Wednesday, 31 January 2018
Romans 8:1, "THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit." [Amplified Bible]
The word "freedom" is made up of two words, "free" and "domain". Free insinuates "lack of restrictions or boundaries and fences", while domain is "an area of jurisdiction and or influence".
Somebody told me that miracles do not happen in an atmosphere of guilt. Any person that expects a miracle from God, must approach the throne of God with confidence that whatever he or she wants will be availed. Guilt is a limitation, it is a conviction that you fail, if weighed with the standards of those that should receive. Most probably because of something you have done, or have not done.
Many people even after believing in Jesus do not really understand the meaning of believing in Jesus. They claim to believe in Jesus, but still want their righteousness to count for something.
And by so doing, they limit their ability to walk in the miraculous.
I have talked about this in the past, but I will still repeat it again. God had a conversation with Abraham before He went to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. And Abraham was asking Him, "If you found such and such a number of righteous people in there, would you still destroy the cities?" And God said, "even if I found one righteous person, I wouldn't destroy the cities".
Now, the reason why you are not destroyed, the reason why we move in miracles is not because of us, it is because there is a righteous man in us called Jesus! He is the one righteous man in this wicked city called us, and becausecof Him I will not be destroyed!
Jesus told Nicodemus, (John 3:18) "He who believes in Him [who clings to, trusts in, relies on Him] is not judged [he who trusts in Him never comes up for judgment; for him there is no rejection, no condemnation–he incurs no damnation]; but he who does not believe (cleave to, rely on, trust in Him) is judged already [he has already been convicted and has already received his sentence] because he has not believed in and trusted in the name of the only begotten Son of God. [He is condemned for refusing to let his trust rest in Christ's name.]" [Amplified bible]
We are not saved because we go to church on a Sunday or a Saturday, we are not saved because we pray so much. We are not saved because we have been good boys and girls. We are saved because we trust in the LORD with all our hearts and do not lean on our own understanding.
When people see miracles happening through my hands, some are tempted to ask me of my spiritual life. How often do you pray? How long and often do you fast? Do you err? Because they think that God is using me like that because I am always right and always on the right side. And they are not being used like so, because they fail so much.
I came this morning to tell you to trust in the LORD and lean not in your own understanding!
When I lay my hands on the sick, I do it with the confidence of whoever is in me.
The Bible says, "My people PERISH because they lack knowledge". If any witchraft is going to bring you down, it will not be because of anything else, but because you lacked knowledge.
Some people tell me, "may be this is happening to me because I sinned!" That is a lie from hell! It is happening to you because you are allowing it!
One day Jesus and His disciples were crossing the sea in a boat. A strong came and the boat almost capsized. All the while, Jesus was sleeping!
Many of us, you lives are almost sinking, and we are busy trying to save ourselves. We keep saying, "may be it is because I am a great sinner", we want to lean on our own understanding. May be it is because of what I did last year, may be it is because my grandmother cursed me, may be it is because my father died angry with me... we are trying everything else, but non of us is trying to wake Jesus up!!!
All you need is to wake Jesus up, all you need is to stop leaning on what you know and lean on Jesus instead.
Then you will join the domain of those who know no restriction. You will come into a jurisdiction of those who have no boundaries or fences around them.
The Bible says, "Samson woke up from the bed of a prostitute, and took the gates of the city with him up to the mountain".
Today, it will sound like I am encouraging lawlessness, but those who hear the Spirit of God will hear me. Samson was not bound by guilt, and therefore it did not matter the side of bed he woke up from, he would just rise up and move in the miraculous. He could not be restricted.
What destroyed Samson was not what he was doing or not doing, what destroyed Samson was his allowance of the devil into his territory. As long as the Philistines didn't know about the hair, Samson was good to go. And this is the same mistake many of us do and then blame everything else apart from it. It is we that allow the devil into our domain, the domain of no restriction, and when he comes in his first task is to cut off our freedom and put restrictions.
I came to tell you this morning that if ever you feel restricted, it means that you are leaning on your own understanding. Are you seekingca spouse and you feel like you are out of options, stop leaning on your own understanding. Are you looking for a job and everything looks hopeless, stop leaning on your own understanding.
There is therefore now no condemnation, no restriction, no boundary, no fence, if you are in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is in you. Stop walking in the flesh and walk in the Spirit!!!
Shalom and keep the faith.
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