any other force of power in operation anywhere in the world.
And one of the reasons why we are not receiving from God, and which has corrupted our belief system is that we wait for God instead of waiting on God.
Verily, verily, I assure you, those who wait for God, might die before they see Him, but those who wait on God, will see Him sooner than they expected.

I was telling some people somewhere yesterday, that I preach what I preach, well aware that it may never attract many, and well aware that those who receive it will fear sharing it. They would rather share a silly joke than share something as serious as this. But I was telling them I speak it any ways, because I am under obligation to do so, I am a slave to its source and this is the purpose of my being.
The truth is this, you cannot wait for a person unless what they are bringing is way more important than what you'd rather do elsewhere. If the president is going to drop all he is doing to tarry for you, then, you must be bringing an information or a substance that is worthy more than the country he is ruling.
I mean to say this, you wait for /tarry for someone, only because you have NOTHING BETTER to do.

But you wait on someone because you belief THEY HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN YOU. That is the main difference of the two.
Hoteliers do not open their hotel because there are no other hotels in the area, no! They open their hotels because they believe they are the best of all hotels there may be, and therefore, you have no better option of being waited on, than to come into their hotel.
Waiting on God is like opening a hotel, and believing in yourself that if God was to choose of all the hotels, He would choose mine. Why so? Because I offer the best waiting service!
Waiting on God, draws God to you.
I have taught about waiting on God in the past and I gave an analogy of the waiters in a hotel. They wake up very early, wash the premises, wash and dry the cutlery, wipe the tables and dress them, cook their best meal and then wait for customers.
Please remember, they did not plan with anybody, that anybody would come to eat their food, they did it by faith.
The problem with many of us is that we want God to commit Himself to coming first, before we can open our hotel. We say, "I will not open, because I don't know for sure if God is coming".

Waiting for God is tiring, it is one of the hardest thing to engage in, in life. And I see many of my brethren tired and weary, because they are waiting for God. And just like Jesus had warned us, there has come some in His name, who are taking advantage of those who are waiting for God. And they have made brethren even more tired because they make them run all over. Their work is to announce, "Jesus is in the East!", and people will run to the east or "Jesus is the north!" and the people will run to the north.
But those who wait on God, as Isaiah told us in the fortieth chapter of his book and verses thirty one, *shall renew their strength.*
One of the indications that you are waiting on God and not waiting for God, is by the renewal of strength. When you wake up every morning, and feel a new zeal to continue serving God even if things look the same to the physical eye. But when you start feeling fatigued, and the pangs of giving up start tormenting you, it is the high time to know that you might have abandoned waiting on God and started waiting for God.
Isaiah continues to say that, "they shall mount on wings like eagles, run and not fail, walk and not faint". Another indication of whether you are waiting on God or waiting for God, is in not being like everybody else. The eagle is incomparable with any other bird. The moment you start wanting to be like everybody else and start comparing yourself with your peers then you should know right away that you are not waiting on God, instead you are waiting for God.

Stop comparing yourself with others, their ways are not your ways, their visions are not your visions, their anointing is not your anointing and their grace is not your grace. Be happy when others prosper before you celebrate with them even help them prosper, because you are not ignorant that God will soon need you to wait on Him.
And when He comes for you to wait on on Him, what others achieved in a thousand years, you will achieve in one day, and what you will have in one day, will take you through a thousand years to consume.

All you need is one visit by God to your hotel, and He will do for you in that one day, what it has taken others a thousand years to achieve. And the achievements of that one day, will need you a thousand years to erase.
I feel like ending here today, but I still feel there is some more in my spirit. But the Bible tells me that the Spirit of a prophet is under the control of the prophet. Hence, I will choose to end here and pray that God will allow us to continue with this tomorrow, but if He decides we tackle another thing, then I pray that the Holy Spirit of God inside of you will multiply these few loaves of bread and fish I have put in your hands, so that what I could not speak, will be revealed to you.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Tuesday, 20 February 2018

The Sheep's Responsibility

Psalms 23:2, "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he  leadeth me beside the still waters." (KJV)

There is an African proverb that says, "You can take the beast to the river, but you cannot make it drink from the river". And David being a former shepherd knows quite well about this. This is why he could not make the mistake of saying, "God makes me eat from green pastures" or "God makes me drink from still waters". Because he knew that the work of a shepherd is not to make the sheep eat, the work of a shepherd is to lead the sheep to where they may eat and drink and then let them choose whether they will eat or not.
David says, "He makes me lie in green pastures"; our God is a God of abundance, He is a God of more than enough. This is why, He provides enough for you to eat and to lie on.
This calls for an entrepreneurial mind. Paul says, "He gives food to the eater and seed to the sower". This is so because, what one will receive and call food, is the same thing another will receive and call seed. The one that eats will soon be going to the toilet, but he that sows will soon be expecting a harvest.

The difference between those who progress and those who are stagnant is not in what they have received, but in what they do with what they receive.
Someone recently told me that, "If you know how to do something, don't do it for free".
Joseph used the abundance of food in Egypt in the time of drought, to make the whole of Egypt belong to Pharaoh. But the same abundance of food, made the Egyptians lose all they had to Pharaoh.
Abundance of food is what made Jacob buy the birthright of the firstborn from Esau, and the availability of the same food is what made Esau lose his birthright to Jacob.
When Jesus multiplied bread in the wilderness, the multitude ate until they wasted, but Jesus on the two recorded instances of such a miracle, told his disciples to collect the wasted fragments. The first time they collected 12 baskets. The second time they collected 7 baskets.

So, what were they supposed to do with these baskets of bread? Many people will tell me, "eat it!", these are the people with the "eater mentality". But I believe that Jesus had a "sower mentality", and He was commanding them to collect them, so that they may sow what others wasted.
In Matthew 16 from verse 5, Jesus noted that the disciples were starting to get careless and He told them, not to be like the Pharisees and the Sadducees. They had discovered that Jesus could multiply bread from a few loaves. So, they didn't care much about carrying bread.
Therefore, Jesus asked them, "Didn't you notice that I commanded you to pick fragments after every multiplication?"
Whatever Jesus was asking them to pick was a seed for the next miracle! But they did not notice it!!
The first time they collected 12 baskets, they should have counted it as 12 baskets of seed. Because they missed the opportunity, the next time the seed reduced and it became seven baskets, and the people fed also reduced from five thousand to four thousand men.
Whenever you miss an opportunity to treat a seed as a seed, the harvest of the next season is affected! If Jesus could multiply five loaves of bread, to feed five thousand, what could He do with 12 baskets of bread??

The problem with the disciples as Jesus pointed out is that they had began to be puffed up like a leavened bread, just like the Pharisees and the Scribes. The Pharisees and the scribes thought that their keeping of the law was enough to buy them a ticket anywhere, even into heaven, they were wrong. The disciples also had started developing a mentality that because they were near Jesus, they needed not invest for the future, they were wrong.
And we too in this generation may fall victims of the same predicament. Every time God gives you an abundance, it is not for you to eat and waste what is left of it. Every time you receive something, you are supposed to divide it to at least four parts.
And please note that I have not said, "four equal parts", I have said, just "four parts". It is upon you to decide the quantity of each part.

First and foremost, should be God's divinded. You should treat God as a business partner in your life. This way you will never be in a dilemma whether God is with you in something or not, if you always pay Him His divinded. Many people call this tithe, they call it ten percent. But I teach my disciples that, we are under grace not under law.
However, some have taken this, "being under grace" to mean that they should give God nothing. Which is wrong, being under grace means, that, you have a God given ability to do more than those who were under the law could. Therefore, if they were only obligated to give God ten percent, then, a person under the grace SHOULD feel obligated to give God more than just ten percent. But they should not do away with the ten percent, that would make them worse than those who were under the law. Instead, they should take ten percent as the Lowest they can give God.

The second part, should be for investment. This is what I call a seed. It should either be kept safe or in a place of accumulation. When the guy who was given one talent came before the ruler, he was asked, "Would it not have been better if you had taken it to the banks?"
This tells me that if what God has given you proves to be very small in your eyes, one of the options is to take it to the bank.
The third portion is for personal use. I don't need to explain this, we all have needs and bills, and most probably until this sermon, we have been using everything we got as this portion.
The forth portion is for charity. I must emphasize here that Charity is not giving to God, Charity is actually lending to God!
Many people ask me, "Pastor, instead of Giving my tithe in church, to the pastor, what if I go to a charity home and donate it there". By so doing, you will not be paying God His stakes as a partner in your life, you will actually be giving God a loan! Which He should pay. The Bible says, "Whoever gives to the poor lends to God", it also says elsewhere that, "God is a debtor to NO ONE,  He pays promptly and fast."

This morning, I did not come as a money expert, I am just speaking what the Spirit of God is leading my heart to tell His people. That many of us have been lying in green pastures and walking beside still waters, but we have been doing nothing about it. We have been walking with Jesus, and Jesus keeps multiplying bread and fish and none of us is doing the math of what a business empire we could create with the wasted fragments.
Imagine this, The first time, Jesus had to look for bread to multiply. After people had eaten, He told the disciples to collect what was left, expecting that NEXT time, He will not need to beg a boy to let go of his lunch box! But come next time, Jesus had to still frantically look for bread to multiply! Dear disciples, don't you get it??
This is the frustration that we are taking God through dear brethren, that every time God wants to bless you, He has to start from zero all over again, yet, He blessed you just a few days ago.

Let me end by saying this, every fruit has a seed in it, so that after you have eaten the fruit you may plant the seed! May someone capture this revelation... or if I may use the words of John at Patmos or Jesus once in a while, "May he who has ears to hear, hear what the Spirit of God is saying". Yes, He said, "ears to hear", because I have discovered that some ears are for mere decoration and to make some heads look normal, but there are those who have ears to hear.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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The Blessing

Proverbs 10:22, "The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it." (KJV)

One of the greatest breakthroughs in life is gaining the ability of knowledge and one of the greatest achievements in life is being able to metamorphose your knowledge into wisdom. But an even greater thing in life is having a God given ability to apply wisdom with understanding.

As we said yesterday, being rich or poor is determined by the occupant of your head office. You need to treat and take your head as an office, where you fire and hire with understanding. Therefore, understanding is made the human resource manager, it is he that determines who should be hired to head the head and who should be fired from the head.
There are numerous sources of knowledge, because knowledge is what can be learnt.  You can learn from books, from people, from experiences, etc., and all this becomes knowledge.
But the ability to apply the knowledge is God given. This is why the Bible says that, "The fear of the LORD, is the beginning of wisdom". It means that when you start to revere God, the moment you acknowledge that nothing is or shall ever be without Him, that is the moment you start accessing the understanding needed to apply the knowledge gained.
The opposite of a wise person is a fool. And this is why the Bible rightly tells us that, "A fool says in his heart, "there is no God"". Any person that starts to think there is no God, only ends shutting every door that may lead them into converting knowledge in wisdom. This is why most atheists sound very knowledgeable, but if you try to look at everything they are saying you reduce it to nought.

It is possible to have a lot of knowledge, but lack wisdom. Because the opposite of knowledge is not foolishness but ignorance,  it is possible therefore to be a knowledgeable fool. And this is a deadly combination.
It is also possible to have all you need to access wisdom, but still limit yourself because of lacking knowledge. We all need to know that you can only get ice if you freeze water. Therefore, you must have the water in the first place. You can only be wise, depending on the knowledge you have.
God asked Moses, "What do you have in your hands". Elisha asked the widow who was in debt, "What do you have in your house". Paul tells us that, "Out of the darkness light was born in the beginning". Jesus did not bake bread in the desert, He multiplied what was already there. The first commandment that God gave to man after creation was, "be fruitful" and the He added, "and multiply".

Because unless you are fruitful first, then there is no need to sit and expect multiplication. This is why Jesus said, "Give!" Because after you have gained the ability to give that is when, "it shall come back to you, multiplied, shaken together and running over".
People are destroyed because they lack knowledge. They sit and wait for God to drop everything from heaven without them having to invest anything. And when it doesn't happen, they blame God for abandoning them. God has not abandoned you, He is always waiting for you to bring what you would want to invest, so that, He on His side can multiply it.
The blessing of God maketh rich, so, it is not the riches that make you the blessed. And as we have continually repeated, being rich is more about a mental shift than it is about material gain.

Therefore, what the word is telling us is that, "The blessing of God, empowers your mind with positive ideas", of what to invest so that God who is a multiplier of the little you have in your hands, can come and multiply it.
Without a vision, people perish. Therefore, so far I have learnt from the Bible that there are three things that can make you perish: Sin, ignorance and mental blindness.
Because, Jesus said that He came so that those who believe in Him *should not perish.* And we have earlier mentioned that, people perish because they are ignorant, not because they are fools. And without a vision, you will also perish, a vision is an ability to create a mental picture of where you are going, it is an ability to see with your mind, what your eyes cannot see. If you cannot picture heaven and how heaven will be, then it means you are most probably not headed there. People who are going to heaven pause from time to time and think how heaven will be, they see the streets of gold, the joy, and all those things; now, that is a person who is headed there.

You cannot go to a place you don't know, or you don't have an idea of. People who continuously think of hell and picture hell, are most probably headed there. What you think of much, is what you eventually become.
Back to blessedness, We said, "Being blessed is the ability to know what ought to be done, when it ought to be done and where it needs to be done". A curse is the opposite of a blessing, It is the inability to know the right door, a misunderstanding of time that makes people end up in the wrong place.

I must finish this by saying this, being rich does not necessarily mean being wealthy, many people are rich, but very few people are wealthy. Always remember that the blessing of God only makes you rich, but it is not until you become fruitful in your riches (your God given ideas) that you become wealthy. Being wealthy is a multiplication of riches. Many people have settled in just being rich, I sit down with people and hear them pour out ideas after ideas, but that is all they do. If only they could be fruitful in their riches, then God would not fail to multiply it into wealth. Being wealthy does not come from having ideas, it comes from the application of ideas and the multiplication thereof of those ideas by God.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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The Blessing (1)

Proverbs 10:22, "The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it." (KJV)

People perish because they lack knowledge; the opposite of perish is prosper. And one indication of prosperity is being rich. Then, from being rich you advance into being wealthy.
Being rich is a mentality, being wealthy is the ability to convert what is in your mind into a tangible substance that will sustain generations.
The difference between the rich and the wealthy is that the rich work for it, while it, works for the wealthy. When a rich man dies, all he had dies with him, by when a wealthy man dies, what he had continues to service generations after him.
Another difference is that riches are made, but wealth is created. What is made can destroyed, what is created cannot be destroyed.

The blessing of God MAKES rich; God in Genesis chapter one CREATED man, this man is indestructible, this man will live forever, the only option he has is of where he will spend his forever. Then in Genesis two, God formed/MADE man, this man is destructible, from the dust he came and from the dust he returns, his days are limited, and his time is measured, he is like a flower that blooms and soon withers, he is like dew that soon becomes no more.
In Deuteronomy 8 verses 18, the Bible says, "But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get (CREATE) wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day."

The ability to create wealth is given for one purpose, the establishment of covenants sworn between God and fathers on behalf of their children.
If there is no covenant between, you and God on behalf of your children, then there is no need for creating wealth. But God does not abandon you, you still have the blessing that maketh rich.
What actually is this blessing?
Many people have defined "the blessing", but most of them agree that it means, "divinely engineered to prosper".
This morning the spirit of God dropped into my spirit the fact that, the blessing of God is actually the God given ability to know what to do, when it ought to be done and where it needs to be done.
Many people run helter-skelter looking for BLESSINGS, but the Bible tells us clearly here that it is THE BLESSING.

Now, let me teach you a little bit of grammar, and for those who know, let me remind them. That there are three adjectives: "The", "A" and "An". The difference between "the" and the others is that it indicates a specific thing something that should not be confused for another, something that you should be familiar with.
If for instance I tell you, "An animal came." It means that it could be any animal. But if I tell you, "The animal came." It means that you already know what I am talking about.
Now, the Bible says, "The blessing", it does not say, "a blessing". This tells us that it is speaking about one specific thing, that stands out and which cannot be confused from another.

One of the things that is assured of, where the blessing of God is, is that it maketh rich.
One of the indications of that you are blessed, is in your mentality. What you think of situations and circumstances. Do you say, "it is well with my soul" or do you say, "I am finished". Do you concentrate on the end or do you actually see a new beginning at every end.
Many people fear being sacked from their current job, because they see nothing else beyond where they are. This is an indication of lacking THIS BLESSING we are talking about today. You should not be amongst those who panic when they hear that your company is letting people off, you should be all smiles until those around you wonder what's up with you. Because you KNOW that if there is an end, then there is a beginning for a better thing, because the inferior MUST always pave way for the SUPERIOR.
Children of God MUST NOT and CANNOT be amongst those who say, "I don't know what I will do if I lose this job" ... tufyakwa!! (I don't know if that's how it's written, Nigerians will help me here)

And you should not go before God with a frowned face because you lost a job, or lost a contract, or lost a lover, or lost anything. Children of God DON'T LOSE NOTHING, instead, it is the inferior in their lives that gives way for the superior that is coming.
That contract you lost, it would only have made you not get a better one that is coming. That lover that went, he or she was the least you could get in the market, God just wants you to upgrade your class, at least get a better one if not the best. This is why I don't advocate for RE-DATES!!! Let them remain your friend, forgive them of course, but that should be all, if they left, let them be left. [Well, as Paul used to say, "This is not THE GOSPEL, this is just my opinion", I know people get back together and move on] But I strongly believe that whoever leaves you (and here I mean real leaving, where people go, even get new lovers, and forget you... technically or realistically. Not this other kind of leaving of "I just left but I am still around"), they are actually giving you an opportunity to get a better person than they themselves are. People that cannot stand your heat, are not meant to be fused with you!!
Let's continue from here tomorrow.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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The Psalms Of Pastore Nesh

Today, I magnify the LORD God of Israel,
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who also has become my God,
Through my grafting into His Family tree and has made me a beacon of hope.
May all who hear this glorify His Holy Name,
for the great things He has done.

Today, is the day, that the LORD has made, that I may rejoice in His Salvation,
For the forgiveness of my sin, the cleansing of my Spirit and the purging of my personality,
That through me, many may know, of how great His mercies are,
Lifting up those who humble themselves, and reducing to nothing those that exalt themselves.

Today, have I seen with my eyes only that which my ears could hear,
What some have called an impossibility, He has made unto me a possibility,
Where some prophesied defeat, He has actualized a victory,
Where many lost all hope in my Salvation, a mighty deliverance was born.

Today, no weapon formed against me has prospered in it's work,
No curse against me has had any effect, the covering of the blood of the Lamb has been my shield,
I walk in prosperity, I work out miracles, I talk greatness and speak redemption, I pronounce victory and declare what I want established,
I have power and dominion, and my boundaries continually enlarge, my tent shall I expand.

Today, I praise the LORD my God,
who has stood by the word of my mouth to fulfill it,
The same word that He Himself put in my mouth and made me proclaim it,
He has made them laugh, that only knew tears, by placing a bundle of joy in their hands,
That they may also nurse and be called mothers, that they also that thought of themselves as nought may be called fathers.

Today, I glory in the LORD that has healed many of different ailments through these hands,
Who held the rains when I wanted it to cease and brought it down when I was done,
Who has lifted me from absolutely nothing, even to dining with the great and kings,
Who has denied the great, an opportunity to take any credit in my becoming great, and has made widows, single mothers, the lowly and the have-nots partake of this blessing of seeing me become,
Who has denied those who had an automatic access to this blessing miss it, but has given it to strangers by the goodness of His grace, the depth of His knowledge and the greatness of His wisdom.

Today, I will praise you with a new song O God.
And pray that any that comes to me with a need, will not leave without an answer,
that those who come to me hopeless shall leave from off me as mighty men,
That those who believe in me as a prophet, shall prosper in the fulfilment of your word,
May all who eagerly wait from me as your mouth piece never lack a word in season.
And may their spirits be quickened to know and understand what ought to be done for the spoken word to be profitable.

Today, I and my children, praise you who changes not,
who is the same yesterday, today and forever, whose promises are in you yea and Amen.
We put our trust in you, knowing that this is just but a beginning, an indication of even greater things to come,
The wise shall tarry, hold on and see, the fools shall sneer, jeer and leave, but we that know the LORD shall tear, wear and later cheer.
And glory, honor and majesty shall be yours O LORD. Be glorified, today and forever more.
For what you have done, what you are doing and what you will do. Amen.

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Grace And Glory

2 Peter 3:18, "But grow in grace (undeserved favor, spiritual strength) and recognition and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (the Messiah). To Him [be] glory (honor, majesty, and splendor) both now and to the day of eternity. Amen (so be it)!"

Paul says, "For all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God." This is so because of the original sin committed by our parents, Adam and Eve. But now through the grace of our LORD Jesus Christ, we have been predestined and called, so that after justification we may be glorified (restored back to our former glory, the glory Adam had before he fell).
Those who have not accepted Jesus Christ are still fallen from glory, which means that they have not yet even initiated their justification that leads through grace and sanctification to glorification.

Grace must be rightly mixed with sanctification for it to breed glorification.
As Peter rightly puts it in our lead scripture today, we ought to grow in grace. And also we need to be aware that there is a possibility of also falling from grace, just like there is a possibility of growing in grace.
Many people have explained, interpreted and defined grace, and I am not here to compete with them or demolish what they have built, but to me, there is only one word to explain, interpret and define grace... JESUS CHRIST.
We are daily being confirmed into the image of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, do that He may be a firstborn amongst many brethren. We are expected to daily, continually look like Him more and more. You are supposed to look MORE like Jesus today, that you looked like Him yesterday. If there is something we need to be checking every now and then is, "How much more do I look like Jesus today, that I looked like Him... a few days ago, a few years age, a few decades ago, etc., etc."
How close are you to your crucifixion, not because of the bad things you have done, but because of the good things you have done that does not go very well with the religious people?

I have told you in the past, Jesus said, "If you want to be my Desciples, YOU MUST carry your cross and follow me", and I told you that that cross is for you to be crucified on. There are sweet stories that you might have heard, that, there is a valley and the cross is for you to use as a bridge ... well, those were just but stories to make you feel good.
It is only after crucifixion that glorification is attained. And the act of carrying the cross daily is our way if saying, we are not afraid of the worst the world may throw at us, we are always ready to pay the ultimate price.
Let's back up a little, even before we reach to the cross, growing in grace, is conforming more and more into the image of Jesus Christ.
He said, "These things I do, you shall also do and MORE THAN THESE I DO, shall you also do", in other words, He was saying, "I want you to be just like me, but even better, my desire is for you to be more than just like me, *and be me!"*
How do I know so?

Because the Bible says, "All things are possible with God", and Jesus could not do ALL THINGS in three years, He therefore left us that have more than three years on earth to not just do what He did (a few things) but do what He is able to do (ALL THINGS)! Hallelujah!!!
Now, the more you grow in grace, the more you grow in Jesus, the more you look like Jesus, the easier it becomes to transact spiritual business.

Not that I am already like Jesus, not that I have attained, not that I have attained perfection, but I am a testimony that spiritual business for me gets easier with each day. For starters, people are daily amazed by these things I write. Many ask, "Where do you get these? Where do you copy these messages from?" Many people have asked me to refer them to the site, where I get all these materials from! But do you know, I don't even sit down to think what I will say tomorrow. Did you know that I don't sit down to study and dig into what I will say tomorrow? I know some people have to sit for ours to prepare a sermon, others have to pray and fast, but like Samson, I just wake up, shake myself and destroy the Philistines!!
Tell me I have not grown in grace and I will slap you! Hahahaha, just kidding...
Another area I have discovered is in my walking-in-the-miraculous. Most of the times, I don't need to pray and pray and pray for things to work in my life, all I need is to desire it and it is fulfilled.

I have discovered that much of what I feel I have to go an extra mile to get from God is actually never a NEED but a WANT, and God has a tendency to take His time delivering WANTS but He is very fast in delivering NEEDS.
Let me give this testimony here.
I needed some money badly a few months ago. And while still in my office chatting and laughing with friends, I told God in my heart, (please notice that we were still in our chit-chat gear) "LORD I need this amount of money". Five minutes later, I heard a notification on my phone, and there in my phone wallet, someone had deposited the exact amount of money I needed. I didn't know the name of the person, so I thought it was a mistake and they would reverse it, but they didn't. As I walked home, a call came through and it was the number and I told myself, "Now here comes the reversal request".
But to my surprise, he told me that he has been silently receiving my messages and believed I deserved an offering! Then he asked me, "How can I gain the ability to hear God?" I told him, "You already have!"
He asked me "How?"

I told Him, "Whatever you felt when you felt the need to send me that money, that was God talking to you, because I needed exactly that amount of money you sent, no less, no more." He was so surprised and could not believe it. I told him to cultivate on that.
Now, falling from grace is not actually or necessarily falling into oblivion. No, it is conforming into the patterns of the world instead of conforming into the image of the Son. It is not a one day event, it is a process.

You don't fall from grace because you accidentally tripped, you fall from grace because you have continually let down your guard over time.
And you don't necessarily fall into oblivion, you just fall a class lower or a level lower. You soon discover that the things which you could do easily are becoming a little bit harder to execute. The demons that could not stand you are now asking you questions.
Now, one of the hardest thing is to restore a person that has fallen from grace back to grace. It is easier to restore a person that has fallen from glory back to glory, than it is to restore a person that has fallen from grace, back to grace.
This is why we are told to be careful when bringing back a person that fell from grace, lest they drag us with them down!

Because these people know it almost all, and they always have a theory of why things are not working as they once did. Many have very compelling scriptures, to prove themselves right in the eyes of the people. But deep within, they know that they are not where they should be neither are they where they were, they are a level lower.
As I finish, I will refer again to myvbeloved brother, Samson. When he fell from grace, he did not die immediately, he still had strength to grind wheat for the Philistines.
One of the good things about Samson is that, while down there, he discovered his mistake and started to grow again in grace. We say that his hair started to grow again.
It is possible if you have fallen from grace, for you to grow again in grace. But you must be humble and have a teachable spirit.

Because growth only comes by learning. There is a difference between growing up and growing old. In that everybody grows old, but not everybody grows up. *Age is not always an indication of wisdom, even fools grow old.* Hahahaha
Finally brethren, when you are fallen from glory, you cannot grow into glory. Don't tell yourself that, I will keep going to church and then I will change. Not, you don't grow into glory, you rise into glory. You make a decision, that, "Today, I have heard your voice, I will not harden my heart." Then you arise and shine, for your light has come! But if you fall from grace, all you need to do is to grow again in grace, through sanctification and soon your glorification will come. And the glory of the latter church, shall be greater than that if the former.

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Holiness And Righteousness

1 Peter 1:16, "Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy."

Some people think that when we preach about the grace of God, that we are encouraging people to sin. May God forbid that I may encourage anybody to sin or to start being insensitive to righteousness and the need to be holy.
There is a process between justification and glorification called SANCTIFICATION, and sanctification comes from carrying your salvation (which is your justification) with fear and trembling.

Solomon said, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom", and a few have been saved, but they have NOT BEGAN wisdom. The fear we are talking about here is not the fear of terror, but the fear of reverence. Where you always ask yourself, "If Jesus was a physical friend, that follows me wherever I go, would I still do what I am doing? Would I take Him where I am going?"
If the answer is affirmative, then you do; if it is contrary, then you refrain.
This process is called *sanctification, it is a personal effort and commitment to being holy, just like our God is Holy.
Justification is by Grace, all you need to do is to believe in Jesus with your heart and confess with your mouth and you will be JUSTIFIED; in other words, by just believing in Jesus and being saved YOU ARE MADE RIGHTEOUS, better still, you become the righteousness of God.

But glorification is by sanctification, Paul tells Timothy that in a big house are vessels of all kind, of wood of clay and of precious metals. But, your access to the room of usage is not determined by which material you are made of, but by whether or not you sanctify yourself.
There are golden vessels that will sit and watch the clay vessels being used by God, solely because, they failed the sanctification process. Please note that they are in the house, which means they are born again, but they do not work out their salvation, with fear (an inward, invisible reverence, unwavering zeal to achieve holiness) and trembling (an outward, visible and attest-able conduct).
Righteousness gives us access to the house, but it is holiness that gives us access to the table.

Ask workers who work in big houses for important people, it is not everybody who is invited to the table, it is not every worker that serves at the dining. Also in every place of work, there are different access levels. There are files and information that not every employee is allowed to know. There are rooms and offices that not every employee is allowed to access. There are some places you will try to login and you will be slapped with a notification "Access Denied" !!

And it is the same way also in the kingdom of God.
So, listen up! Yes, I said that sin in this new covenant IS VERY PERSONAL, because it is highly dependant on what you believe. But I am here today to tell you, that holiness in other words known as purity is of paramount importance.
Jesus said that, "Blessed (blessedness speaks unto the availability of access) are the pure in heart (those that are holy and pursue holiness) for they shall see God." As I said yesterday, one of the Bible's unique qualities and characteristics is its ability to speak of the past, of now and of the future.

There are people who keep asking if God really is there for them, or if God really cares, or if God really exists, etc., etc. All they need to do is purify themselves, sanctify themselves, and they shall meet God, they shall greet God, they shall see God.
And I am not talking about beyond the grave, no, I am talking of both now and beyond the grave.
Here I speak as Nesh, I have a feeling that there are people who will be allowed into heaven, but they will not see God. They will rely on hearsay and stories from others of how glorious He is.

Paul says that your works will be passed through fire. If your works are of flammable material, your soul will be saved, but your works will be consumed. It means that you will enter heaven, but you will go there empty handed. And the Bible says that Jesus is coming back, with a reward in His hand, TO PAY EVERYBODY ACVORDING TO THEIR WORK. Now, let me ask, if you are empty handed, will you really need to meet Him? What for? To waste His precious time?

Those whose works are consumed in the fire and by the fire, will be forced to stay out of the award ceremony or cheer from the peripherals.
Awards will not be given on bases of righteousness, they will be given based on holiness. For all of us are righteous through Jesus Christ, that is, if you have accepted Him. But the distinction between us is holiness and the levels of it.
One is saved yes and they profess Jesus as their LORD and Savior, but they do things that do not lift Jesus up, things that do not draw people to Jesus, things that do not give God glory. Jesus said, "If you deny me here on earth, I will deny you in heaven. People think that denial will only be for sinners being thrown to hell. But those who deny Jesus glory here on earth, will also be denied glory in heaven!

If there is something that you do that makes people say, "If that man is saved, I don't want to get saved", or "If that is what is called salvation, I would rather remain a sinner", etc., etc. prepare yourself to be a cheerleader as others receive their rewards for a job well done. No, no, no, I am not saying you will be thrown to hell, the Bible says, your soul shall be saved, but your works shall be consumed, you will be in heaven admiring others and telling them congratulations every time you meet them. And there is a probability you may never meet God face to face.

You may see Jesus because the Bible says every eye shall see Him, but meeting Him has never been guaranteed for everybody, it is only for the pure.
So, those who think that grace is a license to mess allowed need to know that there is a price to pay.
Tomorrow, I will talk about falling from grace and falling from glory, and I believe God will help us.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Forgiveness Plus Healing

Psalms 103:3, "Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases..." (KJV)

Forgiveness comes accompanied by healing and many times, when you forgive people, healing is inevitable.
Forgiving others is always more to the benefit of whoever is offended than it is to the benefit of the offender.
Jesus said, "Forgive others, do that you too will be forgiven. If you do not forgive others, you Father in heaven will not also forgive you".
But as I taught you in an earlier lesson, we do not forgive do that God may forgive us. we do not forgive as a condition to fulfill something, we forgive because we have power to forgive and to set free... we forgive because we are gods, we forgive because we are sons of God and sons carry the DNA of their Father. So, if our Father is a forgiver then we too ought to carry that gene in our system and forgive! Hallelujah!
So Nesh, what is Jesus talking about?

Of course as I told someone a few days ago, the Bible is unique in that every of its passage, addresses the past, the present and the future. Jesus was addressing a people under the old covenant, that depended on works for justification, but He was also addressing us, a people under a new covenant where we are justified by Grace.
To us, our lack of forgiveness for others does not necessarily affect our forgiveness of sins, but it affects our healing process. It creates a seal or a covering and insulates that which is troubling us, so much so, that it cannot be dealt with and be removed.
Jesus healed a blind man and his disciples asked him, who had sinned for the man to become blind from birth. Jesus told them that, it was not as a result of anybody's sin, BUT SO THAT GOD MAY BE GLORIFIED!

Some things happening to you are not because of your sin, no, if you are in Jesus Christ, YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN, but they are happening because you have refused to glorify God. And they will go the moment you give room for God to be glorified.
One way of making God receive all the glory is by forgiving others that have wronged you.
Sometimes we forgive people, but then a report comes that they have gotten into trouble. And we immediately stand to celebrate or to claim responsibility of the attack. You say, "It is because of what they did to me!" But, didn't you forgive them???
Don't forgive person and then go expecting them to be punished. When Jesus forgave His offenders on the cross, He even went ahead and asked the Father, not to punish them for what they did!

How many times do you forgive people and even take an extra step to ask God NOT TO PUNISH THEM FOR WHAT THEY DID??
That is the real forgiveness.
Where you forgive and expect your offenders to prosper. Let me show you... the guy that pierced Jesus on his side and blood and water gushed out. Historians call him Longinus, a centurion who was before the piercing blind on one eye, but when the water and the blood from Jesus touched his eye, the eye was healed! And when he saw what had happened, and when all the soldiers with him also saw what had happened, the Bible says that, they glorified God.

When you refuse to forgive, you refuse God to be glorified.
When you avenge, you take all the credit, therefore God is not glorified. Yes, do not be happy when people say that someone is going through something, because of what they did to you. Instead, be sorrowful because if it is true, then you are denying God his glory. Instead, be happy when you hear people that you have forgiven are doing well, and if a disaster befalls them, be sure to point out that it is not instigated by you, for you forgave them and asked God to forgive them. While you were on the cross, you healed their blind eye that they should see better.
This is the kind of forgiveness that will bring healing.
May God heal and restore you.
May He not just heal you, but actually make you whole, in the Name of Jesus.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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The Power Of Believing In Christ

Romans 14:23, "And he that doubteth is damned if  he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for  whatsoever is not of faith is sin." (KJV)

This is one of the most empowering verses of the Bible that I have ever read. It is one of the most liberating statements that Paul made while revealing who Christ really was to the world.
One thing it does is that it makes SIN a very personal matter. In that, you will do one thing and it will be counted as sin for you and another will do the same thing and it will be counted as unrighteousness for them.

The righteousness or sinfulness of an act or a matter is based of whether you do it within the boundaries of your faith or without. Anything you do without faith, is sin.
If I want my preaching to be an act of righteousness, all I have to do is be convinced beyond a shadow of doubt, that what I am preaching is from God and not from the flesh. I must believe that this is what God wants spoken to His people today.
For example, today is "Valentine's day" right.  And the religious people are busy reminding us where it came from, who started it, what was done then, and how unchristian it was.
A wise man once told me that the devil has a certain tendency to always dwell in the past and always want to drag you back to the past.
I don't disagree with the studies being sent all over social media, about how heathen Valentine is, but I care more about what I believe now, more than I care about what those people who started it believed then.

Through my faith, I can celebrate the person I love, buy them the same flowers that another was bought, treat them out like everybody else is being taken out, but the difference between us, what will determine who between us sinned and who didn't, will be based on our believe system!" I will do it not because it was done then, not because of any other reason, but because I believe I need to celebrate the people I love. I am not doing it to honor Valentine, I am doing it to honor God, who is love and who gives us loved ones and people to love us!
Another will do it, and it will be counted as sin for them. Why? Because they did not mix what they heard with faith.
The Bible says that the reason why the children of Israel did not reach Canaan, was because they did not mix what they heard with faith.

You can change every situation you meet for your good, if you mix it with faith.
Some tell me I should not celebrate Christmas because it was originally a heathen carnival and we really don't know when Jesus was born. When a person tells me so, I see a person who is not mixing what they heard with faith.
Should a lady wear trouser? What exactly is men-clothing that ladies should not wear? Or ladies clothing that men should not wear? What I say is that, one will wear a trouser and it shall be counted as righteousness for them, another will wear the same trouser, same material and same size, and it will be counted as sin for them. Because they did not mix what they heard with faith.

And I am not talking about people that die to righteousness; there is a difference. There is a big difference between a person who is insensitive to godliness or who has grown insensitive to godliness, and a person who has been set free by the power of believing in Christ.
The first do something that judges them, until, their conscience is suppressed to a point of judging them no more. The latter, do something under the conviction that their justification through Christ overrides every other voice that may speak or have spoken.
Now, this is the power I am talking about. This is the power that overrules any other rulership, and dethroned every other king, and silences every other voice. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds (2 Correct 10:4).

Strongholds are convictions that set limits, and create a ceiling. They are thoughts that have been memorized over and over again, until they have become a way of life. If its wall has to be pulled down and its roof ripped off, then you will have to do more than just confessing. Even salvation is by believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth. Some people believe, but they fear confessing, others confess but they don't believe. Both of these cannot experience the supernatural move of God, it is only experienced by those who believe it and confess it! Hallelujah.

So, if you believe that by celebrating Christmas, you are celebrating the birth of a certain god that was, and you go ahead and celebrate it, and all the while your heart is judging you, *thou sinneth*. But if you believe you are celebrating the day God the Father incarnated Himself into the body of a human being and lived amongst men, may your conviction override any other voice in Jesus' mighty Name, for you, there is therefore now, no condemnation, for you are in Christ Jesus and you walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.
If you go to church on a Sunday and your heart continually tells you you are doing wrong and you should be going an a Monday or a Wednesday, yet you continue to do it, *thou sinneth!* But if you are convinced that Christ is the LORD of Sabbath, hence any day can be your Sabbath, then there is therefore now no condemnation for you. I here people telling me, my boss does not give me Sundays off, so I don't go to church. I tell them Christ is the LORD of Sabbath, you are in Him and Him in you, you can make any day your Sabbath. Do not let the devil restrict you to just one day of the week! We do not worship because it is a Sunday or a Friday, we worship because God deserves worship!

RELIGION SETS THE RULES, BUT JESUS SETS FREE! Those who are in Middle East, amongst the Muslims, worship God on a Friday, in accordance to the laws of the land they are in. Now, will God refuse their worship because they are off the days set by religion? I say "NO!" God shall consider the heart, not the act. If the heart is His, then everything is His. But if the heart is divided, then nothing is His. "A double minded man" the Bible says, "is unstable IN ALL HIS WAYS". The power of believing in Christ is IN SINGLE MINDEDNESS and is nullified by double mindedness.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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Understanding The Trinity

Matthew 27:46, "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (KJV)

Many people find it hard to explain the trinity; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy. Many even some preachers cannot explain how we claim to have *one God*, yet, we mention three.
I was asked a question a few years ago, "Who is Jesus?"
I told him, "If you are asking about Jesus Christ, the He is God."
He asked me, "Really? Then, one, did God die on the cross? Why did He, who was God, cry 'My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?', Does God (Jesus) have another God, he prays to?"

At first I laughed, because I understood that I am dealing with a person that doesn't understand the Bible and doesn't understand the trinity.
What kills many of us is a need for a quick-fix, people want quick answers, they want shorter sermons, yes, many have confessed to me telling, "I don't read what you write, it is too long". Why, because people want something that they will not pay the price of! If any person generates a message of few words that says they will give free things if you send it to ten people, the message goes viral within a minute.
No wonder even preachers who want their preaching to go viral have resulted to blackmail! They tell you, "send this to ten people and you will be blessed, fail and you are doomed", and out of fear (not out of love) you will send the message while shaking and checking the watch because some even give you a time limit!

So, this man wanted me to explain to him in a fast way, why I say Jesus is God and prove to him that I don't pray to three gods.
So, I asked him, "Who are you?"
He said, "My name is Mohammed"
I asked him, "Really? Then, Who was the first president of Kenya?"
He said, "Mzee Jomo Kenyatta"
I asked him, "Really? So, where is Kenyatta now?"
He told me, "He is dead"
I asked him, "Really? Is Kenyatta dead?"
He said, "He is not dead, he passed on from his body"
He was now getting angry... and I wanted to make him even more angry. So, I asked him, "ah! So, there were two Kenyattas? One died and another passed on?"
He first called me a fool, then told me that, he is speaking about a spirit and a body. He even explained to me how a spirit and body works, even told me that the spirit is actually the real person inside the body! "When he leaves", he told me, "the body is just a shell, and people say, 'so and so has left'".
I asked Him, "Can a person be born without a head and survive?"
You know, when a person posses as the wise, yet they are fools, the only way for them to learn is to make yourself a fool and teach them from a fool's level.
"Of course not!" he said.
I told him, "Now see? You have answered yourself!" He asked, "How?" now surprised.
I told him, God created man in His image. Just like man exists in three, body, mind and soul, so also, does God who is one exist in God the son, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.

God the Son is the visible God, because, He is God in a body. He is called the Son because He is God's idea. Just like Adam was God's idea and he became a son of God when he was created.
And idea was conceived and brought forth, in other words it was born, and hence it becomes a child... because it is born.
From Genesis to Malachi, we just see God the Father and God the Holy Spirit at play. God is a Spirit, and for a spirit to operate on earth, it needs to inhabit a body. And therefore, an idea of having a body for God was conceived and brought forth through Mary!
*Any idea you conceive and bring forth is your child*, I have brought forth the idea of this ministry, it is my child and my son.
When the body of man ceases to function, two things don't die with it; the mind and the spirit.

Man is a spirit, his ability to function is in his mind, but for Him to function on earth he is put in a body.
God is a Spirit, His ability to function is in His mind, the component we call the FATHER. The name "father", means the source. The Father is the mind function of the Spirit of God, from where all things emanate.
Just like it is your mind that says, "I need to do this", So it is, with the Godhead, it is the Father that decides what ought to be done and the spirit executes through Christ who is the body that carries them.
This is why Jesus said, "Pray to the Father, in my name and you shall receive". People confuse these three, some pray to Jesus, in the name of the Father. Hence, they don't receive.

You are supposed to ask (pray) from the source (the Father), in the name of Jesus (The visible) and you will receive (from the Spirit of God), into your spirit (the invisible you), who will give an idea to your mind (the source) and your body will translate the spiritual gift into a physical tangible things! That is the sequence.
The Bible says in Deuteronomy 8:18, "It is He that teaches you HOW to make wealth."
When you pray right, things don't fall from heaven on to your table, they fall from heaven to your spirit, from your spirit to your mind, from your mind to your table. God the Spirit will teach your spirit, what the mind of God (God the Father) has in-store for you through Jesus. Your spirit will teach your mind what to command your body to do, to make wealth.
Back to the cross as I finish.
Who died on the Cross?

It was Jesus, the body that carried the mind of God (God the Father) and the Spirit of God (if you can remember Jesus saying, "The Spirit of the LORD is upon me...").
Jesus cried, "My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?"
Two things happen here but people don't notice it.
"The Father" (the source/the resourceful) part of the Godhead was the first to vacate the body. Because had He not done so it was just a matter of time and things might have turned. The Father had the ability to command the Spirit to turn things around.
So, when Jesus is saying so, He is actually asking, the source of all ideas of creation, why and if He has really decided to go silent on this one.
It is like when people know for sure you can give a great idea, but you decide you will not do it. I did electrical engineering, and sometimes, an electrical fault occurs near where I am and I just sit in the dark. I would be right if someone asks me, "Nesh, Nesh, why have you left us?"

The second thing that happened is that the Bible says, "He gave up His Ghost". In other words, the Spirit of God on seeing that the Father was not about to issue a command, He too exited. And thence, the body, the shell, was left on the cross.
Paul says, "That I may know Christ and the power that raised Him from the dead". Raising Jesus from the dead was "simple". All that needed to happen was, The Spirit of God to come back to the body.

Who moved the stone from the tomb? Who rolled the big stone away?
Some people say it was the angels, but I believe that the Mind of God came back to the body, and the creation ideas started flowing again through the body of Jesus. Ideas that moved mountains and trees, oceans and dry land... must have seen moving the stone away as a small fete.
Shalom and keep the faith.

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